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Show WIDOW OF SENATOR WEDS. Mra. Cuabman K. Davla Married to William Hunter Doll. Tho grenteat aurprlao haa been cauaed III otlli 1.1 and society clrclos In Washington by tho weihllng of Mrs. CiiHhman K. Davis, the beautiful widow of the Into Henator Imvla of Mtnneaot-i. and Wllllnm Hunlor Doll, of Wnfliliigton. While Mrs. Davla aa ahrond after the death of her talented husband cabin ca-bin dispatches slated that she was betrothed be-trothed to Dou Ahnzua. formerly Hpunlwh minister to thoao colonies now In poaaoaslon of the United Htntea. Hhfl met him at I'arla when she ac-couipanled ac-couipanled her tnlenled husband to that city for the sessions ot the l'arls Peace timmlaalon. Thla report gained wide currency before It waa finally denied uy Mra. Davla, and waa ho-llove.1 ho-llove.1 In tha official clrrlea In which Mra. Davla moved. Many, however, who knew Mra. Davla most Intimately, doubted the atory, and asserted that sho would never marry again. Their theory seemed to be borne out when Mrs. Davie returned from abroad and began the task of compiling her late bus-hand's bus-hand's writings and letters. In thla work aha waa aaalated by Hlahop HurBt of tho Methodlat Kplaropul church, who waa an old aud eatcumod friend of Henator Davla. At that time, denying a former report re-port that alio had chosen i'arla for her permanent residence. Mra. Davla aald: "Nothing la farther from my thoughta. I ahall live In the home on H street, whore I had exported to apend auch a pleasant winter wllh my husband. My Intention of making Washington my official home la In accordance ac-cordance with my late husband's wlahea." But Mrs. Davla later left the residence resi-dence In II. street that waa so full of associations and memories and removed re-moved to 13 S street. Northwest. It waa bore, In the parlors ot her new home, that she was married, the Kov. Mr. Dunlap of Ht. John's church of-flctstlng. of-flctstlng. That Mr. Doll waa a friend ot Mra Davis haa been known to Intimates of both for yeara, but that there was anything of romance In their acquaintance acquaint-ance la revealed for the first time by their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Poll will make their home In Washington. |