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Show POPE PIUS X CROWNED. Thousands Wer Present 't Wltnaa ' th Magnificent Rlt. Th ceremony of tho coronation ol Plus X took place Sunday In the basilica basi-lica of St. Teter's li tho prosone ol th princes, and with all tho solemnity and aplendor associated with this, tho most magnificent rlt In the Roman Catholic church. As Cardinal Mooohl, tho donn of th cardinal dearona, placed tho triple crown on the head of tho venerable, pontiff, the throng of aoventy thon-sand thon-sand persons gatherod within th cathedral burst Into unroHtmlnoe: acclamations, ac-clamations, the choir Intoned a hymn I of triumph, and the bells of Rom rang out Joyous peal. It Is fifty-seven years slnoe tho fto-mana fto-mana and Europe assisted at such ft function aa was held In St. Peter's today. to-day. The great basilica, popularly supposed never to have been quite full, I was overflowing with humanity. Tho I Papal throno, owing to a bewildering j mixture of gold, red and alitor, wn j erected In front of tlio hh h altar. Aa, ' j oontrary to custom on theao oereano-1 oereano-1 nloua occasions there were no goiter-' goiter-' lew, the bnatllra hor mnr of Its nor-: nor-: mat aspect. On th altar, which vsa drssd In white, stood the famous silver-gold ratidlcfficka and a mtignln)-eent mtignln)-eent crucifix. All th available ulanil- ' Ing apace within tho cathedral waa dl- ' vtded Into sections by woodnn barriers, bar-riers, which to a certain eitent kept th vaat crowd la ordor. |