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Show - .TT-- rrr 1 vu4 -- ' - f: .? Hsr Intxpentlve Hat. Che wanted a dashing hat for tht mountain reort to which aha waa going, and har money waa aQ bnt a pact. .. 8o aba bought a picture ahapa at a tawny laca atraw, rather aa odd looking thing by raaaon of ltscolor. d She trimmed It with email ostrich tips, and the result wag a picturesque, dashing chapeau. The feathers completely encircled the low crown, and there waa no other trim mlng. It was novel and Individual, and strikingly topped oft white, black, and linen color gowns. Red Linen Gown. Gotta of red linen, trimmed with t Itched bands and straps of the mabuttons terial and with The blouse la around , trimmed linen-covere- d the arm-alz- e ho lero fashion with bands, from which extend little (traps fastened at the ends with but- the tons The ing t . I- ei flsms-col-ora- w 'W. ders and tbs upper part of the sleeve. Below this fall two deep, pointed ruf-flof ailk mualln doubled. Several knots of red velvet connect the leevea and tb ruffles, which fall Is a only to tbs elbow, and there touch of red dab on the collar. A charming hat of red straw and popples goes with this gown. 1: i j stand- collar la of Irish lace. The odd sleeve Is lavtwo parts; a short upper pari, tucked on the out aide' and trimmed with the hands and the nndersleeve tacked aa round, the tucks opening out to form a puff which Is encircled with three tucks and gathered into a cuff of Irish lace, like the collar, The skirt is trimmed at the bottom In an odd way with tbs Stitched bands. Tbs girdle is of the material. Wiener Mode-Albu- Pretty Scroll Patterns Very pretty are the new scroll patterns In black and wh'te. These make p ebarmlxisly with the plain spotted ttunlln or lace fichu. The skirts of such frocks look well cut with live frills round the hem and only Just long enough to touch the ground. The sleeves must be very bouffant and If you get a good pattern there are not difficult to make. T - 'V THERE'S NO ''--- 1 a-- . tlon as well as a palatable dh. Aa artistic and delicious sslsd, Uks s good fioup. may redeem an other vise hopeless dinner, aa it pleases all the senses and leaves an Impression that counteracts the effects of badly cooked meats and vegetable. Just DELAY. In Hard Luck. Irate Guest (to waiter) Look here, didn't I order a Swiss cheese sandwich? Polite Waiter Yes, sir. and there It ts. Sewing on Buttons. When sewing on buttons with boles Irate Guest Theres two slices a through them; lay a pin over the but- bread, but can you find any cheese oj ton, so that the thread with which them? you ars sewing till take In the Polite Waiter I'm sorry, sir, thi passing the thread through the cheese is there all only yot button as often as necessary pull out happened to hit on oneright, of the holes. the pin and wind the thread around between the button and the cloth. Getting Back at Her. ' This will form a neck for tbs button, "No, Mr. Wooster." said the frigit It at once easier to tastea and maid with the imported complexion Smart whits voile costumes ars making stronger.' "it can never be. Im satisfied I white. made entirely would not make a good, wife for i Ecru muslin gowns trimmed tn Childs Frock. poor man." black lace and black velvet are very in childrens Delightful effects I guess that's the unadulterated fashionable. dresses are produced by tho use of truth," rejoined the young man wh The collarless bodice, with elbow ribbon-rubeadhad been given the dizzy whirl, but sleeves. Is fashion's favorite for both In little tho ing. for you will undoubtedly make a pool afternoon and evening toilettes frock pictured here wife for some good man! summer. the body baa two for than far lest Woolen fabrics, Than He Got Wild. seasons past, are not being used for narrow box plaits over the running Linens aeaslde frock. and country and muslins are much more popular. shoulder, between is tbe ribboIn white tailored costume and sep- which n-run beading. arata skirts butchers Unea Is most favored. Tbs suits ars mads with a This decoration is blouse or a coat In the style of a cor- also carried out in the front and back set Cost The new skirt flare presents the at tbe top of the portions. question of a stiff facing. The new blouse e stuff for this purpose ars very differ- This' charming frock is very ent from tbs old crinoline, crash or duck; they are both elastic and light pretty made up in the daintily colored yet produce admirably the new flare. dimities, organdies and lawns, using either black velvet or colored ribbon tn the embroidery beading. It la also - Latest Auto Coat One of the newest automobile coats pretty tn tbe white wash materials Wife Drunk again, last night? for the summer girl who wants to bs china silk, Swiss or pongee. Husband (sulkily) Thats my busiprepared for any- - emergency 14 In ness. Laca Shoulder of and Irish whits linen, three-quartlength, Capes Wife So It seems. The deep shoulder caps a feature belted with Ted leather. The belt Is run through Utils straps of whits rlb- - of so many summer frocks this year Fay Day In Sight Miles Shortun married an heiress GLOVE SACHET. last week and he declares she is all the world to him, Giles So hes getting ready to collect the debt, eh? Miles What debt? Giles Why, the one his wife owes him. I heard him say one time that the world owed him a living. We dwxysjoad your tetms promptly. Load them with COAL, of course, for thtf our stock In trade. - pin-Aft- -- sSv3Wasatch "ww, LUMP STOVE - 0 02.25 0 1.SO o o o Industry. o 0 WEBER COAL CO. 0 t 00000000000000000000000000 Do You Wa.nt Some? an In a4 of When You DRY GOODS. AND GROCERIES Go to at?" Confound that mosquito," he answered. Ill smash It yet you see If I dont" "Henry W. Noah, what doyou mean? Have you forgotten that we have only two mosquitos In the ark?" er 1 - - Patrosize a Bone timely Warning to Noah. "Noah, exclaimed the grand old sailors wife, "what are you slapping Of yellow silk of tbe empire shade. and knots of gold, while the heavy Tba light design most characteristic cord and tassel effect lend a brilliant of the empire Is embroidered in fancy note. ; Pretty White 611k Waist Line jfhe sachet with white satin "Llouse Of white loatsi ne - The ep-p- bvaM. Tba. flowers and Jeaves are part 1 of the wrought by almond shaped, figures and edge it with whftrHk cord. blouse Is tucked, Wanta and Wishes. forming a sort of bon which are sewed to the coat on ls made In Irish lace And la, of There's a strange man at the door, bordered bolero, With this thera is a neat course, detachable, so tbit It can be sir," announced the new servant from with four row of the outside. linen , hat wlth a hood Just cleaned separately when:: necessary. Boston. v whits little black velvet ribWhat - does- - hs want" aaked the A In front the cape la fasteaed by little hair. inclose tbe to enough large ,. bon ornamented master of the house, impatiently. white satin ribbon ties under the butterfly bows of velvet a butlittle with moat "Begging your pardon, air," replied hat the tons The blouse chin, giving Of course, piquancy the servant a shade of disapproval Taking Off Freckles. white linen a becoming. collar ind sleeve manifest in his voice, "he Wants a Lemon Jules enters Into the compodust coat has one drawback In that puffs are of guihath, hut what he is asking for Is for Is the a sition of this many preparation thing it aotls la a day, but pure. be prepared In cur of freckles. One part of Jamaica something to eat" must one which for la The collar rum to two parts lemon Juice la the of white goods. laced , with black this summer Modern Precaution. favorite prescription of ene beauty, velvet rlhboa fast"Adam would have never eaten who find that the rum tones up her ened at the botskin while the lemon whitens It Equal that apple in these days." tom with buttons Why not?" parts of rose water and glycerine, with and pendants. The HOUSEHOLD "Well, .his physician would have lemon Juice added , to make enough TALKS bottom of the sleeve ts trimmed with the face feel It, la beneficial for frec- told him to remove the skin to avoid black. velvet, at are also the,cuffs of also for sunburn. indigestion and to remove the seeds kles; the silk. The draped girdle Is of English walnuts and potatoes maka to avoid appendicitis. By the time a tavory spring salad. Break each black lelvet Wiener Chic. he did all this he would have thought Red Silk Waist covinto pieces the slxe of a pea. then better of the matter and not eaten if Fancy waist of et with any good salad dressing. Light and Dark Colors the apple at alL" trimred loulatne shredmade A dainty salad is by There ts always a certain amount over med the of danger when pale colors are worn ding fresh pineapple on lettuce hearts 'Hostile. w It h shoulders on the bead, such as pals green, and serving with mayonnaise dressof bands wafancy mauve, etc. They may be beautiful ing, Serve with cheesestraw or black illk fagoting ' in themselves, but they are trying ters.' over whit taffeta. A four tlned silver fork is a conveneven to pretty faces and good comThe collar and two plexions So, taking it all. ..round, ient utensil for chopping tender veg- sets of revers ars or meat and toe da be should darker brims etables, mixing pots universally of guipure borcooked rice with flour In making rcuour. dered with red veetc. Vinegar Is one of the worst dietetic lvet r The sleeves are articles to be found on the everyday It hinders tbe digestive very full at tb table. clishgFi thst take piece In the upper bottom " and" gathInto ered deep part of the Intestine. Pieces cf old velveteen should be cuff of the silk 1. velvet the polishing. They and substitute (or cham- TJppffpurtofth excellent an are To serve" with meats:" ois leather and may be used as easily silk trimmed with Corned beef, mustard. bands of the fagot-tinas an ordinary duster. Roast duck, orange salad. over white. Water for boiling fish should alFrizsted beef, horseradish. when the The girdle Is of the st bs point boiling ways Lobster cutlet, sauce tartar. fish is put tn. Salt and a few table red .velvet Wiener Chic- Roast ptarmigan, bread sane. of vinegar should also have spobnfuls sauee. r tomato Fork requeues, added. been Tbs latter is said to Prints and other colored fabric Cold boiled fish, eaues plquante. that are Inclined to fads when washed keep the flesh firm and white. . Sweetbread cutlet, Bechamel sauce. Briggs Has ' your oook been with should be soaked In salt water before fried hominy, with cel-tr. Reed birds, you long? being washed tn soapsuds. The saltArranging a Salad. ' Good heavens, In arranging a salad consider that ier the water the more likely the maDriggs With us? Tork rauasgc, tart apple sauce or us almost been no! Shes a table decora must Is be against to hold terial it pleasing ita color. fried apples. tb from first Veal iay.'itcvtcr.iato sauce, grated -- lowing: -- Ut-tl- . . will find constantly the best and as for prices, note the fol-- SYou , JVline tho CASH BARGAIN STORE ' COALVILLE, UTAH 4 Good Job Work..... vrhi people wtxnt. and at Gft Times office is lust tho place where you can get It at prices that will suit everono. Is J All Work Promptly Executed ... rWl) ' 'o"SSSn2ovo'So'-25sv23- ' GRASS CHEEK COAL AT '3 -- GRASS watbeA-atuL4uedlffl- CHEEK-MIN- ES g We have the very best Coal there Is on the market for domestic or stearh purposes. y. rarmeran V" rte. tojpjie. sauce tartare or .- - EMOfitOLDERED MUSLIN PILLOW. Cold boiled Olive stuffed with peppers. Charming Cummer Outfit tbl gown of ccffcecolored silk muslin is embroidered.. wilh Irregularly placed dots cf gerarlrm, red, each dot su rt unled by a circle' of white. This gives them the effect of having been cppllcned oa the muslin. - The full skirt consists cf three ' Irge. shirred puffs Jilted together hy bandings cf antique lace the color of the dress. There fs a fleugee finished hr a deep lacs bstsd. the points of the lace turned upward snd the bcttoni bard of cf the skirt Is faced wKh n red velvet rihbon. The bodycrat ice, T. fd'b farters In the back, foltowi the gre-plan cf the skirt and consists ? two shirred puffs and two rows cf , the lace The sleeves ftr pood.. The muslin la Ooqr'y ec.lrre-- over the shoul - A al ej't-iai- in't!ei, Here Is s model for the charming washable variety of cushion tops, pillow with a "tub frock." particular ly good for warm weather tmtofe."" The design is both eltgant and novel It is made of white musln daintiThe laurels are ly embroidered. with tiny almoc j shaped medal tna lions cf lace, which are cut out and disposed like leaves. The stem work I made with cord and the berries by tamMtirkg. The Cushion may be lined with pink or blue satin. A double Add of tulle edged with lace forms the border. At the corners are knotted satin Sallie and Willie. T notice, WV.be, tiisr bci i I s are becoming pretty "plentiful upon the market." ' . "Yes, Sallie, and they will remalt more plentiful upon the market that upon, our table' until the p$ee get! smaller and the boxes get larger. Roller Monthly. It Was All Right "And now. my dear," said., the delighted youth. when may I epeak to your father?" You dont have to, George," replied the sweet yonng'tbing. who had?just He told me accepted him. that if yon didn't speak to me beil. speak to you f c) . Lmpand "V CI Well Screened Domestic, Store Mired 1 fer tqn. There Is no shoveling or writing, we hive a - SPECIAL TEAMS CHUTE FOR ts LOADING ' to-day AJtranslation. "In vino verltas means that the truth Is liable to leak out of even as r.xcccr.lrgly tight mfta. Ruck. GRASS. CREEK' COAL CO. |