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Show Meaance From the Sea. A Ornck Osl.orman rerently found on a lonely part of the Inland of Carpa-thos Carpa-thos a hermetically araied bottle, con-talnlnK con-talnlnK a pnpor. w'llch road aa follows: fol-lows: '-:,9, 17H2. Tho ship Clown, on bonnl wtilrh wo wore, oundirrd at the bi'Klntiii of Oclulier. i?02. 8ho foiin-dured foiin-dured to tpi'cl. ly e hardy had lime to rot off on the rnft. on whlrh we row are. without food or drink. Whoever Who-ever flr dn thl.i papnr la oci;i.'L'd,.ln the name of humunUy, to forward It to the povcrnment. One of tho rnMnwaya. Wantcr." Thla two century old mee-nao mee-nao haa boon bouuht by a Greek doctor. . . |