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Show CMUriOIDERED MUSLIN PILLOW. i; ' Here la a model for the charming ' rrnahnlito variety of cushion ti p. a pillow with a "tut) fiivk," particular-. particular-. 1 itood for wiirin vo:nber tervlce. I The ili n 1 b ith el -rant and nov- el. It in it :..! of wh lo n:il I'll ilulull-. ilulull-. ly em'-r..bli'ri-d. Tim luurelj ar mat' with til')- aliniuij u'.inimd medal lion t.f loco, which ire cut out and illrpon-d llli leave. The atom work N inmle vviih cord and th buriloa by tnmtiourlrir. The cu !,on nuiv he llnod with pink or blue F;,h, a d, H.,.o nM of ,,!, edred ni'h laee fnrmi the border. At Hie rorni'ia are l:,r,ito(1 ratln ribbon. |