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Show VAe Salute Eaourtton. Tbe eicurilo rnn from thit county to Ballair Wednesday waa a giod barvett for tbe Union Pacific, for nearly BOO people peo-ple went on the trip. Tbree hundred ticket! were told at the ttatlon btr and nearly all wbo got on at Wanvhlp bad to get tlcketi at Ecbo. Ai ututl tbe D. P. did not Inrnlih enough can to accommodate accom-modate tbe people and many bad to atand all tbe way down and back. Beven cart were uied and ever y one wat packed. On tbe return trip tbree can were twitched off at Echo and all had to Jam into the remaining four can. Ol courae all the peop'e were t ied out when they reached home at 1 o'clock at night. Tb nip waa made without accident aud all report having had a go-d time. Tbe batbiug waa exi'ellrul and nearly everytiodv had a lath in tb brine water. The excurtlou wat a gteut loc-ceea loc-ceea but everybody ere railing a big kick over the rotten treatment they received re-ceived Irom the U. P. |