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Show viL-Jsl ''111 jnternationul assocatoh. (CIIAPTKK XIH.-CosTiNtTSD), "Well, well, we must itn hy avernscs of course. Hhall we say two years? I should think that you have a full two yeara hrfnrc ynu.M "In two years your pension would bring ynu in n eon. Now I will do my very best rr you. Admiral! 1 will ad-vanes ad-vanes you U'.ooo sod you run makeover to me your pension for your life. It Is pure speculation on my part. If yo i die to-morrow I lose my money. If the doctor's onoiliecv Is eorrect I shall still ha out of pocket, lr you live s little lit-tle longer, then I may see my money again. It Is ths very best I can do fur you." "Then you wish to buy my pension?" "Y-s, for two thousnnil down." ' "And If I live for twi-nty yearaf" "Oh, In Hint ense of course my speculation specu-lation would be more successful. Hut you have heard the doctor s opinion." "Would you advance ths money Instantly?" In-stantly?" "You ahould hsve a thouannd at once. Ths other thousand I should expect you to take In furniture." "In furniture?" "Yea. Admiral. Ws shall do you a beautiful houseful at that sum. It Is the custom of my clients to take half In furniture." ' j The Admlrnl ast In dire perplexity. He had come out to Kt money, unci lo go back without any, to be powerless to I help when his boy needed every sMIIlng I to save him from disaster: that weu! I j he very bitter to him. On the other j hand, It was so much that he surrin- . dered. and so little that hs received. I Mills, and yet eomcililn. Would It not be belter than si.lns back empty-handed? empty-handed? Ho saw the yellow backed eheo.ue.bonk lltKin the table. The moneylender opened It and dipped his ; pen Into the Ink. j Hhall I nil It up?" pud he. "I think. Admlrnl." remarked West- ! maeott. "that we hud better have H lit- I tie walk and some luncheon bi t. ire we settle this matter." "Oh. ws may ua well do It at once. It would be absurd to postpont U now." Metaxa spoke with some heat, and his eyes glinted snurlly fiotn between his narrow lids at the Imperturbable Charles. The Admiral was simple In money msttera. but he hsd seen much of men and hsd learned to resd them. He saw that venomous glance, and saw too that Intense eaaerneas was peeping out from beneath the careless slf which the sgent hsd sssumed. "You're nulls rlsht, Woemaeott," ssld he. "Weil have a little walk before we settle It." "Hut I may not be here this afternoon." after-noon." "Then we must choose snother day." "Hut why not settle It now?" "Ik-cause I prefer not," said the Admiral Ad-miral shortly. "Very well. Hut remember thnt my ; offer Is only for to-duy. It Is off unless I you tske It at once." "I-t It lis off. then." I "There's my feo," cried ths doctor. I "How much?" I "A sulnes." I The Admiral threw a pound and s shilling upon the tsble. "Come. West-maeott," West-maeott," said he, and they walked together to-gether from the room. "I don't like It," said Charles, when they found themselves In ths street ones more; "I don't profess to be a vary sharp chap, but this Is a trifle too thin. What did he want to go nut and apeak to ths doctor for? And how very convenient con-venient this tale of a weak heart was! I believe they are a couple of rogues, and In lesgus with each other." "A shark and a pilot fish," said the Admiral. "I'll tell you what I propose, sir. There's a lawyer named Mi-Adam who does my sunt's business. He is a very honest fellow, and lives st ths other slds of 1'oultry. Weil go over to him together to-gether snd have his opinion about the Whole matter." "How far Is It to his place?" "Oh, a mile at least. We csn have a cab." "A mile? Then we shsll ses If thers Is any truth In what that awab of a doctor doc-tor ssld. Come, my boy, snd clsp on sll sail, and aes who can stsy the longest." Then ths sober denlsens of the hesrt of business I,ondon ssw a slngtllsr slxht as they returned from their lunch- sons, jiown ine roaa-way. oodglug among cabs and carta, ran a weather-stained weather-stained elderly man, with wide flapping black hat. and homely ault of tweeds. With elbows braced back. hands clenched near his srmplta, and chest protruded, hs scudded aJong. while close st his heels luniheeVd a large-limbed, large-limbed, heavy, yellow mustaehed young man, who aeemed to feel tt exerelae a good deal more than hla senior. On they dashed, helter-skelter, until they pulled up panting at the oMIeo where the la-v-yerof ths Westmacotta was to be founa. "Thers now!" cried the Admiral In triumph. "What dye think of that? Nothing wronK In the tiKino-roum, eh f" "You seem lit rnnuich, sir." "lllea.ed If I believe .lie swab was a certificated doctor at all He was flying i false col.us, or 1 am mistaken." "They keep the dire. -lories and reiils- I lera In this rating house." said YVeaima- cult. 'Weil so and )ok htm out." They did so. but tlie no- I,, oil rolls on- I talned no nt.'li nau.e us thai of Hr. j Troii. lie. of Hi-end stri-t. ' "Pretty villi. inv il.ls: " e,-:e,t the A . ' mlral, thlimpltiir his i lex: A donooy doctor and a . I no d: Weil, we've tried the ro.'-. W. -lo.a , if I..-'. , u. see what we nil do l:h y- Li lu-ne.l j man." kAsrwAKtt on! fiH f?C M'AHAM. of the nTiAI ,,rm of MeAdarn A K 1 I1 rnl fl ill """ was a highly 'I 1 polished man who ff. Ji - yt 'j dwelt behind a high- j'r V ly lw""bed table In f the neateat snd . (tZ 1 Slllipifeet of Offices. S. He wsswhlte-hslied C ie snd snilnhle, with ' deep-lined aquiline V-wV face, was addicted to low hows, and self at half-cock, as though Just descending de-scending Into one. or Just recovering himself. He wore s hlgh-hm kled stock, look aiiurr, snd sdorned his eonversa-Hon eonversa-Hon with little scraps from the classics: "My dear sir." said he. when he hsd listened to the story, "any friend of Mrs. Westmscott s la a frh-nd of mine. Try a pinch. I wonder that you should havs gone lo this man Metaxa. HIS sdvertlsement la enoush to condemn him. Habet foenum In cornu. They are all rogues." "The doctor was s rogue, too. 1 dldn"t like the look of him at the time." "Arcades a mho. Hut now we must see w hat we can do for you. Of course what Metaxa said was perfectly right. The pension Is In Itself no security at all, unless It were accompanied by a life assurance which would be an Income In-come In Itself, It Is no good whst- j ever." j Ills cllenls- facra fell. i "flut there la the second alternative. You nilirht sell ths pension rlphl out. Hp-culatlve Investors occasionally deal In auch things. I have ona client, a sporting man. who would hs very likely to take It up If we could airree upon terms. Of rourne, I must follow Me. taxa's example by sending for a doctor. Kor the second time was the Admlrsl punched and tapped and listened to. This time, however, there could hs no question of the quaiincntlnns of the doctor, a well-known 1-ellow of the Col-Irae Col-Irae of Huritenns. and bis report was ss favorable as the other s hsd been adverse. ad-verse. 1 "Ho has the henrt snd chest of a man of forty." said he. "I can recommend hla life as one of tho best of his age thnl I hsve ever examined." "That's well." snld Mr. McAdam. making a note of the doctor's remarks, I while the Admiral disbursed a second guinea. "Your price, I understand. Is I live thousand pounds. I enn communl-eato communl-eato with Mr. Kllierry. my client, and , let you know whether hs cares to touch the matter. Meanwhile you can leavs your pension papers here snd I Will give you a receipt for them." "Very well. 1 should ks the money soon." "That Is why I am retaining the papers. If I can see Mr. Klt.urry today to-day ws may let you have a cheque to- , morrow. Try another pinch. No? Well, good-bye. I am very happy to hsve been of service." Mr. McAdam bowed them out. for hs was a very busy man, and they found themselves In the street once more with lighter henna than when they had left It, 1 "Well, Westmscott, I sm sure I am very much obliged to you." ssld the Admiral. "'You have stood by me when 1 wis the better for a little help, for I'm clean nut of my soundings among these city sharks. Hut I've something to do now which Is more In my own line, snd I need not trouble you any more." "Oh. II Is no lrn.,1.1. T V...- ,l.,.. to do. I never have anything to do. I don't suppose I could do It If I had. I should be delighted to come with you, sir, If I csn be of sny use." "No, no, my lad. You go home again. It would be kind of you, though, If you would look In at number one when you got bark and tell my wife that all's well wl h me, snd that I'll be back In an hnu - ,r so." "All right, sir. I'll tell her." West-mooott West-mooott raised his bat and strode away In the westwsrd. while the Admiral, after a hurried ranch, bint hla steps towsrds ths east. It was a long walk, but the old seaman sea-man swung along at a rousing pace, leaving street sfter street behind him. The great business places dwindled down Into commonplace ahops anil dwelllnga, which deoreaaed and became more stunted, even as the folk who tilled them did. until hs was deep in ths svll places of ths esstern end. It wss a land of hugs, dark houses and of garish gar-ish gln-ihopa, a land, loo, where life moves Irregularly snd whore sdven-lures sdven-lures ars to be galned-aa the Admiral was to learn to hla rost. He was hurrying down ons of the long, narrow, atone-flagged lanes be. tween the double lines of crouching, disheveled women snd of dirty children i who ast on the hollowed stens or th. houses, snd bssked In the autumn sun. At ons slds was a harmwmnn with a load of walnuts, snd beside ths barrow a bedraggled woman with a black fringe and a chequered shawl thrown over her head. She waa cracking wal-nula wal-nula and picking Ihetn out of ths shells, throwing out a remark occasionally to a rough man In a rabbit-skin cap. with atrapa under the knees of his corduroy trousers, who stood putting a black clay pipe with his back ugiilnst ths wall. What the cause of the quarrel was, or what sharp sarcasm from the woman's lips pricked suddenly through thai thick skin may never be known, but suddenly ths man took his pipe In his left hand, leaned forward, and deliberately etruck her aerosa the faco with hla rliiht. It , i a ship rather than a blow, but the I w"m"n gave a sharp cry nnd cowered up nKnlht the harrow Kith her hsnd to her cheek. "You Inrernal villain!" cried ths Ad. n.lral, raising his ail. k. "You brute and hi i hs-iiard!" I 'Corn!' Kronied rha much, with tho b. p. raapm,: ltit-n.ul..n of a savage, i ..irn mii o' this or i n II,, tooK a ' si. p r..rnr. itli uplifted hand, but In 1 nn Inai nt ,..n i am. cut number ,hr, J "I"" "' I. m1 cut nue. I...r nvi " " ! ' I cut number ons ' lull In il, e e..er of his , abbtl-sUIn cap. ; I It m nn. . . ""'' en.m.h T" '""K' ',U! " W" he.er"!f,h,".:;v' "' red weal rain a ' "ugh yelled with band. . f""1'"' "' """": h both boots 'k,,?,.k1, M" '"" Iron tnod tack w, "' he hounded -"" 'of "''',' ". "II" raining a in.oi.iu '"" up .n his savage sri-tagoniM. sri-tagoniM. Huddenlv, however a Pair of M l' V"""'"' -ndVlnnc! ,hom k r" fringe of Hie woman whom h, ,., H,n knl""1-"" '' "I 11 '"'d im. Now wrist Z" "r,n "" """ ' ""r , k. an Iron bar upon the Bte effort , fllsen,,,, ,,.,,. bul',h, most tl. h,c..uM , ,. round. s , , ,,,,. h,.r ,,,, n adversan .,, ,.. A Iirivf(1 WaS inr Very .,, ,,ni hf rinM hsve d.t. Tl, ruilKK ,mlf.,,M,M snd nu ,,y . ,,,., Khwh h, h.drecel,,,, siruek nut with all his un-gnlnly un-gnlnly tr.n,i,. just as bis partner a head Swin,, ,ru,, ,n fr, ut of him. There Wa, , ,,, K(, ,, of , , hitting a Wall, a d-.-p gro in, her grasp relaxed, atu) an, rnppe, a dead weight upon the Kv.ment. while the Admiral aprang bark ,nrt nil ,, ,,, jrk m, more, reity ,hrr for attack or de. fense. N.lihcr were needed, however, i for st that sinment th.-re was a scattering scatter-ing of th. erWll ,, W(1 rnr rn. I stables, bs.ly ,, l,.),,,,,,,, pu.h ' their wsy through the rabble. At the sight ef thern the rough took to his heels, snd instanilv screened from view by a .n f nl, friends and neighbors. neigh-bors. "I have been assaulted," panted the Admiral. "This woman was attacked and I had tadefrnd her." "This la Rrrmondsey gal," said ons police ofllcer, bending over the berng-gird berng-gird heap of tattered shawl and dirty skirt. "Whe ,.,t t hot this lime." "He wss aihortisii man, thick, with a beard." "Ah, that ! in,,.), fiavle. He's been j up four tlmsi for beating her. He's about done tlw job now. If I were ynu I would let tut sort settle their own I little sffalrs. fir ." "Do you tlUak that a msn who holds the Queen's commlw-lon will stand by and see s womin itruck?" crlsd ths Ad-' Ad-' mlral IndKnnally, I "Well. Just si you like. sir. Dut you've lost your wntrh, I see." "My wstclir He clapped his hsnd to his wslstcont. Th. chain waa hanging down In frrmt, and th. watch gone. Ha passed his hand over hla forehead. "I would not havs Inst that watch for anything." said he. "No money could replace It. It was given ms by the ship's company after our African cruise. It has an Inscription." Ths poltreman ihriurged his shoulders. "It comes from mnldllns." said he. "Whal'll you rvi toe If I tell yer where It la?" ssld a sharp-f-ced boy among the crowd, "Will you gimme a quid?" "Certainly." "Well, Where's the quid?" The Admiral took a sovereign from his pocket. "Hem u Is." "Then 'ert's ths tlrkrrP The boy pointed to the clenched hsnd of the senseless woman. A glimmer or" gold Bhons out from between ths Angers, and on Aliening them vs. there wss ths Admiral's Ad-miral's cht oaone : sr. Tills Interesting Victim hsd Ilir.sCd her protector with one hand, whllnhe robbed him with the other. The Admlrsbeft his sddress with ths pollcemsn, satsfled that the woman was only stune-d. not desd, and then set off upon ks wsy once more, the poorer perhsis In his fslth In humsn nature, but In wry good spirits nuns ths less, lis wslkel with dilated nostrils and clenched hsnds, all glowing snd tingling with th excitement of the combat, com-bat, and warned with tns thought thst he could still, when there waa need, take hia own fart In a atrest brawl In spits of his thpe-score and odd years. (to M uoariMvaD.1 |