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Show BOB MEEK AT LIBERTY. Idaho Desperado Make Escape After ' Many Futll Attempt. Ttoh Meeks, one of th most notorious notori-ous criminals In th west, connected with (ha famous "Hole In the Wall" gnng In Wyoming, who was cenvlried several yeara aao and senteni-ed to . thlrly flvo yearn In tho Itolaa, Idaho, ' ponltenllnry for robbing tho hank of Montpoller. aftor two aensallnnnl ea-capes ea-capes from the Jnll nf Henr l.nko County before being transferred tn the penitentiary, and who waa 'recently adJuiK'od Insane and removed to the latoto liiH.-tne neyluui at lllm kfoot, haa cTi.cii-d his vsiaoo, and. notwlthaignd-Ing notwlthaignd-Ing his rrljiieil condition, bas a, far eluded his pursuers. M-okn Is uniiirstlnnntily one of the mi t desperate and Inrenlnua criminals crimi-nals known lo Ibis country. While confined in the Jnll of Hear Lake county coun-ty for the bank hold up In Mnn'poll"r. he scaled Ihn walls surrounding the lull In broad dayllKht In tho presence of fllty people In ami alxuit tho court house at Paris. All trace of his whoro-nboiits whoro-nboiits was lost for months until h turned up In the Deer Ixidge, Mont.. penitentiary, whore he had been sentenced sen-tenced from lluttn for ono year In connection con-nection with a minor offense. Cpcn the expiration of hi term In peer UhIko he was ai;nln brought to Pear l ake county and tried for the offense of holding up tho hunk. In which affair af-fair "Hutch" Cassldny and other of his associates participated. MccVs was the only one caught by thn officers, of-ficers, and .liiilgo Htnndrod gav him thirty flvo years. While confined In Tlolso he escaped twice. The second escape tu when he made a headlong leap from the top of tho wnlls surrounding the prl'en wherein he suffered a broken leg and notwithstanding tho difficulties under which ho labored, ho managed to keep the entire prison force In ft quandary for soverel dnya before being rap lured. Boon after his capture the broken leg was amputated and alter Ita amputation be feigned Insar'y and was removed by the authorities to th asylum. |