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Show i I ! TALF. OF KUTTKRDV3 KID I I Old mnn Mutterhy hated Itoh. And Hob. he eiually hated him. And as each was onto hPs shooting Job, It seemed thnl some one's show was slim. For from Hutterhy's ranch to Rob'e borne plnco Wna a mile or so, end that was all; Ho the boys all said, aa llicy viewed the raso: "I rockon the Coioner'll git a call." Well, Bob and llutterhy met one day 'Teas a thing, of course, they were bound to do Aud earn ot them put a tree In his way, And then, you bet, the bullets flew. Hob's arm stink out, aud ho got a Ik.I1 Might whre Its passage was bound to hurt, And old man Itutterliy bad a call From a bullet that Injuieil the elde of hie shirt. llut they stuck to their trees as II they were glued, And they hurlod some names that that are not In the books. "Come out!" said Hob, and bis tone wna rude, "You dnssenl," said Iluttorby; "dern your looks!" And the sir wss full of bullets and fllrgs. And sd jet Uvea dire of a rod hot brand, And they knew that Death on his misty wings Was walling about to take a band. "Come out," cried Dob, "you cowardly cow-ardly curl" For bis shoulder bnrned and kls thoughts were hot f A Inugh rung out where the buatisa I were, s And Into the open tliore atraywd a i tot. i A wee little tot with curly hair, 1 And eyes with dreams In thef ; blue depths bid k The fairest thing on the mountain ' there. f And her lauehlcr was eweet It waa ( llutterhy s kid. if Her eyes met Hob's, and she laughed astsln r As she toddled straight to the tree f where he etood. "I've lost my dolly," she sail, "but, J . sen. I' I dess 'at nn'll And It; I 'pose 'at ! oo could." r Hob kissed the babe, and be left the tree. . "Rhtsit If you please," be oiiod, "dern yon' , There's a Job right here that Is caJllo' Raid llutterhy then: "I'm damned If I do!" , There Is peaca to day on Dulterby's ' hill. There la peace In the home and the heart of Hob, And the sounds of strife are bushel and still. And the Coroner yet Is minus a Job, I don't go much on cussing and smch, llut I hope the angel the record hit Of Hutterhy's oath, or, with gentle louch, Wrote only: "Forgiven because of Iho kid." Alfred J. Waterhouse In New Turk i Tlnios. |