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Show PAINT THI TOMATOES RED. Dlahonaat Dealtra Balling Poor Quality Qual-ity of Canned Oooda. Btate Dairy and Food Comtnlaalonrr Warren haa announced that retail gro-cora gro-cora her recently hava recelveil among the orriera for canned toma-toea toma-toea parkagea which, upon cloae eiam-Inallon, eiam-Inallon, proved lo he a mlarollanooua aaaorttnent of Tegtitabloa, Including few green tomatnee. and red paint, tho whole having the appearance of ripe louiatoea. Agenta detailed to Invea-llgale Invea-llgale found that red paint waa uaeil to a great et..nt In coloring worth-leaa worth-leaa and unripe tomatora and that other oth-er coloring matter alao waa uacd to give a rlpo appearance to worthluaa canned vcgelahlea of varloua klnda. rulla.lelphla U-ilger. |