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Show uaaaa ta ' ' Oraaa Creek, Ang. IS, 1003. j Koitob Tiaa' The mine worked five day laat week. A grand hall waa glea bar laal Friday Fri-day eveaint. i J. CI. Carrulh baa reaumed hi work ' acaln al the mine, alter a week' layofT. John lladdow, John Lord and aon, Ittiber, ol "pring Valley recently com ! anented work at tbe mine here. 1 C. R. llanrork of CoeJvill did tome , work at tb llm kiln laal week, ' John F.. I'ellit returned to llanna, 4 Wyo., laat week, taking with him Wui. Craig. Quite a number of ear people were In Coalville tl i a week transacting buat-ee. buat-ee. . At tb meeting here laat Sucday after ' anon Elder J. l. Itarber of Coalville, i Auioa Sargent of llotelll and Elijah ' Turner ol lb it place were th apeaker. , Improvement are lielng made on a number of lb dwelling owned b) the company. |