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Show ! UTAH STATK NEWS. j Bprlngrlll will soon b lighted 5 With electricity. j Ephralm la tu hair electric lights, i. i the clly council being empowered to mnke all arrangcmcnta. Tho commissioners of Ann PttO county Ini.l week raised tlio Ul levy fnro 7.6 mllla In I I mills. Th Salt Ijikn honrd of education haa decided ti abolish corporal pun lehmont In (hit public achnol. Thi-ro ari 1S.9H7 echool children In Salt l.nkn f'lljr, according to the census cen-sus Just completed, 7.hOH hoys and 1.1 1 girls. 1 Thlrtin carloads of residents of Itulto and other Montana towna camo Inln Halt I.ako n Sunday on their annual excursion. The town nf lliuitavllla became an Incorporated rtty Innt week, and at Ui election all the officials elected wor Republic!!. Tho dutn of the fliatn Toaehors' aa-oclatlun aa-oclatlun haa been chained from September Sep-tember .10 to October 1 to 1. tho plana of mooting being Suit Lake City. A. E. Wakonian; Salt take clerk, waa arrested Inst woeg on the charge of erabazilomonL Ha waa caught In Ui act through th agency of marked cnlrn. While following In clrciia paradn In H ilt l-nko City, lloh .rt Howells got oiio foot miiU'r th wheels of one j of th uiouiitist cagea, tho member , being badly crushed. B lit lnko ofllrnra are mill bunting for au accomplice for Mrs. Hmtgn, But believing that the niurdiircd pod-1 dlcr It). in without asiUtanco, although he declare she did. Edward Anthony, employed by th Salt I-aka street car company, met drain oil Sunday, being crushed between be-tween two car while engaged In bla duties aa a car cleauer. "Word wa lucelved fnm 1oa An-role" An-role" lnt week that the contrncta VieiitTanvardefl foMh construction of the Milt Ijike route between Cal-lento Cal-lento and Daggett. Cal. Th board of dlroclora of th Rio Orando Western baa authorised th xtonnton of the Maryavale branch to tho Irou drpoalla of Iron county. Preliminary Pre-liminary work wa bettnn hut weak. Th thrcnyuerold noli of Mr. and lire. John K. Madura of Mt. Pleasant, while pitying with lualrhca ei't Ita clolhlnjr on lira and was ao srvorely buniiMl that death re Killed In a fuw hour. P.irthn H'lrennon cf Mt. Plrnsanl wo thiown from a buruy Innt wick while driving along g rotit;h roud, ber collar end hriviHt botin being broken, while ehe suntalned othur sovero Injuries. In-juries. Thnro were nuuibnr of people In Mt. Plteisnnt last week who caino fnirn the aouthern couutloa In I'tah. . and veu from Arltona, a illnlmicu of 2n0 miles, fur th aol nurpos of aoolng th circus. Chnrloa II, Marklnnd, mantiKer ol ithe I'onklln aumplliig works, was found In his rooms In Halt l ake City ono day Uit week hovering bntwoen life and deitti aa thu result of A doso of mori'hltio taken with eulcldul Intent, In-tent, bee nine of III health and buut-ue-ia troubles. He will rucovor. The pollen are In aosreb of woman wo-man who hu been plying ft peculiar vocation In Bill Ijiko t'lly. She would cll unon a woman and toll her she could repair tuT "switch" at rellcv nloiiHly low prlce.1. ' She would secure se-cure the victim's hack balr and fall to return It. A number of woniuu wvro thus vli-tliultoit. , Philip Cm hlily, atranRer In Silt IjiUo City, was picked up by ft po-llreninn po-llreninn and sinteured to ten Cnya 1 for driinkeiiueiia. It now oppcirj the ; mnn wau itellrluus front Illness and i his ch:ini-e8 of recovery are very f siuull, 4 Fred I- Thomas, ft phirninclst em- . 1 ployed In ft Siirluvlllo driii;:lnro, wai- " i finiiul de.id In leil one uioruln l;i-,t i Week. It mpei" l o hail t lk -u eu:l u 1 mmlii-!ilo to lellivo pill,, v.hhh bud arT'-rixl bla hetrt and cu.,id Uta . i death. ' Mm. (lllhert McClirg U tho win ner of thu ju prl-e for the he t imIo i ou Ii i Ib itlnn oflered by I'm board of control of tho lrri;tlon con,;rci.n. J. t T. (iooilKlu of H lit l.aku and Mho 1 Jem M:icmlllun of Clj-.d-'ii wero clie j SCCUUilS. A criKik wns arre ted In Hi!t 1 uk" City hut wei'it who had I1I.1 p.irkt. full of l.ii;ll.i flllUti.tU. hut oii-..t t tho demmilu ilton tnere'n nut e, ir.j Ii-"I lo In thin se-tlj-i tint lire h:.i ' lo h'ivu bi-i-u "U'iu hi" ty tlif t:j 13 turl'Jller. 1 I |