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Show anion Mabiom, UUh, A. 11. 1WIS. EmToaTirae: Mr, aud Mil. Jclio glonebraker ol Hoylevill ar her lotlty Vllilo their many (rieada. ( j Edward l.e I carried I . ail be- ' Ihh lurk City and Kama iwal work j locjoeepb William. Mr. mid Mrr. Irving Jonea rl ! Lake ar her for ruiile ol wrekt vUltlng Mil J. A. Woolltnhulm. ! Mia llalwa Lnndbert vl.lied at Kelt i Lake, lleher end Park tliy ImI ink. Quit anraher trntn here took In lb X'MiMion to Haltair. Mre, Kmma Pnrreneon It quit III wllb rheuuiatiem at tfaia writinf. 1 Mr. and Mr. Jab U. Wlrtb an hare Walling ailh Jopa Mitchell, Mra. Wlrlb 'a father, Tbey ba aolrl cut all thalr property al lleoedlcl, K'ebreaks, ad will make Ibelr futnr ham her la -. tb weal. .Hve- Mri. cirace Wllllauifof Ihlepla died ; at tbe floiy Croat boapllal. Hall Lake, j oo Monday, Aueatt Brd, wber aria bad ' been operated open. rib waa Ik all ' ol Joeeph Wllllami and oldeet daughter ', ol Joaeph and Koaa Mitchell. Uh wa thirty. eeven yean old laat May. I-' I-' cured hat been tick tine May, 1002, and most of lha tint Laa tnfferwd eever pain. Bb learn a hneband, lo liltl i clila. mother, talber, three aialera and Ave brother to mourn her loea. Tb funeral waa held from lha Kama weel-, weel-, ln( bouee on Tharaday, tb (lib. John rleneonof Woodland and Will Young and Bert I'ack ol Kauai were tbe apeak-art. apeak-art. Tb remain were buried In the ' Marion cemetery and Illy team tullowed 1 the temaint totbelr laat retting place. i Miae Retta Lemon baa returned from f Ball lake; ah will keep boon foe Joe-aph Joe-aph William and take car ol hi lllll (Irla. ' ' William Froet and wife of Coalville ! ami Mr. J. A.- I'ack ol Kiaetf Itlte.l I our Habbalh nhool laat Sunday, |