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Show THE FLOODS IN LONDON. QrsAl Mttropoll. Suffer. Owing lo Unusually Un-usually High Water. nwfllpra In the wprn atatmi of Amurlra r not thn only pcrami. who miffer fmni pprlrg flonrta. Hit It hftt an Kiicllh pnpfr m.vi of th r-tent r-tent hleh walrr In l omliin: "Murh dama linn hocn raiiaed In the law-J lrm pari of l.on-lon ty fli'oda coriic nirnt upon tlie hon-y rnliii. and a few mllca or.T the boundary boun-dary niuttcra wero even wor.n. The ereno lu yui meiropolia ilurlnR tlio tliroo lai)r"hr:tlr.miiia down pour a on iinimi fff.o. I-onl'a and the Ovnl, evernl Irrhca nniler water. IikIpiI l- ' fjim nawiei Tha Great Floode. tha picture of denotation. The Rlamor ai d "bravery" of the Went Knd vanished van-ished boforo the pltllora rain; and the etream of fnahinnnble womanhood which wlnda llnolf In and out of Re-scut Re-scut atroot and ricrnullly on a normal aummor day fRn ay to a drab, drenchrd, and bedraRtcd set of bua. nnaa mnn hurrying giooiully about tbolr aCalra. |