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Show HUMBERTS ON TRIAL. Parisian Vary Much Wrought Up Over Noted Swindler. The notorious Humbert family on Saturday faced ft Judge and Jury tn meet the charge of having perpetrated perpetrat-ed what eg Premier Walileck-Wous-aoau doscrlbed as "th greatest awln-dlo awln-dlo of th century." Investigating . Magistrate Loydet in May decided to I commit Theresa Humbert, her hus band, Frederick, and her brothers, . Roman and Emll D'Aurlgrinc, for trial on tho chatges of forr.ery, thn use of forged docmuonta and Dwindling. Ho . dh oilseed tho cases against Eva Humbert Hum-bert (Theresa's daiiirhtor) and Mori Dulgnao (ber sister). Public curiosity which has followed the fortune of the family since the days of Its social brilliancy Is again Intnnsely wrought up. tho chief Interest Inter-est centering In "I Orandn Thorns." (Who has promised to produce at this trial the In) Morions American millionaires, mil-lionaires, tho brothers Crawford, on whom she based hor story of an Inheritance In-heritance of 10, OoO, UOO, which sho put Vrwnrd as the security for the loans she obtalnod, amounting to about $10,-000,000. |