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Show On Hundred Victim of Pari Railway Rail-way Horror. Eighty-four hoilloa have been recovered, re-covered, and thn denth lint will probably prob-ably ueeod mie hundred In th underground un-derground railway disaster which occurred oc-curred In Parts Monday nlxht. Tho accident, which occurred on tho Metropolitan electric rullwuy. bna ae-liimed ae-liimed the proportions of ono of the most horrible catnstrophea which over visited the Krnut-h capital. The dUas tor was occasioned by two trains catching fire In tho big tunnel. The paraenKcra boi onio panic elrh ken, and In their endeavors to est aio many' wont In tho wrong illn-i-tlon and were ' auiroi nleil. The olllrlnU M-eltl til have 1 lost their hcnilH and ucro iinubbi to succor tho unfortunate p:isHeui;era Tho firemen for several lion were unabln to enter tlm station or the tunnel, owing lo the di-imo smoKo which poured out In black eloiuU. Most of the victims are from the mldillo and working chiiM-a, as thu trains were carrying them hemo from their work. AlihoiiKh the arrldont uc-curred uc-curred at 8 o'clock p. m., tho oftlclnlo and firemen were tinuhlo to descend Into tho tunnel tho following morning, owing to tho blinding cloud of smoke from the burning train. Frequent attempts at-tempts were made by heroic volunteers, volun-teers, whom It as roccsnnry to rescue, res-cue, half suffocated, and cany aay to thn hospital. |