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Show U. S. SENATOR F ROM SOUTH CAROLINA . Itccomracnd3 , Pe-ru-na ) Fof Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble. l r f$iy " -t . t i: '-- '$ 1- J! If yon do not deriva prompt ud aatra factory raeulta from tha um et Parana, writa M ooca te Dr. Hartaaaa, fivinv; a full etatemeat of yomt caea and ba will ha j plaaead to gir you him valtubla advice i gTatia Addna Dr. Hartmat Praaldenl of Tha Uarimaa Saailarluia Col um baa, O. Catarrh of the Stomach it Generally Called Dyspepsia Something to Product Artificial Digestion Diges-tion Is Generally Taken, Hence, Pepsin, Pancreatin and a Host tt Other Digestive Remedies Has Been Invented. These Remedies Do Not Reach tho - Scat of the Difficulty, Which is Retlly Catarrh. EX. U. S. Senator 11. C titular from South Carolina, was Sonaior froin that state for two terra. In recant re-cant letter to The Firuna Medlcina Co., from Waxhtni'tcn. I. C mti! lca recommend Perunm fordyu pepnim mmd BtomSi.li tenable, I bmi-e beem anl nit your medicine far m thori period tmd I feet very mttch relieved, it ia indeed m wondorfnl medicine be iMm a good tvMic "-M. C. litulor. Tha only rational way to cura rivipepe.A ta to retnova tha catanh. 1'eruua cures catarrh. J'eruna doa uot prtxfur narttfinul diffratioa. It cures catarrh and leave the stnraacli to perrorra diction to a naiurwl way. This la vastly better aad Baler ranortiag to artificial mathuds. I'vruaa aa cured mora can of 1yt-1 pliia than all othar remad.ta oombiaad, 1 urn ply bacauta It curca catarrh wherevor , located. If catarrh ia located ia tha hwl. Peruoa care It. I! catarrh baa fattened it naif ia tha throat or bronchial tubae, r una raise It. When catarrh becomes attlad la tha atomaiia, Peru a curea it, aa wall la thi lo.aiK.tt aa ia aay other. leruaa la aot ana ply a romedj for dr Kptta, Peruaa is a catarrh remedy, run cure dypeptia becaua it is coax co-ax ail y dependeat ujion catarrh. ISicl(,Mervbus lferRSSl AU1CKLY CURED BY ParoggJ souZmtYkmEKV':- 10? It -T.yP-V, ..;-Vfo, nt ALL HALLOWS " i V k?Z$4sft$.l'l COLLEGE S i" .; ,M ' t ' " "' ' ' .? f"i if t; 1')!.."" nu.lMl. nvmHil and ii i t 11 '"NlV", ' "'. Kor lur.a.r p. i J )u-ufcw '1 'aLL" V : U"'r" 1 j-th' i mj;ccmt, 1. 1., tm. OiTinilll--IV(n.1l'tn TbiwuTun. K; . ;.1 (n-H,.,nl,.l4. ftud Ml Mvt.ua mu i-JH ' 'J',y H...TrtIi'V"r. WrM. fo rrM JlL. e 1 tal.l Hnn HMHlUiUin rr. va,u. w. auua.fc VVeak Men I Poy When Cured Ekwm j' Vk,i ,',"r",',' t'wrJ.vswn'K'tuVtiff rul.AiH iiK4-ca u.iuu. a.iwa fxtwa, ua .11 wh.iiii ZaoiM.r. Ikuuiatiwil ' iuaiUf l a. fc a U. DRS. SHORES & SHORES. Specialists. " m ::.":r: FREE TO WOMEN! f W.J-J5 l-ll.i Autlaaaila wa aill ,f ,,, ,' I .... D.i.ll a larga IrtJ aoka ! J, r K .lul.ly tr. TliUIo.)l all tnrtftmin.ttoa anil dnw;tinr". wori.lr;ul at a alranlu. valnJ ilwurtii', rur-im iiir't natal i uitfalilliM UiaMicthT t'i"' ul)l. llaiorJ "liilllhT lmalal. nr " p.lpld b a. 0 , tana, kmiVil. l ,afacla iarainaii. 1 luit U. l-AXTiiN 1:0., Boilun, Maaa. 114 culuauuua Ava. "ir.?2iwilJ I Thompson's Eye Water ! SHEET MUSIO FREE ftS!. "Onlj a Oaraatlaa." Oraal JaiiUr aa, 10a. Whan Antvuarlns AdvarllitmanU Kindly Mantlon Thl Ppr. f W. N. V., Bait LiKi-Wa. 83, IB03, i 1 "AN HOKRAT BANINtl PdVUOBa) AT AN HUNHttT l-MIt." THREE CROWN COiTt.tO BAKING POWDER aita per Poad HEWLETT BROS. CO. Orusitaass Cured Tia KKI I.F Y TIIKATMKNT. tstliar4 laan u ti.i ohiv rwhiy rii.i ia :uuti. mu'IU .:mu hi Yuutuawl u.j Av. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE 1W w. j. UmjU II tALI tA..t C.Tr, VIAH. .,,,u).J. Cheap Paeerneer Rates Via "Santa re flout." To Poaton, nalllineie. MluneniMilla, Oelrolt, Atluiia and ciber .,.lm. For particulars. KM..-., c. .- -nrren. tlenornl ArM. A. T. H F. tv.. 411 Dooly Hlock.Bali l.nl.e Cllv. i;tah. PoUI Convenience. One of Ihnlaient uppiu a'lnna of the ponny-ln theilat prlnci,,!,. , re,,rtod from Auatra.la. In the pontonicea ef the commonwealth, it time or opir-tunlty opir-tunlty does sot pnnlt tho prompt purchase of I stamp, the person In a hurry Is able te drop his letter lato one eirlRce 1 the mochlne and hie penny Into taa ether, and when tala proceaa U ceaisl.ted. "Ono penay paid." will b. lound Impressed aa Ike envelope aa sa sulva;ut to the or Uiodoz staaie. WAS TOO FAR DOWN. Y.ung.t.r's N.ckel Not at the Moment Av.llab:.. Senator Sibley, the famous trotting horse breeder, had taken tils family to the county fair and waa walklnr about the grounds surrounded by his veui.gsters of which he haa some thing lesa than a doren when he felt ene ot them tugging at Ills cattails Aa he turned the youngest, a lad of atx. Implored his father to buy him a toy balloon. 'Muy It yourself." said the wealthy Pennsylvanlan. "Waere'e the aleaol I gave you a moment age?" "if. lots my neck." "Well, shake it eat," said Mr. Sibley. "I can't." sobbed tke little shaver; "It waa tn my aiewth when It went daw." New Term Tlsaes. A Fearful Thought tatellhyenre that a younx woman baa ckaaed Sir Thomas I.lpuin Into a corner cor-ner and kteeed him several time will exalte tea haunting dread thai the eap lifter may yet be aeen prowling areata d tke eauatry emulating the oeoauUory perforaseare of Richmond Pearaoa II. Ma. It waa the aame kind W ex perleae that started that hero on bis devaatattag career. Of MEREST TO SPORTSMEN. KZZZXX ,n , Uitaa to be alnwi la tbe way of.... . t ,. b a-Si bUMS. SirLES. PISTOLS, AMWUMITION. FI5UIN0 TACKLE. CENFRAl SPOKTINO, CAUPMH1 and OUIOIIllg GUUVS, asouafang PNUTOUPSPHIC and BAatHALL tUP-PLItS, tUP-PLItS, CYCLE SUNUKIfcS, mo. II n) lall ol Ihe latest goods and lowest peloei and U PRCK FOR Tetel ASKING. BROWNING BROS. CO. ,4"g,ao:ruTTeAWHr'- Supreme Court Sustalne tha Foot Eae Trad. -Ma-k. iimta . Y J.'lc Lanehltn tn .linen.. Omui Ii. rim.i4 . .i..a..rm I....r..-1K'H null iu a,k,.i '' b'"1'," n1"1 "' y" tfwi"Jt!"nIimer Vl'fi.HuiU-r'VlMi eu'i't Uai bn Lnrk " I ! " M." I. Atlim M. 0...ail., mt htm uAr-n-rit ul rrt. '-.a all InmlM llakM wIm l. " aoa,.. W, .r.t Vf lla llu.,-1., - Kn--"a.orr.l.liir Si .k..l ir.ikrt v.rfr.Ht In tL Va-- 'II. I. .!. nirl a lam m 4n1 la hnU.Ll,.r a. Ititom an.t ,.f the r".e Im, ' Vnai-K a M.i. hv ...Ua will Im Se.m h aM.tnat nli.f, v. he am BMW InlluglM oa Ik. JTuae kut Ua4a-S.aia ItaJiUk Sane Man, if A Chlc-ro man wants to borrow a 19 lock cannon, set K upon tbe tog ot Pike's Peak and send a projectile Into spare to ejiiaet the KewtoaUn theory of gravltaXlon and tap Ui reservoir res-ervoir of electricity, which he says exists above the earth's atinospherte envelope, lie thinks the cannon ball. If a mattiet. will not come bark lo earth, but will remalo In tho electric reservoir, and be nipecta to draw me limited power down through a wire attached to the hall. If Newton was mistaken and modern sien of scloneo all wrong In their Ideas of the enn-Btruclloa enn-Btruclloa of the universe and Uie movements of the planets, the Chicago Chi-cago man la not cr:t7.y. I air. TS'lnelowni aeottiina Mrce.-T Mrce.-T el.l;.rmi I. -o.u.. -if u- II.. ...... rr.l. m ta. Oajuo,aiayt.,a.l. pain, cum. lu4 uau:. avi UutOw For Study of Electricity. An appropriation of i:76,o0 for a New York state electrical laboratory at Union College, Schenectady, la ice-ommeudod ice-ommeudod by a commission appointed to determine the necessity for such an Institution. The laboratory Is to supply sup-ply Information 011 questions of electrical electri-cal science, and au oltlrlal standard for electrical measuring Inalruinenta and apparaiua, toKother with stnnd-arda stnnd-arda for electrlo wiring of buildings for the protection of municipalities and tha general public. Germany haa sues an Institution. LATTER-DAY SAINTS' UN1VER-SITY SAlT IAKS OITV. UTAH. Tenty (nraai Nil-ntino. t.'laaalral. Nor-ai.l. Nor-ai.l. KIli.l.rsarieslV.niMtjsArlfc ala.-nalili- b,hSMpl!ir. '"lOttimmi. Trlear..f. HJI. l.ae.at.. hllt.iill.i... 1,r.iu....j-ill.iii.n a iro. iluil, ol ''J'o' 'i";VJ, oV'.rn.'l'i Wriu. "rhr'onlaVr'll'i'" l'i"."' '' o.,u..lu .u.luca il-ea u.at are ay a U !' w. j"1VA.;u''l-i. D.,l.a.in,. BACKACHE. yf?l? ! ' im&m i ' ltiK-kiirlia In a forerunner rtnrl ono of tho inoHt romtiion aynip-toma aynip-toma of Vldney trouble And Wimih ll-)liiceliieiit. 1 READ MISS BOLIMAN'S EXPERIENCE. " rkilnn timo agtt 1 au in a very weak condition, my work made me nervous au.l luv I.1..T1 ached frightfully all U10 time, au.l I bad terrible head, ache. ' Mv mntlier rot a bottle oT.yr1l K. I'lnklium'a V,itnfoblti'l ora-VMniltl ora-VMniltl lor me, and It ecemed ta aLnnik'tlicn my back and help silt i once, aud I did not get ao tlrctl aa before. 1 continueft l. take It, and II brought heulUi ami strength to me. and I want to thank yon for the) (root! tt baa done m." Mtsa Rat ltotXMAW, WL'iid bi. A Wale Ave., New York l;lty. iMoet'flt .rleaa esea. alter erene enaaeieaaaa awwt a.faaiiie Lydln Ii Flnkbnm'a VegeUMa Oomrmiind cures bcause) It la tlie) grrnt-t known remedy fow kidney and wanib trouble. Kvnry woman who Is purxled altout Iter coiulltlon ahould writ) to Mrs. rhikJiniu at Lj 00, Maaa, and tell Ivor all. cnatrtxLtD to nsr a cbhtch pos fkiiit months, doakts siuney mlis CLar.u Has. r. coni.in. CAkniiNiALr., hA. Mrs. P. C-nilka, Su (Ireen- i. ' .1 wna Bonn shin to wnux, A4 tt 1.1 A'r.ua, f'ailv...l.l., , tl. en.l ot Iwrt wea. Ik. ra.aax: I a.rrir.t-1 on h 1 y'i.t. Jn. --a- I. " Imii.aln ti.v B ,.. I.IV Wtm t.ka..k anl, il.-.u Own i f, JT t ZyOd75 ). I l..,d c fl-il tha tr... fens ! wtrf:- M '"""Ti'n' '"' i"'n 'n Vi.sir.oai Uwavauaia v. J "H'J- '."in? f,',i rrfHi ! t:.'"'!" "- u.l.i-r ti.d nor .tial.'h.tn 'l i.-e n.re-el urhaa wtt up to u.r lull h.-.i-i.l. .1 if . P.O. . . hn. a il..t Mlln.eit, k I , k .raiunialuaar,l.,iia . c .,1 i.r . .1, J.-...I l.i a.;nl cnvllli.ni, 1 wa. My hue- TTg- doul g. (.".n.-t, b.d lud ....1 I. kjll) ' rne en. IM.I fc --..II O.I. .en l wMi.ng. Ia,i a K lla.y Inua .u.r. ....I hn,iul(t hoina a r.JT.. SZ.., ?.. li.c.. n v. liV-.... re oaku'l ...t a.at, u .1 Lib.. 1 Ml -, I, laaaaa-i.i.1, .iiu Mdm. K..k-. I.e.n) iwilll-.tWaj M., tn.r .lara. and. r.i.l.ii -.pl-aaiic, heaj..k.( Buauauujg lb. liaMUivei.l, 1 I1 . - - rvuuuw oiuuima EDUCATIONAL, K . Urf. a-- i Y'. ,' - - fw e,--H e ; ' t . ..ii THE UNIVERSITY OF HOTREOAKEi ISOI k.II OA Ml!, INIHANA. Pt'ti. COIWM'S IN CU..K-.. letter.. Re. an. a .nd IIMuev. JuureallMii. All. Scarm.-., I'hainuwv, lw, ClH. AUi hauled aa felema trb liiiitnvaarleg. Archltrclur. h..iMigto HrapM.lury ana rnraanarrfat Itinmu Tf. in all ati.twif. wh. haa. Ma-I'Mi Ma-I'Mi ri III. .1...1.-. ie mlie.1 I r admixing Into lb H.ii.l..inura Jm.ioe oi bvuivr Year vl mjkj at lias lf.am. lo stal,'ne,terat. chars, lo enibM o-.r.i.i-n at, lor Cllrtiaia U..i A bnilia.l oiiliI-m of (.i,.u.latra .. Itia Lcajv M. 1 clwerd llall',Til.4un'rfwlV'.na a) Util.ein i dm r.tfn-I.IMim at I'. r.ri.l.in-r,t II . .Hh Vrar a.,11 , Ke,iUnilier S. IvnM. Cual-Hi'ica I r... Ad.rr.a V. u. Ilt 1I. KHV. A. MtWIH-.'V,c. S. C.PiaaKMMk ST. MARY'S ACADEWT? NOTHg DAMS, INDIANA On. Mlla W..I at Moo. Uana Uaiaanlrr, ""Jli.""!,"-"'.,' mmT'i'iS? ''i"".'k KmMU "" f fa".al ialia..ar..'Tt.orK,fli In.U.lJ Dlaaaiaal, Uri.nlise aad Cairni-mel L'oara, a7 vanrMt Olirinl.tr and riianua'-a. K..lu ,k l'UUl,ima nwu.r V.nartn.lnt era... p Th. Uo,.a,r..Uraf Muala" li'l'.nd.irt.d m plaa. . f Ilia I., .. (. ,a.er,.irlr.. Tli. Art Il.i-artnnl I. -i.drb-datl'r leadtua Anael la. U.i l,,,. -.-nl I r rhu.lr,.,, Qii.tr ta.oa jr.... riirutal 1, '. """If 'l"!t"l-l'.v"V '.'i't'"'".'"" f lh. h.,IOTl-rn .ituoMtlonaU4aiit.c.e f..e IfiaLalee'ii'i-n l.'-ni'a?' atXeil'. Mat.' ."llj I y -r 1..!,., -..-, ,,.1.,-rftu,. Il.-nt ,.n hi. upr. I I .1 l-...l-Mr aUl .., . I., ,.f,,r i.lK ll .!.. to Tke DirailrrM ol ST. SnAKY 8 ACADEMl. Nulr Dam. InOlana. V FOR BUSINESS THAININQ ATTEND THI J SALT LAKE Business College BAIT IAKB OITV. UTAH. ! Fnmllinent l.at vrnr 4AT. Ileal of work ta) rabii.,,1 tl..u,..ii,tiiM. Unit Hti.irtliaiidjTuuaj Tv.wi.llua. II. -u, .an I'-i. ....... nip, Kepi ralcu all...... KliiflKli. MatlK-ri.all.'a. Ill.i.truieil i-.aalogut-a tiM, I'uatuoua saae.1 ' fur ar.uu.tc. , RELIAIll-B ASSAYS. Q .1 -14 U. 10 .till al. .4Bg OiJiicn Anay Co. " o.l"eL"2!e.' f f i |