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Show MAY RESULT IN WAR. Russia Demands Punishment of Murderers Mur-derers of Consul. The rinr has demanded the exemplary exem-plary punishment not only of th murderer mur-derer of th Ilus:;lnn consul at Monastic Mon-astic who waa killed last week by Turkish gens d'armee, but of all th military and civil officials In any way responsible for tho crime. The assas"lnatlnn of th Russian consul at Monastlr, M. Itostkovoakl, Is the tocond murdor of a Russian conaul In Macedonia within a fw montha, and has created Intense Indignation In-dignation In St. Petersburg. According to the report mad by th official now In chnrg of th Russian consulate at Monnsllr, th murderer Is ft gen d'armo. The consul asked hi nam because. In defiance of In-itnirtlons, In-itnirtlons, tho gen d arme did not salute sa-lute hlra. Tho gen d'arme thereupon fired sererul shots, mortally wounding th consul tn the hend and hip. The horse drawing the carrlago In which th consul waa riding reoolvod two bullela and ohota were also fired at the coochmao. Russians are very much Incensed over tho affair, and unless full reparation repar-ation la mado, trouble la aure to follow. |