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Show FROM THE HANNA EXPLOIO. A Cerraantenl Deaorlbe game h cenee That Dlaaaler. Hanna, Wyo., Aug. 5, 1WI3. Emtoa Tiwat : Thinking lhat a lew line from the fene of the late explotlon might beol Interort to your readcra, will tay thai on arriving at Henna at midnight on tbe 3rd ol July we lonnd the town very quiet; the bereaved onet bad ceared their vigil around tb entrance to the mine, realizing that no bore could be held rut to them of iing their loved onea emerge from that black hole alive. The majority of the men working on the 7th, Oth and 11th ertrtee, about 40 In nntntier, bad ectpl ehortly after the exploaion. Tl.ie part of the mine being itnlated from the lower worklnga, and ventilated by a teparate intake airway, air-way, did not receive tbe full volume of flame or force of the explorinn. At the main tlon a brave band ol retcueri were at work contitting of carpenter, car-penter, olackimitht, machinlttt and outride kandt. The (an bad bv thil time been patched ap end wat running alowly, filling tbe retnrn airway witb the deadly afterdamp. When the 17th entry wat reached eighteen bndiet were found piled on top of one another, but before they could tie taxen out the rea-cnlng rea-cnlng party waa driven oat witb tbt imoke. Realliing by thli timi lhat the unfortunate unfor-tunate rum bad all pvritbed, the alr-wayt alr-wayt were then put in tbipe to inture Ireab air to Ih recnrera aod the tlow work of removing the cave rotnuiencrd. Beveral atteaipte were mad te qnench the fir bnt withont tucceet. glaring the raidt on the fire the nerve and courage cour-age of brave men were tried, many of them breathing Ibe bot tmoke and gatet fell Ilk a log; tirong armt bor them to frerh air and when revived would go again lo tb Iront. I'nrlng tbeae exciting timet tbe leading brainy coal mine tuperlntendentt and lntpect-ore lntpect-ore of tbe wert were ber with their airittanc and advice. General Bnpt. D. O. Clark bat been on the ground almoat continuonaW alnce the accident and .the . wony la tocaking him down, at be it well advanced In yeara. Prut, H. (J. Bart remained here tereral dayt aatarlug tbe eoal department depart-ment tbat no expert thoold be tpared in recovering the bodlet, bnt tb work it progretilngilowly ; many niithooghtol and unexpected condition! bave been met with, turb aa entriei and roomt caved lor hundred! ol leet, under which men are buried and will bave tote loaded out balor they can b reached, which will take montbi to accomplitb. Up to tbii data 62 bodiei bav been recovered, re-covered, leaving 102 ttill entombed. P. |