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Show 'I -- I I i k U. S. f IfUtlOATED THE FLOODS IN LONDON. STATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Qreat Metropolis Suffer Owing to Ui usually High Water. Dweller In the western states of America are not the only person who suffer from spring floods.' Her what an English paper says of the recent high water In London: Catarrh ef th Stomach H CeneraHy Much damage ha been caused tn Called. Dyspepsia Somethin the low J) ins parts of London- - by floods corsequent upon the heavy to Product Artificial Diges- rains, and a few miles over the bountion is CencraSy Taken, dary matters were even worse. The scene in tue metropolis during the Hence, Pepsin, Pancreatin and a Host three day rwutlnuoua down pour was on unusufifTe. Lord's and the Oval, f Other Digestive Bemediee several Inches under water, looked Has Been Invented.' Recommends, T' Pe-ru-- ir na Fof Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouhle. ; 1 -- These Remedies . ' Seat of the the Do Not Reach ( Which Difficulty, is Really Catarrh. M.C. Butler Car ohms, .was Senator state fur two term. In cent letter to The Parana Medicine from Washington, D. C., says: S. Senator EX.U Perua "cansmdrecommend etomeeb trouble, from from a forty-pey- es - ry The Great Floods, the picture of desolation. The glamor and bravery" of the West End vanished before the pitiless rain; and the stream of fashionable womanhood which winds itself tn and out of Regent street and Piccadilly on a normal summer day gave ay to a drab, drenched, and bedraggled set of business men hurrying gloomily about their affairs. Message From the Sea. A Greek fisherman recently found on a lonely part' of the Island of Carp s' hermetically sealed bottle, containing a paper, which read at follows: 2.9, 1702. The ship Clown, op board which we were, foundered at the beginning of October, 702. . She foundered ao quickly we. barely had time to get off on the raft,, on which we now are, without food or drink. Whoever flrds this Taper la oegged,.ln the name of trtimantty, to forward It to the government One of the castaways. Manter." This two century old me-sahas-beeGreek bought by doctor. , m IUICKLY CURED BT. n ' ; New Pittsburg Theater. n The above cut, shows a small of the new Nixon Theater, Pitts-burwhich U the first theAter ever built without stairs to the balcony. The Incline starts from the mala entrance and reaches the nose of the balcony just back of the boxes, instead of the old way, where the stairs enter at jhe rear, of the balcony, making headache ; i n , 4 1 . , ss ALL HALLOWS COLLEGE uli uu(t city, rrn. f ,, , row A Mf A. i and 6sg leiciars i? . COW OUCTSO v Te MAmar path tea - iTlaaatml.CtMhmareM eeumse. Kor apply te - and Sele--tlnlur-Ss- ft- -- e r rrwitStai. f - 4naci THE UTAHUtW-Dfernes- Hose Bite Throat . LITTLE ONES Natural Dsdurtu Mads by Phyal-tea's Daughter, Dr, W, T. B8 tell this story abent h coaatry auriyko encs had three leg aapiutaUoa eases la a week. Tht unusual assber ( eerioua and similar opera tioa saturefiy caused talk in the surgeon's hsusetoM and his UtQe daughter taa fretOy Interested. A few da y after the last operation the surgeon's wife ltd daughter were rummaging In the attic, in a trunk was found a dsg uemetype depicting a girl of about eight years of age. The portrait, through t peculiarity of pose, showed enfy eoe leg of the subject, the other being doubted up under her In a manner truly feminine. "Whose picture 1 that, mamma f asked iht surgeon 'a daughter. "Mine. It was taken when I was a child not much older than you ire sow." Did yon know papa tbenr 4 To, dear. Why do you ask?" 1 thought m&yoe you did, cease yeu're uiy got one leg." Hew York Timet persons having seats at the front of the palccty walk h? stalys, then flown, Th grad Is only one Inch and to the foot, being the same as from the foyer to the orchestra. lkr, tVrtt forfNe gMBTnetierstftto restem IkTt If yea nssel wait Pay When Cured Wret r, Tee ires see thee ask e kUKKUIJ ereeoreu. ekeeyoa loSorsek a enr eord rsossswM et peMeets is WB WAS "I k ike BOW, t tV cUUB VOU 111 sot emse a seuemsnilBir tkst skill to eerin CH ROKtC eor V.liiinene kl fMtfv ttJt emit we sere roe. nolle, t bM Urn i . paUUfela oiatTftouinM Orrse.e intMH, kserwsierrt eee, trvm fm ppi9e firing Umat et lh Fmetcete WlsoU, V eiuvorsi . Losses, IsnssstW Llssruers k rlsrore eto. or Bieei retsee, eaU ell WBAkkkirfBs et IB rBlfAlB DISEASE Heeoe we MOMS H treoto kstrsy sobSUsim. 4AFFir to H0C9: HAtaip.M.1 Weaktos ere to eroveoer skill Is this ets ef U. reap, ftoe Is ear plsm m. OtfTH DRS. SHORES & SHORES, Specialists. iamb utia -- m t k-- Oto-in- ot mf - urt rrnusH Use-koe- v.rt-eued- e. ftu lit , - - sad Te prove (feeesLis wvet of fsrtls will lolls AeUseptto Snail e Isrf trial peckaoe witk kook o tnetroouoes kMlately free. This Is sot Jrfe. a stny sample. " enough to eon petare, vino anyone of It eslua Women all over b country srs praising Putin for hs It ha done In local iiiiwrwwnnBi ef female tile, curing all Isflsmmstloo and glsobsrfra wonderful BAw usiui TAglfitti doueba, lof win toroitartar Sstarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove and whltea the teetk, Send today; s postal card Will do. hot 4Wy Wvegglstt or sent oostpeM by as, goarenteed. Saute, Urea box. OetiefaeUea CXI, Uastnw. UkAd. IBB U. t'AITIIh Vet am has Are. AH THREE CROWN Osly a Osiaattoa." rt MU'" ' 5" 1 to ttuwi. go' t r: Peculiar Rain of MuL' A rain of mud recently fell in Gian dlni, Italy, vblch dried up the 'paats end spdiled toe crops." ' Gaol-ortsexplain this curious downpour as being of volcanic source, brought from Africa by the winds, but savants say It is si meteoric phenomenon and that th mud cornea from other pian-et. BAKING POWDER t 2Se Per PewuA t HEWLETT BROS. CO, Ma When Answering Advertisement Kindly Mention This Papers W. N. U. Salt Lake-N- o. 33, 1903. Draws Oil From Wall. X , - At Cortland, N. Y Mrs.. Lottie Cutchess teakettle would not boll tho other night when she made hpr tea. ARer waiting an houf she examined , the contents of the kettle and found it was oil. She carefully emptied It a and drew amber kettleful from the e well. It appeared oil, too. All examination of, the well showed that It eas nearly filled with oil a good quality of crude petroleum. -- . see W to-b- Eys Water 5X8 lilaky IRECT EISSI3 FREE VAKINQ POWOBt AT AN BONEST PRICt I0K8ST . lit i2ilH6onjpsons art, jury. WOlVIEfJ! FREETO tbs mmbbhmmmi . filliillMl one-quart- Hatpin tn Horses Tongue. A horse belonging to a well known Brewer,- - Me., man refused to eat hi jmpper.th other night ,Ao Investigation was made and it wa found that In some way the animal had gotten a hatpin' In Its tnoutH and' It was burled to a depth of two Inches in hi torgue, so that tt was impossible for the horse to swallow food. The pin was removed and the animal ate its supper with pparently ro, difficulty. . From that time forth the horse has apparently suffered no inconvenience from the in (MsUstin i free. th ts 1 r- a. - V A Drunkenness Cured kidnet rau to eight months. doanS CONUN, CAXnONDALC. TA. Hra T. ConUo, IB Oraeu- l I1., says : " 1 eCTorad wti S ttaekscaa, and, dtwpiM li . 1 could sol oaswt rid eia. lwmwmptUM crutch em a far eight r 'Doan ajwrlk-hw-s- Fills, tmenthc. aad a part of uib tnu was unable to walk at 1 fairly if I slteoiricd ts lift tuf tech all ia taviTi a from enoipletod BirM, . had bus as a-- h aot palh, and 1 hsra heea St that OuOthtoHl sver stank ffidnw ooalnd of ray hull terouxh weskams, as 1 txnuii brad nor strslicMaa and it op to my full heiylit, tKer a a niaaa was iu a sat hma eondHioo, I wa. My fcus-kas- d want to drug d bmttylU hofna a of poansTilto Jl felt tn a few day, and, onatuuug Uib ti xuunent, j1 Aching bocks ara saaeA II ii, hack, and Inin merconto, 6 welling of Ug limbs aad dropsy sigto , sac a Tny ccirrxcs nrlas wffh bru k dust ta kl(h eolorad, pma fnwjin-nt-y- y he dnhhtlug, vnttMng. nasnaKidaeyri-- BefiteV aTT. M toIXtCa. 'B Zo fiwe i BM. I. ini&olii MM din. W apspna So H. Y. liwhavo wnie sddtew ea wita MeUews OHIc-ii- and l iuwr alnrpleHnca, graw-- t palhttotiHU hJoli diwifnwa catalog no Tor m g is )uat out an contains about raU to to way of. ... to t Ooraewim-ps- t ray-tbia- dl 4 MJRS, WfLES. PtSTGLS, AUtMUtilTkl, FlSHlRff TACKLE, CENflUL SP0RT7N3, OOTDOOB tecluotefl PHffTOGRAPMiC sad BASEBALL SUE-PUE- t, CYCLE lUNORIES, Els. ft Is ten te lb latest goods and lowsst prises and is cet8, CAJgmd site FflEe, FOR BROWNING BROS. CO. - 1 THB A8KINQ. a S40t WaSMINOTON AVt,. OSOSN, UTAH . S Tho ftSl and Egg Dlat Starving Do patient who bad a sick treatmeat stomach, te an and not lozgar sccaasary with th and nourishing food Grape-Nutthat tfio weakest stomach e&a handle sad grow strong upon. Thor te pleuty ef proof of this: T had sufferod front stomach trouble t$f six year aad tor moat of the last two years had bee confined to my bed, the trouble having become chronic la spite of the very best medical attention. ,1 had always been a ccffee drinksr, but tor the past year 1 could not drink it at all because It made ms so nervous I could not sleep and my appetite was almost entirely f gone. . Then some friends advised me to try the prarigeoted food Grape Nut and about three month sgo I did so aad since that time my improvement has been so rapid that Jtny customers and friends are astonished and every remark... upon dy..,scmecs changed condition, I have gained IS pounds, sleep well, my appetite is good and ml fligesttoa ts perfect Where 1 ave lived on milk and light diet for fair I row eat most anyaad dont suffer any im thing I convenience tether. The way Grape-Nut- s food has hull! up my stomach and strengthened ray nervous system Wonderful, particularly! 1 drink your toed drlnk. Postum. the want ot too, and n longer-feeoffea- - Tbwe-l- s absolutely no doubt that leaving .off coffee and using Grape-Nut- s ap.d Poetum has brought me out of ray bed from an Invalid Name given by back to Cs kesith. Battle Creek' Mich... Pectum Co There- a toa.8ouiLna that reason 1 io anjoae who will spend a plait few minutes Investigating la the In-. out-of-dat- e d s, toy wt ltt el -- ble.;, , . - U. ' , Court Sustain Eaee Trade-Maraofcto. U. T kaa zrantn raitot JwtlR the te1ittn to anmA Intno0a Foot-- was HihI.ib Bad utiirrt uf Kbw Tort FmI Zb CHZ,fB(rslBlaHtUieraora nwlOito m BelHn BkUbtbb to bo (wluOrjB Ml BbBB on CBd oo Vo--- w, bow m town-l- f iBra- toa I ao aute cure 1B oountn. Vtw mnum et to Alton K. OinH-bT tntoeBWk mt Lb Koji, M. T.,bu4 tlw BectoNm to (hi Bait hIkMb toBrti an nnutora aU vanleB Itokto Mb b 16 axtmttt attoiHp to greet trBBaiav. FBut-adverutens. to storin ea tbs toutort to- aiiiiiiitr an tv rka gmgrmiue o(rah la Um boob. Till ilw oout was BmoeoM ta iMlteUua an tolrtncmnent id loo iBB Kooi-bMHIii.iIm ili win tw toebt ojcalnot Bibem h ro sow totrUigltw oa Uib Tree EC2CATICML f Vv ie c at Abus Rk r n . m awr V ", it , oiopd , . f r r l- - X 'A :? Wo. ' HahU. a rv - rn NUMBER Led In .Using TImetafcfeA Few people-kro'that the old teresr f h'tehh,- Tt KEEtZT TRBATMZST, tttnUotoS lH warthe second Fend 'to tleCsz. la CUR. tequaUl xoad 'In the woH to use a railroad only Makly eoih-rarsffaetosl ia Touts anil CUU Ago. rnglj W'dvtensjon, timetable for fctSersttrg trafps, and was 87,500, THE KEEUEY INSTITUTE: one pf the first rokda to Issue timet. prize tsSli . 8 ALT US C.Tt, DISH. U4 m. lx I i r. ClitED Mas. . An AmoAan In ,:the PMlipplees, writing on business to a friend la Watlagtet Incidentally sums up his Impression! of our annexed territory tho: "n Philippine Islands are jt flerce prepsRIoa. I would not take1 Governor Jiffs Jeb, and you know how averiteus 1 am.' Her are the attract! Bugs, ants, lizards, naee-- ; qsttoes, eakee, beriberi, leproey, chetera, htfeuks plague, fevers, Akou-bo- y itch, etc. News hi a month an thi time. Ink costs a dollar (Mexican) fcr a half-pin- t bottla, hut ! the man wt stays her to sell It ! serves the ytoix Jt ts inconceivable to mo ho any white man can en. r joy Manila. A SACK .se, Weak ftlen eeskeewes or ooareuED to usk a crutch OF I3TEREST TO SFOHTSLLEH. ' Tiwa-M- -- B yee ntw treat ur of DOWN. Itackncho is a forerunner and Youngsters Nickel Not at the Moment AvaHab'e. one of the most common sympSenator Sibley,' the famous trotting toms of kidney trouble and horse breeder, bad taken his family to the county fair and was walking womb displacement. about the grounds surrounded by his READ MISS B3LLUS EXPERIENCE. has some' Some time ago I waa la . very youngsters of which h hen he felt weak condition, mv work mad me thing less than a dozen eee of them tugging at his coattails. nervous and my back ached frightfully As he turned the youngest, a lad of six, all the time, aad 1 had terriU baa achca implored his lather to buy him a toy mother pot a bottle cjfLydla ballooa. fRuy It yourself," said the E. My Pinkttams Vegetabldtkim-poun- d Whsra'sthe Pennsylvanian. wealthy tor me, and it seemed to aicbsl I gave you a moment age?" treagtheu mv back aad help me al tea Iowa my neck." "Well, shake it once, and I did not get ao tired at before. 1 continued to take it, and It I cant.' L" said Mr. Sibley. sobbed the little shaver; Tt was la my brought health and strength te mss for thd New and 1 want to thank you asewtk when tt went down. good tt baa dba me." Mtas ELM Teak Time. , Boulssui, A42nd St & tValee Ava., New York City SSooOfiVte fwWs A Fearful Thought. Saw rttssBsto fsastesw Intelligence that a young woman has Pinkhams Vegetable chased Kr Thomas Lipina into a o ter aad kissed him several Urns arffl Oompouud cure because it is exalt the haustieg dread that th tap tbo greatest known remedy for lifter may yet be eeen proofing around kidney and wemb troubles, -the eooitry emulating the oeoutetory Every woman who Is puzzled perferssaacea of Klchmend Pearson about ber condition should writ Hehawa It was the same kind ef that started that hero on ht to Mrs. Phtkham at LyiuiBMsMh and tell ber alL devastating career. rr Attraciis" et she Philippine T tAi.Mns REASONING. close on 7M,0d to the Saltan, aad has been RtenSoalty part of the Ottoman emplr rinro th twelfth century. Urea Cm IBubbibb, Bnnokiel sn bowr . sl.wA.chms etutMah, lire aa K toner Tni BleSSer SwrahiM Varaato ( Till' Mstsie CS route tHsesees f Wemee oat Chi IwnwtCimM. Caere. ne. Maori pt mt, Vitos Pascal, Btekst, Sriaal Tree pi,, Akltt Kmm SeiBtlra aaS BiwvoiBlUia - et tM bowals. File, flaw la see Brmst Trsiahtsa. Solue (arhl etok). BleoU MBaaaoa, Hfriatla. Miltojir Worn, Bar aU Xarreas so CAratua IbsbbbIb, ata tIh , lydbE, thodox stamp Egy.t Hiy Tribute, Egypt is ksally a dominion or province of Turley, tt pay a tribute ct WE TBE0I HID CDBE s, Sants Je Route" ,. d-- -- t tt Rates Via ' r ' WAS TOO FAR he-bfu- d V toere , ( rt-- Postil Conv emence, , thl latest apphtatiuns of the peany-ln-thesprinciple is reported from Australis. Jn the poslofflces f the commonwealth, if time or opportunity does hot permit the prompt purchase ef stamp, the person tn a hurry 1 bl Is drop his letter into the machine sod his one orifice penny Into .the ether, and when this process is cwnpieted, One penny paid," will he found impressed en the envelope aa as ceulvaleut to the or- see-Lio- ,0311. i Mw Yorkers , Zachary. Tkylor aua )n unite and Millard FUkwre, a t.w Yorker as s VlcO pres dent, Uei aim- ii tn t. lames A. GsrSeia died and ln the same wy c. A Ar'tmi bet atne PrldenL aim a Net loiker william McKbdty died n uflu,. ann jn the same tf Theotlore Roosevelt, a New Torker, became Fill, inore aud Arthul trim io be nomt-nate- d tor Ptesldert and were not t t os 'Br s.ti t Peroaa has cured more cases of dyspepsia than all other reraadiea eomhiaed, simply because It cures catarrh wherever located. If catanh is located is the head. Peruna cures it. II catarrh has fastened itself la the threat or bronchial tubes, If yon 4a sot dative prompt and result Irota tha usa et Parana, peruna cures it Whan catarrh becomes writ at oaoa ta Dr. Hartmaa, firing a settled la the stomach, Peruaa cares it as full atatomeat of yoar caaa and 1m will ba well ia this location as ia say other. Peruaa ia sot amply a remedy far dyspleaaed to giro you Ms valuable advice gratia. pepsia. Peruaa is a catarrh remedy, Address Dr. Hartman, President of Thra Peruna cures dyspepsia because ft is genHartmaa Sanitarium, Columbus, O, erally depeadeat upon catarrh. O.JV bfU-otic- n One of 7 "Wat in Idaho blo, BACKACHE. Asholar Naturally Misled by Modtm Slang Tarns, A West Philadelphia Sunday school teacher has a clast of a dozen small hoys, ranging In their age from I to 8 jears. Not long ago the lesson was from the twenty second chapter of Genesis, upon the temptation of Abraham to offer Isaac for a sacrifice. The teacher told them tn as simple language as possible the story of the going Into the mountain and the preparation for the sacrifice, and when all waa ready she explained that Abraham saw ,a kid caught in the bushes end took that and killed It. 'There was an awed silence for a moment when she had finished, and then one little lad gasped, with eyes wide with horror: A Kid!' What, a hov .To Boston, Bali! mo i e Minneapolis, Detroit, Atlast and other points For particulars, address c K Warren, General Age, A. T & s F Ry.. 411 Dooly Block, fait Lake City, Utah. - - Js .The only national way to cure dyspepsia is to remove the catarrh. Peruna cores catarrh. Peruna does act produce artificial digestion. It cures catarrh and leave the stomach to perform digestion in a natural way. This is vastly better aad safer than resortiag to artificial methods. 4 In Idaho. Blaokfoot and is now open to settler sad investors for The cllmste flue, the will rich and abnndant &66P inci low, Tor full lmnrniation term write Cuifls g Svens, ri, d F; Walker gait Lulu ,,!t) V)ah 4 I have be-sid- Wfl nifflB land, American Islls, Co., bees m!sg your medicine tor s short period smd 1 teel very much relieved. It la lsdeed s wonderful medicine s good tomic. M. C. Butter. satia-facto- Homes kr Thousands 1 HE WORD WAS FAMILIAR,! The AnKhoan FaHS Canal & Power Companys hmuUful tract of Irrigated locaiM belwet-- Cheap Passenger re- LANDS. .3 J 8ane Man, HE UKIVEBSITY OF KQTEE OAtfi , A Chicrge man wants to borrow a NOTK8 DAME, INDIANA, IS lock cannon, set it upon the top FULL C0tmES IN CteBBtc. UttBB, Crito orates mS and eend a Peak of Pikes projectile History, Amnwtton, Art, Uctonso, ehsmacy, Low, Ctefl, Mhkte ao braes lata space to upset the Newtonian trteai ftinxiuMrlnf, ArckttcttHte tlMrcMufli 4 CnvmkW Frepmiory theory of gravlttteloa and tap the n ervolr ot electricity, which he says Kooma rrs to n Btodont who hsBB ooiw exists above the earthe utmospherla plstsd UwBUidiso rsnirte fur odmawfoa into th SwidMimorB, J vmor oa hsBwr Vo of ea et Bra envelope, tie thinks the cannon ball. Collsrioto Comra, Uoraira to Kant, morlorofs ohart to stsAaalt come to hack not If a magnet, win Osar BBBsmaen praoBrait for Collet ibib Conruw earth, but will remain ta th electric A hraftsd ratraW- ot CorwiiJotoa tor Um Eeokr unto Booties Ototo will he recsiBnd BtsixwiaJ rstss. draw he and expect reearvolr, to, fctwi ttott, tor boss rates 13 fsais, Is limited power, town through e wire railrias l tho oaRtlte(iBs ot to eonhient will rraeo Ssptsmber S, IHA attached to the ball. If Newton waa Gotatorw IVsr raw. ArfSrr-oto, (tax Hi. mistaken tad modern men of science tffiV. A. MOKtolhhfcV. C. t, S. C, torastesub conall wrong In their Ideaa of the MARY'S ACADEMY struction of the universe end th HOTRg DAME, INOIAWA movements of the planets, the Chi- ' 0s Kils WssS of Fotrs Dob UaioBtoit-r- , Most boom Ifwhy sruj hnalthranr ConSsetsS cago man .is not crazy. , th motor. r.f Ml Cmaa. I s ST. bf rin 1 Mre. WtMlosrB Xwwthln wyrwB.' tbs unto, wth a for ehtWTBO toots to, auftrao fe Ifflud OOUa. miisf pralk, - Ufttte bbb4 BBtionai SotoBtiti Ohomiatoy hancra BIHI Bb Oaransraal llorooB. TnpexrXury ritl or oulMalate rrutar, wrtt giiII Wane LopartmoBB BOBiBa Laharatory Ml)peiL Th OoBSorraUry Bf Kw, ( ennStn-tot- e m ptoao irf th toast Coararraum, Tha Art nonartnaBt ra "U lad aft- -r Imtetno Art Sehonla. Kura itrgiiO CWBt f'ir rhfhlma oortr-- r twelf FhniaBl C Utora Bltdr-- r Olrrrtloa of ararlaata at Ur. SaraaBr. ooiSrhnnlrtf Phroh-a-l Trafalmt. orfuoauaaai Iha hu rasdsnt adrantar- tot Stttaa rh-ai- For 8tudy of Electricity, ommended by n commission appointed to determine the necessity for such an institution, The laboratory te to supply Information on question of electrical science, and an official standard for electrical measuring Instrument and apparatus, together with standards few electric wiring of buildings for tbs protection of municipalities and the general public. Germany has such an Institution. . J -- SAINTS Y J54, Kw Thsmirh EaaUsb CoBrtoo, og JChannsr-B- , Cdr Eoul patoBaasB. frw a An appr9Prtatl0n New York state electrical laboratory at Union College, Schenectady, Is rec- LATTER-DA- CUBBMdL UNIVERSITY CITV. UTAH. rnr. h aoraout ynwoi,ofiirllTuf growth ot tira Aroilrtriy ba irl tocs!tud Ui rwtliiB of lUiiuoiaf So hillMtim with Ute Byitlrale QBtinrnn Korirrato ooot. HwBhsf Mont oa thi himferSth. phr.Ml 1 or arrara aad oporial itifonaatioa ppir Tb Directress ot ST. MARYS ACADEHL Motre Dama, inaiana. FOR BUSINESS TRAlNINR ATTEND TKI ", Business Gollego SALT LAKE SALT LANS CITV. UTAH. rnrollment fratijrar tsj, Bv of weyh H. Ur- - rr feborihand.Toaea riabinot HooHkiolif. Hoalaraa Pmmanohlp, K a pi 4 AtT LARS , vales atlonoi bacltab, MatbsaiaUra. Law, ate i, Sctootiak ClsMlru, Twenty Otranto: Doraratlo all yean fall torm bega toepteoibsr L Arto, MbcSboI Opoa Kindotf Bttrs, Illtwtrauid mtatoguea fra. toaalUoaa aasared I FoIHI-bJEiwtrtoeriD. Oril Art, CtBli for amdiratea. fcookkoBalnr, llionlioa. pracitooiraulptoBBt LoB.oto. hliboU4in BttMlfOto Llftl Ot funv IBB, Ber. ITBBf fBBVltt RXLIABUC ASSAYS. Klw wteHKnto, thorom t for particular' by cBStrol torafiiw traloia tmd p metier 04MMMtSfitvvta J II j ttoltl tftd 9lltVeJi4 tor toekniral tort, .t f bAli. tMiV'r, LOUfara lif .time oa the WfUA for r Inrlndao two Borapirtr L 1. ..-. , tel Mil tfinDiM, Rrompi rmvrm Sooitfrai oUf tbt r opts U for tt Ivor-ram- - rln-alB- 73 r money r 1 t tb hegjlfl tk a Yauu r.rvtmjDmr 7t DflADMM UNVIA PHIl t r , 4 ! |