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Show Red Hair to Be Fashionable. It Is sold that red hnlr will he fnah-lonablo fnah-lonablo amorg str.ee beaut Ira next Benson, Ben-son, tho fud having h.en started by two French vaudeville performer, who mado a hit In N"w York not long ni:o. Already the torrid coiffure ahowa signs of coming Into great favor, ami the girl vlth such a tint In headgear Is tho nrixent acknowledged typo of beauty. Lnwikln about thla a hairdresser s'ttvs: "V reat deal of tli.-util. nl work, and I i' '' '"' "' -"'"!'l-",; that In balf a down pew tl.ea-r ctl .cnturee Mr next em t!:e b-nd;i.r. woman haa chosen to have re 1 lislr. |