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Show LIGHT HEARTS AND HEAVY j There have always bean men Ilka Thoresu end St. Francis who believed, be-lieved, says the London Spectator, that property brought with It a heavy heart, and who have refused, as did the American philosopher, to be "hsr-nessed "hsr-nessed to his possessions." 8t Francis Fran-cis "cast aside every weight" that he mleht froe himself from "Idle sorrow." sor-row." He and hla first disciples "loved nothing earthly; they were secure se-cure In all places, troubled by no fears, dlstiacted by no cares; they lived without trote'ile of mind, waiting wait-ing without solicitude for the coming com-ing day." Kt. Francis In the fastnesses of the Italian hills slrglug Fremli hymns among the highway robbers in his whimsical lightness of heart mskes a strange picture. Ho kno French badly, but It seemed to him the language lan-guage of gayety. The runnier "f tho l'ranciiirani, though wu aru told thai ho pusreased what was quaintly called the gift of tears when perlurm-lug perlurm-lug his devotions In his call, was never nev-er seen abroad without a amllo, uultli- I er would he tolerate any apnearaaoe of heaviness In his followers. He I rebuked a brother to whom a dejected deject-ed manner had become habitual, Bay-It' Bay-It' g: "My brother, repeat thy sins la prlvato and do not appear before the community thus downcast. Wo aro Inclined to think that tboee who make their living provided It le s fairly cood one lu the sweat of their brow huvii lighter hearts than those ' who muke It In the sweat of their brain. The high spirits which acm ' to be enjoyed by domestic servants ' to Judgo by the rounds which come upstairs are a rase In point Dusting, Dust-ing, scrubbing and plate cleaning seem to weigh on the heart far loss , than doctoring, Juiiinullsm or the I study of law or theology. Too often ' spirits are broken by overwork or by ,' disappointment In the wild struggle ' to succeed which Koes on smong pro fossloital people. Certainly In tbe lit- y ernry world Unlit hearts aro generally general-ly hist eirly, yet the light-hearted i ( man of tellers, though be le rare, is L the most stti active of all light hours- t cd men. t |