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Show Caaalnl Not Likely to Return. . Count Caaalnl, tho Huaalan amhaa-aadnr amhaa-aadnr to thla rountry, haa long dealred to obtain a diplomatic atatlon In Tarla or l-on.lon. lie la aald to feel that hla preatlge waa damaged by hla failure to prevent tho United Rtatoa from contemplating con-templating tiding tho Klahlneff petition peti-tion to St. I'eterahurg. Cnnaisiuently ho la not expected to rcainnn hla real-deece real-deece aa amhaaaHrtor In Waahlngton. but merely to present hla letter of recall re-call on hla return from hla preaenl vlalt to Kurope. Alexander levolaky. lately rttiaalnn mlulater to Jntian, la apoken of aa hla prohnhle auccetaor. |