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Show Attracit.a'4 of ihe Philippines. ' I , An Ain.-e.an In the I'hlllpplaes, 1 writing 011 buaiaess to a frleiut la WaacHnatni Incidentally sums up bis ImBressloniof our annexed territory tho: "TH Philippine Islands are a fierce preusuttna. I would not take Governor lift a ab, and you kaow bow ararldsua I ana.' Her are tha attractleea: Rwga. anta. Ilrards, mee-I mee-I quttoes), aukea, beriberi, leproay, cholera, kuMilc plauue, lovers, ehon-bny ehon-bny Itch, itt. Nous an a month he bnid all lla train. Ink coots a dollar (Mexican) Itr u half pint bottle, but the man vrka irtays bore to anil It deserve de-serve U-n rlo.n It la liiconi'iilvable Is me ho any white man can on-Joy' on-Joy' Mnnila.' |