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Show v , V - I i If ? hamkk TIMES. COALVILLE ooiiviixi.'OTAH, ioa. . nos. COUNTY NEWS. Haaarkh, Uiu. Aug. 1 ,wi3 EmroaTiMaa: t Henetor and Por1rvi!le played a game waa 7 of hss las It on the 8th ; tba acore to 18 in favor of Henefer. of Boro, Aogost 9th, to tba wife V Items ct Interest Gitlerd ti Cormpoadenls fariocs $ r Tmi tj of County. J. W. child Ricbioe, a daughter. Mother and Onr doing well. Thoma Copley and Robert Walker of and Joseph Hama of tbia place Coalville were the epeakeri here on Sunday last. Married, at Coalville, August Utb, Mlee Jessie Pa son, to Mr. Heber ilen-oef- er, MMNMHDWMS Preet. U. W. Young performing KAMA. the ceremony. The many friend of the bsppi-ne- w 1903. 1J, young couple with them joy and $og. Kama. life. married during tbeir Xutroa Timka : The Sunday echool picnic of the Hen Everyhodv i busy rushing hay into efer and Crojden reboot I on me 8th waa tU tck. Tb toast sign of aetom a great sociees, aocially and financially. makes everyone get up early ; tbee lgo At th dance at night, fter paying all occur quit often now and ke p everyfor tba aipeneee, $17.58 waa cleared body on th jomp. benefit of the Henefer ecbool. We will W, II. Crruth and wife of Coahllte return the viatt to Croyden the firvt War visitor boro last Sunday the for week in September. . Mr In the interest of jboBnndaylchool . A great number of Henefer people and tb latter for tbo Primary nseocia-tion- went on tbe eicuriion to Beltnir today, Chi r t i J, U, Lambert epent a few day fishing week, also looking for a op WeWr mill. timber location for bit !t u Ella Pack and Lizzie Thomzs art vielting at Salt Lake and Tb Pyon Mtssee for a few day. MAMOM Mauom, Utah, Aag. 11, 1903. Inrro . Timm ; Mr. and Mr. Jobs Stooebraker of iloytrville are hero today visiting their many friend. Edward Lew la carried the mall between l ari City and Kama laat week lor Joeepb William. Mr. and Mr, frying Janet of Salt Lake are here for a eoople of week visiting Mra. J, A Weoiitenhoim. Miaa flelma Londberg vieited at Balt Lake, Heber and Park Clip laat week. but they were greatly aonoyed by having to go to Echo for ticketa tbit morning. Tba people bare tboald refute to take part in,tbete affair nntil tucb time a tbey can get treated with civility and receive tbe came accommodation a are obtained by people at other placed The matter should not revt until a change it Bccom pitched, The Primary association held tbeir an nual last night. Picnic waa served, program given and gsmea played ; all tb children preeent bad a good time. Robert Jones bat been quite sick tbe week. Cad of Bluer Fight. Labor CkMH. power breed arrogcuce. . 1 abor onions have made error ndy. They nr feeling tbeir oate. The nporovnl of the ound majority aH over the nation bss gone to Governor Derbm of Indian, tad only ditgaet is felt tor tbe employer who discharged men for helping quell the riot. A organised labor also baa taken etand against tb militia, it is face to face with this sound pubi e spirit which, from Washington day to onr, fane looked upon militia atone of the pillar of democracy, making a large standing army neediest, and iodentifying the soldier with tbe citimn. Every step taken against tba Xatfooal Guard will leav tb noiona weaker; Governor Durbin denounce the Evansville employer gttiltrol "moral Morally traitors, no lest, are all labor organisation which oppose the militia in hopes of rioting freely. Another error has been made of late by labor, in forcing President Roovlt to (bow bin courage by reinstating an official wboe removal waa secuied by onion influence, A solid mass of public opinion truce for tbe President end against the union.'1 Foolish leadership cap put back tbe caue of labor at rapidly wue leadership can advance it. Unhappy, it ie easier to find many Sam Parksei than a few John Mitchell. Labor, to succeed must preserve its tne of justice. Otherwise its cause is on with anarchy. It ia noticeable, now that the coal strike ba tank into tbe pat,thet one of the lasting memories in the public mind is lb wrong saffersd, ia that conflict, by workmen, A 11 violence tends to remind ns of them, We recall them when leodifti swegger about in brutal mnraers, m when grots cruelty seeks a for a boiidav. That lawlessness it a foe to honor ia becoming now more clearly felt, week o week; end it will be weii for labor to cbooee more than ever carefully la, tb approaching conflict between' justice and revolt. v ' - 1 , S' To Cure a Cold in One Day Td Laxative Eromo Quinine rafcti. C9. SwvwakZSoa bows add 2 h pest! month. ""R I P A N S Taboles Doctors find pescription For mankind. TUe '1 eent jrackac tamily boul. a year. ca every box. 25c. TH Coalville A good Co-- op laeaeacb lot mu) owsailou buj eoniain a Npply lor AU Uruggivu acll ikaia. SO YEARS EXPERIENCE tron. 1 non-unio- n negTO-burnln- g SHOE SALE ! Trad Mark OtawNS CostawsTt Ac. uf AxfOM MBdlnc e ilKek ftatf 4mehputm Vulr.lv VMMVtlun MV OelBMiM flHV tbhbir mi ttiVMttnn m prolwblT puwuafclo. CubmUiv wmMtlltiiiiMmUA UMdUmC or Fauu nit fra. (M MrMMir fur MrortDg DiUOU, ACttewnli Kin la ta Cvlrn. WH tbuo.h vrtal autiM, vtthoM Scientific A Mvf. Hntrican. bmUMmWv HhwlrMv WMCty. I.mM etr. . W CoEEtj ww W wfw WTvVTw w plw 100 Pairs Sinejor of Semmit County. Ia familiar with section and township corners in burnout county. Hottry Public end Conveyancer. , UTAH COALVILLE GO TO Palace Of Womens, Misses and Boys' Shoes, THE Barber Shop i Which are being Sold at i Razors Honed, 25cts. From HALF PRICE Some Good Bargains. Until Fortlier W: wt at to ge. ru Hi ... W1Www We have about E. H. RHEAD, Two physicians had a long and stub bora fight with an nbesst on my right for Stylish Bair Cot and long" writes J.F.Hugbe of DaPont, Ga. k ATS IOC HIABO Of Clean Shave. and gav ma op. Everybody thongltmy 1 4 waa uoiia movtm i time bad come. As a laat retort I tried Dr, Kings Few Discovery for Consump- The 014 Vultlu Uu to A4ept.4 hy a tion. Tb benefit I received was strking , W. S. JOHISTOH, Prep.- A av.rio. K.ivtpapr I. Fregreesiv ' Quite a number from ber took in tbe and I waa on my feet in a few daye. Sow Meet Medaru a.qvO.m.aU. xcurtion to Saltatr. IS entirely regained my health. It Colliers Weekly is deducting a very 111 I Mr. Emmn Borraneoa quite with couqneri all Congba Colds and Throat novel and Irtereetirg competition tor its and Lang Trouble. Guaranteed-b- y rheumatism at tbia writing. T enter tbe coneach readers month. 10 a.m. John Hoyden A Boa, draggists. Price test all on ha to do 1 ta review th Mr. and Mre, Jobs 6. Wirtb art hero to 3 60c, and $1. Trial bottle Ire. p. m., issues of Colbers faf t hi current month visiting with Joseph Mitchell, Mm. and antwer th tw pr three queetions Wirthi father, ' They have sold out all Notice. MISSIONARY APPOINTMENTS. which are printed issue, giving their property at Benedict, Nebraska sock in fitter homo her inch opinion and aad will make tbeir suggestione at Angost Ifiib, Coalville Biles V. Pack, will aid la the improv'rg .Ji paper. Col- O. Walken FRENCH, 1, Dr, Farley lier aim In tidy eecnratbe as lira. Grate William of this place died August lfitb, Henefer Henry X, tistanca of a Physician and Bargeen, 1 very one 4 j ite readers in at the Holy Cross hospital, Balt Lake, Parry, Thomas A. White. . , Office residence. making tbe pdper men !o tbeir liking. on Monday, Angnst 3rd, where ah had ' arroiMTKKinw roa aco. 33. Ceal ville. ia on of becomes render, fact, Every been operated opon. Bb waa th wife Office hour from 2 to 4 p. m. H. Branch, Parley lb editors and kss hi lie la building Wanshlp-- W. of Joeepb William and oldest daughter 'r Walker. a U w bo can should oberv them boon cf Joeepb and Rosa Mitchell. ' She was Woodland Levi Pearson, Duncan thg- - greatest illustrated journal of tb na asiaraa pomdbl . i i , tblrty sevsn year old last May. De- Marehknt. , Tbe first pHs each month, awarded ceased has been lick sine May, 1902, Rockport Jobn K. Lemon, Ole Jen-te-n. tor tb most helpful sor; etioB, it 160 in ad most of th time haa (offered aever $ cash, with a eecond print t 25 ia rtah, little pain, Sb leaves a husband, Francis J ernes B. Rbead, Jobn Hoi aad eighteen other priiea of acta of girls, mother, father, three Mater and tin. book, ranging in value from $32 gown five brothers to meorn her loan, Tbe SERVICE, EQUIPMENT Oakley Georg Bmitb, 13 y rum Homer to $5, making ia sQ $329 of valne given meetKama from was the held funeral Bench Creek John H. Seymour, A in prize eacb month. Thera are, la TRACK. ing house on Thereday, tb 6th. John D. Richard. , addition, cumulative cash prises, for Benson of Woodland and Will Young Upton Rebert Walker, Henrr Hirst. those who a to prize in sneceeeiv and Bert Pack of Kama were th speak-er- a. Henefer Enoch Brow a, Kepbi Bar-g.- L months, and a big cask prize of $1,000 Tb remain were boned In the for tbe most valuable suggestions during Marion cemetery aad fifty team followed teville Join C. Paakett, Parley 1803. Hoy the remain to their last resting place. Richlna. For th convenience of intending con Mias Retta Lemon baa returned from East Coalville Amo Bargent, David testant who can not be promptly supBalt Lake ; nbe wilt keep boo tor Jos- Neff. 111 tbe copies of plied by newsdealer Peon Thomas A, White, William Colliers for tb current month will be eph Williams and taka ear of hie little Carrntb. sent postpaid, together with a hand girl. l 6 "f RlCTO' X. Parry, J, R. Bar-bid- eoma proof of a H. Rockport of Coalville William Frost and wife drawing by Charles Dana Gibson, upon receipt ol 40 cent in and Mra. J, A, Pack of Kaaaefi vlaited Park aad Park City- -F. H. stamp addressed to Th Ltena Month, Parley our Babbath ecbool last Sunday, Wright, Wm, Hodaon. ers Weekly, Ct Weet lSth street, Grata Creek Edward Richies, Tbo. New York, . FOR ALL wkabs Beard. 1903, Grata Creek,-Aa- g. It, Ward Con l recce August 9tk, Bench Eetray latice. Eorroa Train Creek; llih, Parleys Turk ; 23rd, Kamas. TEBB TBilXS BIILT or 1 In Btsti Oakley - Tb min worked five day laat waek. Cocwtt Or SfMUlT end oleaid county IIIODCI CHS U Ctlut. 1 have in Agreed bell wee given here laat FriKtans City, St Ptnlj IIbbo- my poseenton the following described evening. animals claimed not day which if tpullt and taken away j be sold at publie -- WCTHJ. G. Cerratb ha resumed htswork auction to tbe higbsep cash bidder at gain at tbe mine, after a weeks layoff. for thi list CcBitttloBi flliect . in Oakley my corral precinct, : ' John lladdow, Juba Lord and non, Seitkeut lid on Thursday, the 20t$ day of August, Detailed information cheerfully furAll cattle bearing tbe above brand 190S, at the hour of 1 oclock Heber, of Spring Valley recently com p, m.i nished cm application, "tented work at tbe mine here, and ear mark are owned by William On light red co and call, latte i C, I. WHEADOH, Agent, C. R Hancock of Coalville did tom McMichael, west aide Weber river, about nine month Mf blotch brand on Coalville, Utah work at ibe time kiln last week, left of cow. nbe Summit Utah. noytaville. County, John E. Pettit returned to Hanna, httrs BobtW, Poundkeeper for Oakky precinct. . TO era A COLD I w ON DAT Wyo., laat week, taking with him Wm. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Craig. All druggite refund tbe money if it fail were la Qai.teg ppmbtJLOf JqrjpopJf oe toour,E-.-r Coalville tbia week transecting knai- - each box. Mo, cam AtAAlAAlAAlAAlAAlAAlAAlA nluwnfour f monlA Mf vrwnulie Viunial 1 TwnutS SL BjM by Vm: wvitalm, Dr. W VISICK, - CHp bTwoDeya. Union Pacific t AU Styles. ' " All Prices. eOAbVIlsLE I ' ed-O- P. 'A have a line of GOODS Which you can buy during the coming week at your own price. M. R. Salmon. Eastern Points. Ct, i 1 :l s At tb meeting ber last Sandny afternoon Elder J, D. Barber of Coalrilie, Amo bargent o! Hoyteviil and Elijah Turner of tbia place were the speaker. Improvements are being made on a number of tL dwellings owned by tbe company. - The Death reaalij. cribw, The Herald. , . Tb Balt Lake Daily Herald i th most readable paper la tbe iutermoon-tai- n country. Every day in tb wee 85 cent a month. The Sunday Hqyald with he magazine section should be read $1 toreig by everyone, $2 per jar, month. ThSeni twee ly a Herald-(Tuesda- IHt-happen- - t,. , - OttiT SO etuis a jmt. MS CALLS, a uDits tmCZl -T-- and Fridays) only $1.50 per year, with A little sometimes result In Orange Judd Farmer (weekly) $1,75. thing death. Thus a mere scratch, insigui-lica- nf Strictly in advance. its in tbe HeruW cum ormn irTmThTTbavapiSl this death penally. It is wise to have Buck-ton'- s Arnica Salve ever bendy. Its the beet salve os earth and wilt prevent totality, when Darns, Bores, Ulcer and Pile threaten. Only 25c at Boy dens drug s tors. teatoe ctomnsd C C C. fever aeli to baft, am nto deafer whs trim Is ad Subscribe for THE TIMES. Jtct aagwtd." "rthtaf N atrie rirrEiuf Greve'a-eignatarete- Watdh this space for next week muist. I swts i4 MM I rlt--r I isrSs Ktwpto. p.Hrma M5CALL I DEUSHTFUl k SAFE BEVERAGE STimJUNT. A GOOD f.!EDICIHE. fee Safe ia TRE NtCALt CO., uviiv-inw- iiafc gitta J-- . 3HL Ceahrttfo Iy a T.T V |