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Show I n r NEWS SUMMARY. Mabel McKinley ha left the stage for good, owing to the objections of her father and husband. Rumors that an attempt had been made upon the life' of King Alfonso of Spain is denied officially Newt Faris, of Kansas City, while drwalc, attacked his wife with a chair when she shot him through the heart A sail boat haring on board six men capsized between Vallejo and Bentcia. Cal, on Sunday, four being - drowned. seems favorable for a The pros IK-strike, which may eventually spread to all the mines In the Cripple Creek, JNTERNATmL PRESS ASSOCATOH. (CHAPTER Xni. Contikcxd). "Well, well, we must go by averages of course. Shall we say two jearst I should think that you have a full two years before you. "In two years your pension would bring you In 1.600. Now I will do my very best for you. Admiral! I will advance you 2,000 and you can make over to me your pension for your life. It is pure speculation on my part. If you die I lose my money. If the doctor's prophecy is correct I shall still be out of pocket. If you live a little longer, then I may see my money again. It is the very best I can do for you." Then you wish to buy my pension 7 "Yes, for two thousand down. And d? tt, a, -- dow. During the funeral services over the remain of K Kaulfua, at La Crosse, "Wls, the. floor of one of the rooms gave way, precipitating about thirty five persona Into the cellar. Several were hurt, but none seriously. In a fight between deputy United States marshals and a gang of out laws, that took place In the Osage Matlon, one outlaw was killed, another seriously wounded and Wiley Haines, deputy marshal, fatally wounded. John W. Bookwalter, of Springfield, O, U a candidate fjr United States senator, to succeed Senator Hanna. This announcement was made Saturday by Harvey Gerber, chairman of ths "Big Five" organising committee. It is reported that In several villages of the vilayet of Okhrlda the Bulgarians have risen against their Turkish neighbors and have massa red them. A Bulgarian band 1,400 strong Is threatening the bridge at to-da- y. Isgrove. The police have not been able to discover the slightest trace of William 8. Allen of Boston, who left that olty with a shortage of $80,000 In the socounts of the preachers' aid fund of the M. EL church, of which he wai " treasurer. p j- Convict James Roberts, one of the hand of fugitives from the Folsom prison, was captured at Davis villa, - Cal, Wednesday. He was dressed as tramp and carried a roll of blankets. He was recognized while trying to purchase food. The Servian government is arranging to pay the debts of the late King . - Alexander and Queen Drags out of their estates. The debts amount to $80,000 and the aggregate value of the estates la $140,000. The surplus' will to the hairs. Simon Booker and wife were mur- go dered near Winchester, Tenn, and home burned. ' It talioIieVeff Tha crime was committed by owners of a because the wild cat" distillery, Bookers had told the revenue officers of their location. ' Judge Gregory of Albany, N. T, In rejecting an application for natnrall aatlon last week, said: T will not naturalize any one who comes before me and Is unable to speak the English language 'sufficiently to make himself understood." An explosion of oil at the Dicker-socoal mine at Linton, Ind, Satur- day afternoon caused a fire which de stroyed the tipple and electric light plant There were fflS men working fn the plant, but all got otit rfe!y. The fire drf not get into the mini . n t I "I II old lm. Now. the tripe out of him! Her strong at a man's, and her like an Iron bar upon the T A.dmw Hp mad on to disengage himself, but ths Wist most he could do was to swing her round, H as to place her betwesn his adversary anj himself. As it proved, It wag tne ry best thing that he could The tough, and ma54ene(j by the lltowg Which he had reoeifed. struck out with all his ungainly tngth. juat as his partners head swung around in front of him. There wa a noise like that of a atone hitting a Vail, a deep groan, her grasp relaxed, and she dropped a dead weight upon the Hvement, while the Admiral sprang back and raised his stick once more, refldy either for attack or defense. Neither were needed, however, for at that Women t there waa a scatter Ing of the crowd, and two police constables, burly and helmeted, pushed their way through the rabble. At ths Of them the rough took to hia any friend of slkht lLyJJ' T ck Love'ia the light of the world, my dear. Ah me. but the world ia dreary: The night la down and my curtain furled. But I can not aleep, though weary. .t' Love lx th light of the world, my dear. Ales for a hopeleaa hoping, When the flame went out in the breesa that awlrled, And a aoul went blindly groping. Haul Laurence Dunbar. Admiral T'U tell you what I propose, sir. There's a lawyer named McAdam who does my aunt's business. He is a very honest fellow, and lives st the other side of Poultry. Well go over to him together and have his opinion about the whole matter. "How far Is it to his jplace T" (1 - i, Oh, a mile, at least. We can have a cab." "A mile? Then we shall see if there is any truth in what that swab of a doe- tor said. Come, my boy :tnd. Pln.fsail, and see who can Then the sober denisens of the heart of business London saw a singular sight as they returned from their luncheons. Down the road-wadodging among cabs and carts, ran a weather-staine-d elderly man, with wide flapping black hat, and homely suit of tweeds. With elbows braced back, hands clenched near his armpit, and chest protruded, ha scudded along, while close at his heels lumbemd a heavy, yellow mustached young man. who seemed to feel the exercise ft good-deal fivers than Tils senior; On they until they pulled dhshed, helter-skelte- r, up panting at the office where the lawyer of the Westmacotta was to be found. "There now! cried the Admiral In triumph. "What dye think of that? ehr-"Yo- u Nothing wrong In the engine-rooseem fit enough, sir." "Blessed If I bellev uve swab was a certificated doctor at all He was flying false colors, or I am mistaken." VThey keep the directories and registers tn this eating house," said Westma-cot- t, "We'll go and look him out. They did so, but the medical rolls contained no such name as that of Dr. Proudle.'of Bread street. . "Pretty viliiany this; cried the Admiral, thumping his chest. "A dummy doctor and a varpped np Well we've tried the rogues', VptmacoltT Let ua see what we can do with your honest man. y, large-Umbe- -- di-t- .. Is a friend of mine, j heels, and tas instantly screened from There wa a cry outside th door. Try a pinch. I wonder that you should view bykkell of his friends and neigh-hav- e Jlm flung It open roughly and , bors. gone to this man Metaxa. His j listened, a stick concealed In the hand advertisement Is enough to condemn i " assaulted," panted the behind hia back. No etep on the This him. Habet foenum in cornu. They are Admiral woman waa attacked rickety tenement stairs, no derUive and I had ta defend her. all rogues." Thi 1 Bermondsey Sal, aald on laugkter greeted his ear. What was The doctor waa a rogue, too. I didnt ' t like the lmdr-ePHc office bending over the berag-"Arca- It? He peered Into the him at the time." am bo. But now w must k'ed heap of tattered shawTand dirty from under his shaggy gray eyebrows. see what we can do for you. Of course shirt. "She igot it hot this time." Again a shrill cry, this time from th what Metaxa said waa perfectly right, j "He was a shortish man, thick, with corner of the landing. A kitten tn g beard." The pension is in Itself no security at bundle of rag! He atooped to pick -Ah. than Black D.vlc. He, bMs all, unless it were accompanied by life assurance which would be an In- up four tlms for beating her. Hes It up, two little hand flew up, and a come In itself. It Is no good whatabout done tit job now. If I were you baby cooed In his face Old Jim, derisively known as the I would let that sort settle their own ever." Old Crank," had once been young little affairs, str His clients faces fell. "Do you thlsk that a man who holds and even but an acci"But there is the second alternative. You might sell the pension right out. the Queen' commission wifi stand by dent in the foundry had settled all Speculative Investors occasionally deal and see a woman struck T" cried the Ad- that, and the death of hia mother had in such things. I have one client, a miral Indignantly, left him alone to grow hard and sus1 "Well, Jut as you like, air. But sporting man, who would be very likely picious and often Irascible from an to take It up If we could agree upon youve lost yont Witch, I see.' terms. Of course, I must follow Me- - ' "My watch! He clapped hi hand to aching pinb. Hence hia one little room, at the top of the third.lbng taxa's example by sending for a doctor. flight of stairs, became his ..an, from For the second time was the Admiral which he emerged to growl, under punched and tapped and listened to. This time, however, there could be no provocation or without, at the numerous children who swarmed the stairs. question of the qualifications of the n Fellow of the Coldoctor, a In fact, he had more than once been lege of Surgeons, and' his report waa as heard to say that If more kittens were favorable as the other's had been ad- - cruise. It haa as inscription.' more were children and The policeman shruftged his shoulders, kept verse. would world be drowned better the ' cornea he. from aald He ha the heart and chest of a man-- "It meddling," "Whatll you live tne If I tell yer off; whereby he earned the enmity of forty," said he. "I can recommend his life as one of the best of his age where it U?" sal a sharp-face- d It boy of the mothers in the tenement. j among the crowd. "Will you glmm g was the very Irony of fate that that I have ever examined." ! Thats well, said Mr. McAdam. quid?" brought, the helpless aby to hts door. "Certainly." making a note of the doctor's remarks, The Innocent babe, delighted to be while the Admiral disbursed a second "Well, wheres flit quid? smiled and cooed and waved held, took from Admiral The a sovereign guinea. "Your price, I understand, is hands. Old Jim, poking it aimless its his five thousand pounds. I can communipocket. "Hen it is, cate with Mr. Elberry, my client, and Then 'eres th ticker!" The boy cautiously to see If a note of explanalet you know whether he cares to touch pointed to the clenched hand of the tion was attached for he bad beard to the matter. Meanwhile you can leave Senseless woman." A glimmer of gold of such things was astonished your pension papers herC and I will ' shone out from between the fingers, and have hts finger grasped firmly In the ) on opening them p, there was ths Adgive you a receipt for them." tiny wandering baby fingers-- ,, "Very well I should .ke ths money i mirals chrono- m- v. This Interesting tie, so soft, and yet so strong the soon." victim had ttir..ii her protector with ran up the old mans arm and "That Is why I am retaining the one hand, whlluhe robbed him with the claap around his heart. The baby settled tocan see Mr. Elberry papers. If I j other, gurgled j softly. That waa enough. The with address his the towe The Admlraleft may let you have a cheque day morrow. Try another pinch. No? policeman, aabfled that the woman old man looked cautiously down the Well, good-by- e, I am very happy to j was only stunted, not dead, and then hall to be sure that no one was grinhave been of service." Mr. McAdam , set off upon i'-- way once more, the ning at him, stepped back Into his bowed them out, for ha was a very poorer perhapt In his faith In human room and closed the door. busy man, and they found themselves nature, but In wry good spirits non th Mr. Flaherty on the floor fcelow In ths street once more with lighter less He walk! with dilated nostrils live small children and a large had hearts than when they had left It. - j and clenched lands, all glowing and heart; and It was to her motherly oonv th of fit , excitement am sure I am tingling with "Well, Westmacott, I went that night, after the Jim that very much obliged to you," said the bat, and warmtS with th thought that Admiral "You have stood by me he could still when there was need, children were all out playing on the when I was the better for a little help, take his own rt In a street brawl In sidewalk, to ask advice on the food for Im clean out of my soundings spite of his thne-scoand odd years for the baby, and If she would sell among these city sharks. But Ive him some clothes. ' something to do now which Is more In "Sell ye some clothes? Faith, Id my own line, and I need not troubl em to ye gladly. If it Wasnt give more." you any out of work again. But Dicks that no Is trouble. I have nothing "Oh, it to do. I never have anything to do, Bui It Took ths Boy Twoaty Yoare yon dont mean to kape the poor lib I dont suppose I could do It If I had, tie thing, do ye? Tou bein' away so Do His (other's Knead. I should be delighted to come with you, in which to do an er all day." years Twenty sir. If I can b of any' use." How can I tell about that, Mrs. a long time, hut that la the "No, no, my lad. Tou go home again. ' rand isconsumed All 1 want to know now Flaherty? a Charles by Wright, It would be kind of you, though, if Ter0 to give It anything but whether Is you would look In at number one when Montlcello (Min) farmer, who arrived to put its clothes on." how milk and vile and children I three here back his with and tell my wife that alls you get "Ah! ye helpless man. Fit come up well with me, and that Til be back In - y, says a Wllmot, 8. D. special as soon as I do me h(!ur. or Twenty year tgo the Wright family right away All right, sir. Ill tell her." West-- ! dishes." one and Fox Lake, Wls., uTed day And the next day she confided to WM Mf Wrlht to the white the AdmL l Mr Wr,ght her neighbor, Mrs. Schlitx: "Ye ought 10 10 after a hurried lunch, bent his steps town and get h a clothesline. Being to of seen that room. Neat as wax, towards the east. was noth-ln- g It was a long walk, but th old sea- - j offended at something, the boy started me dear. To be sure, thereould much In it The crusty man swung along at a rousing paoe, j In the direction f the town and then leaving street after street behind him. 7 ran away, going t Minnesota, where he creetur bent double over, the little a changin its clothes as handy The great business places dwindled hM living, at Montlcello. A baby itnc, as woman, and the little white any nd h?PK dwlifin search waa mad for him. but without which Q6orc&Md up Into his black, baby Anfiiiv r .nj f11, wrinkled face,away mort tunted,even as ths folk who filled ucceB8 like as If he waa its 7, to this place, where them did until he was deep la the evQ ! bright removed angel And he. the cross, places of the eastern end. It was a J they purchased a farm. Some time ago guardian yes, . actually, land of huge, dark houses and of gar-- ! Charles Wright, ho had married and old creetur, . s, lsh a land, too, where life had been blessed with children, heard moves Irregularly and where adven- ft man named Wright, who lortn- Wa'cMt th Admlral erly Jived In Fox Lake, waa living here, nd on instigation found that It waa He wis hurrying down one of the d long, narrow, lanes be- - J W father. Bringing hia whole family, tween the double lines of crouching, he came here SB a Visit, and before women and of dirty children j lng to the house purchased a clothes-wh- o sat on the hollowed steps of the ) line, as hit mother had told him to do houses, and basked In the autumn sun. twenty years ago. Walking Into the told ot wMnJtoand I oaM be flropp1 the Une at W wom Wrlht wb a bedraggled woman w'h a bteck fringe and a chequered ahawl thrown an, and calmly announced that he had over her head. 8he was cracking wal- - brought the line. The old couple recog-nu- ta and picking them out of the shells, J nited ths man at once, and all day th throwing out g remark occasionally to j Wright home ha been the scene of r-cam with! qetebrattom (rough tnn In a rabbit-ski- n uoder knees "of the hia corduroy straps trousers, who stood puffing a black clay Kr. Kreepvrt Harrow Kteapa v V with his back against th wall pipe Paul Kreuper, of South Bend, Ind, What the cause of th quarrel waa, or " 0 what sharpsarcaam front the woman's retiring township trustee, upon casting Bis accounts found himself 5.000 lips pricked suddenly ("h rou ght hat thlck skin may never be known, hut suddenly 4 abort, and, without waiting for a re-t- h man took hia pipe In hia left hand, examination, and nearly crazy with forward, and deliberately struck ! cltenient, he notified some of hia bonda-h- er acroaa dhe face with hia a the mischief to right. It men. and there woman gavea'sharpci'an'covrered pay The deputy wunty auditor found up against the barrow with her band Kreuier toying with a revolver and What was It? to her cheek. j well nigh distracted, and the deputy . Why, It tuk me aback so. You infernal villain!" cried the Ad- - sent him home and called In an expert, to kRpe It next day with me tnlral raising hia stick. "You brute and A demonstrated that I offered ' Dan. Id just as soon hare two little no there was not shortage, but that t,.krUrrd! only babb-rollin: under me feet as one. growled the rough, with the a balance was due to Mr. Kreuper. deep, rasping intonation of a savage, "You vas eln goot neighbor, Mrs. said Mrs. Schlitx. T dink Flaherty," ! Jnrt. you forget he promised to preak your Judge HovToid are you? a op little Tommy neck "It am I I male am I am Elderly ft those stairs again. ... Judge' Youd , better make haste ! full 1 the center of bis (abbit-ski- n "Ive done the same meself mannys cap. ( every momeitt makes it worse. Mrs. Westmacotts ; semi-twiligh- f if J live for twenty years? Oh, In that case of course my speculation would be more successful. But you have beard the doctor's opinion. Would you advance the money Instantly? You should have a thousand at once. Ths other thousand I should expect you to take In furniture." In furniture V "Yea, Admiral We shall do you a beautiful houseful at that sum. It 1 the custom of my clients to take half in furniture." The Admiral sat in dire perplexity He had come out to get money, kind to go back without any, to be powerless to help when his boy needed every Shilling to save him from disaster; that wouli be very bitter to him. On the other hand, it was so much that he surrendered, and so little that he received. Little, and yet something. Would it not be better than going back empty-bandeHe saw the yellow backed cheque-boo- k The upon the table. moneylender opened it and dipped his pen into the ink. "Shall I fill it up?" said he. I think. Admiral," remarked West-macothat we had better have a little walk and some luncheon before we settle this matter." "Oh, we may as well do it at once. It would be absurd to postpone It now," Metaxa spoke with some heat, and his eyes glinted angrily from between fifk narrow lids at the imperturbable Charles. The Admiral was simple In money matters, but be had seen much of men and had learned to read them. He saw that venomous glance, and saw too that intense eagerness was peeping out from beneath the careless alf which the agent bad assumed., "Youre quite right, Wesmacott," said he. "We'll have a little walk before we settle It." "But I may not be here this afternoon." "Then we must choose another day." "But why not settle It now?" "Because I prefer not, aald the Ad tnlral shortly. "Very welL But remember that my offer is only for It la off unless you take It at once." Let it be off, then." "Theres my fee," cried the doctor. "How much?" A guinea." The Admiral threw a pound and a Come, West shilling upon the table. macott," said he, and they walked to s , getber from the room. "I dont like It," said Charles, when they found themselves In the street once more; "I dont profess to be a very sharp chap, hut this Is a trifle too thin. What did he want to go out and speak to the doctor for? And how very convenient this tale of a weak heart Was! I believe they are a couple of rogues, and In league wtth each other." ' h "A shark and a pilot fish," aald the d 'their hurled. Leaves only darkness to me. half-blind- - --- Love is th light of th world.- - my dear, Heighho. but the world la gloomy; The light has failed and the lamp down trU thr1 six-rty-t- t - 0Y A. CONAN DOYLE Sheriff L. M. Williamson of De ,Soto county, Mississippi, is dead as the result of a pistol duel with County Surveyor Moody. The men quarreled over politics. Governor Mickey of Nebraska has appointed W. J. Bryan one of the delegates from Nebraska to the - 'National Farmers Congress at Niag ara Falls, Sept. 22. A. dispatch- from Salonica says M. Monastlr, has been shot and killed by a Turk whom the consul for failure to salute him. Details of the assassination are lacking. A masked man entered a saloon on the main street of Tucson, Arizona, one day last week, walked up to the faro bank and relieved the dealer of $700 in gold coin, making his escape. In a. fire In a dwelling at Ronkon-TcatnL. I., occupied by Commander D. C. Stuart of the nary, a servant was . burned to death ,and another seriously Injured by leaping from a win- f Jroand Adm'ral had still a quick eye- that h hounded fcackwirri UU raining a f"'1 taeonlw01 ob UW 8 ulKn hl vage ckL?U'id'nly however, a pair of rourii his neck, and giano- tor rds he caught a glimpse ot h, eoaree Km a htt1 fringe of the woman befriended "I've got tMt WQ0AM- nitro-glycerin- e 1 A SAD SONG. i bud By the explosion of a magazine at Biuffton, Ind , three employes were blown to pieces, the property loss being upwards of $20,000. The rush of Jews from Russia to America is Increasing. During the month of July from ten to twelve families left Ruslsa daily for the land of the free; Mrs. John Scott of Pittsburg is the mother of triplets, born last week. They will be named Theodore RooseCleveland and Alice velt, Grover1 Roosevelt. Fire - persons-- were knocked senseless by lightning, several buildings were burned and chimneys, trees and fences were leveled by a storm at Mishawaka, Ind. v hut It waa 1,av good red weal Th roU8h yeHed wtth ,n hating with both hands. boota ku?Ivkilil"lc 1,h hl A STORYi Colo., district. A posse is searching for Thomas Arthur, who, it is charged, assassinated Andrew Collins at Straight Ky, while the latter was asleep. . strom?.0t where,, l J1' pain, toi JUhea d, good-lookin- . the time," said Mr. Flaherty. "Tom mys a torment and a trlle even to roe. Me hearts broke wld him. And the poor ould sinner Is kaplng the babe from goin to a home. Id hate to have one of me own go to a home, I can tell you that, Mrs Schlitx." Strange to say, the child lived and fattened under the care of the old man. Day times he rolled on the dirty floor of Mrs. Flahertys kitchen with little Dan and a mangy dog that belonged to the children. At night he returned to the one spotless room, where he cuddled and cooed In the old maul arms and brought his la- - well-know- 1 - J rs to-da- ttarl !, gin-shop- J I stone-flagge- ! brnth m Ws. i- k - e . hoi-caui- "Keep back, you eld fool!" fantlle graces to cheer a hitherto barren life. Flies In a bottle amused him by the hour, or he played In the last sunbeams, trying to fasten them down with his little hands. He knew no fear, and, all the world waa hi friend. Ills sunshine filled the life of the old man and overflowed Into all the homes lm the tenement Thus it was that hlwdigesUon waa nearly ruined by surreptitious sticks of dirty candy from th corner grocery, while a lovely disposition caused him to be surfeited by caresses from all the nationalities that dwelt together with more or less harmony under the same roof. Old Jim worshiped him. His keen eyes softened when be looked, at him,, his gruff voice took on a new He vas tone, and Mrs. Schllts said: quite agreeaple since dot baby came." But one night as Jim neared home, returning from the foundry, he saw an engine - at the hydrant belching smoke and steam. A vague fear filled him. He hurried on as faa as his withered old legs could carry him. Other engine puffed along the street, water ran In big streams through the gutter. A hook and ladder truck dashed round the corner clanging Jim pushed bis way through the crowd. It was the tenement that eras burning. Keep back, you old fool youve got to get out of the fire lines, roared a fireman. Jim glared at him and ran on. The stair were filled with firemen, pipes and running water. Smoke was driving them back. Do you 'know If Jim pushed on, they got out my baby? he croaked. "I dunno, I guess so. Which floor do you live on? answered the half choked, fireman. But Jim waa gone. Just then there came a crash. The root fell In. And Mr. Flaherty wailed from the opposite pavement.' Ah! whatll I do whin ould Jim comes home and I have to tell him the fire- men brought out the baby smothered Intirely?" Burild Jim had gone home. Near York Timea- r- The Rich Mans Plaint I don't see what good my money does me. I cant eat It I never saw It In It entirety. I drees no better than my private ecretary, and have' a much smaller appetite than my coachman. I live in a big barn of a house, am pestered to death by beg gars, have dyspepsia, and most of my money, js in th Jianda ot other who use it mainly for their own benefit New York Tress. . In After Tears. we were married "Before Wife you'p ret ended that you liked to have me sit on your knee." Husband-' Well, you were a pretty Tou pregood pretender yourself. tended that you preferred to sit on a " chair." f |