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Show Pull Down Famous House. American tourlata soon will look In vain for the Albany, the famous building build-ing Juat off Piccadilly, tendon, which In Ita time haa hnuaed so many genliisua. It la about to be pulled down and with It will perlah a most Interesting Inter-esting part of "literary lnilun" For alnce 1KU4 the Albany has bean renowned re-nowned a. a re. ce for unmsrHt-d men of talent or title-occasionally of both. Ixird Mac.ul.y lived and wrote thoro and so did Ilyron and Ir, Pul-wor Pul-wor I.ytton, the novelist. The youthful Oladstono, after he left Oxford, became be-came one of the "bachelors of the Albany, Al-bany, aa they were called, and , former realdenta were George Canning, Can-ning, the atutoaman and orator; Lord Hrougl,.,,, and Hlr Charlo. N,P Ue great gimoral. v ' l" |