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Show Englleh Slang in Franca. j . J Novcr have the French muila naa ' 2 of so mnny Kngllrh -.-.-.li as during " tha put sosaon. Tho world of "sport J j Z brgsn the practice some rears ago, ) T and It had this oxciice. th-4 It drew ' Its horses, Its "triitnei-s" and Its T "kirkeye" from the other aide of tha X channel. Uut nowadays French ao- f ' clety Indulgea In a positive debauch . of exotic terms. One goes nn longer '.- "sur lo champ des courses," but "on I . the turf." The horsea go round the E ' ', "ring." Tho "donneura cle Paris" nra B "bookmakers." The "gross ponies.' V ', "plungers." A "thoroughbred" (pur V i sang) la no longer "uolteux," but X "broken down." Paris tetter. Si i X Strenuous Ssrvtce. T The parson had Juat delivered a ft fiery sermon on the evils of ruin. Ona ' T af the mombera was seen to be wrlg- ",. (ling uneasily In hla pew. "Heboid!" i J cried the excited parson. "One of j my ahafta has struck the right man. ' X Bee how uneasy our wsyward brother j Is," "Vea," retorted the accused man; J . J "you'd be uneasy, too. If you bad J June bug down your back." 1 i ITii Core a Oilil In One day. H 1 Take Laxative Hrouio Quinine '1'atilcU. All ji 4 lrugglsUrsfund money If itratlaluuure.'JOa 1 " A Terrifying Threat. The treat prire flghler'l faca 1 blarchod. He trembled llko a fright- , ' ened child. In vain hla barkers tried to enonurae him. "Hut look at what ho says." sobbed the mighty one. "Ha says that If be once bxnds on ma It will knock me speechless!" Ills back-era back-era were silent. There aro some daa I era which the bravest cannot be es I ported to face calmly. II do aot betlfve Plse'a Ours for ronanmptloa 1 has an equal for oouihs and rnl.ts JollH r. I Uorsa, Trlnllr Sprlnf.. I ml , Feb. It, lim. 1 Woman's Remarkabls Fad. Have you aoen a woaian on a slreet ' car or train take two white mire out of an air-filled rdk-ulo, carina them fondly aod then kiss themT Her bus-bsnd bus-bsnd waa with hor the other day, but 1 the weo small pets oeruplod all her i attention. The letleule had little air V , opcDlngs In the sides, with a rubber Wf tube attachment, Uioriigh which ao- I caslonally fresh air waa blowfl. for t the day waa aultry and wee roousie ! might suffocate. "Hubby" waa utlb I Ised to blow In tho air. He looked henpecked and thoroughly subdued. ! Occasionally the woman would opaa I the reticule, when the little white . f mica would clamber out over the topv la thla to be a new fad r New York Frees. HOW'S THIS? I Weeffir One llnndrt I.llara rvwaril for ant I tVun'i 1 "' "'' l "" b" 1 "f . I.TilKNEV CO.. Pn.es.. Totmto. O. I W. Hi. n,,.l-,.,..,l. hava los.wo P. j. ! 4,rn., t't il. U.i H ..... .. .I t-l,.., him t..i.i, . l, .n,,..M. ,i, .11 l..i.ina I....... ... ... ...d I- 'Vl sra TP! AX. W'h.,l-..l. Dmxl.i. Tnlrdo, B Ohi .WAI.IUNii. gINNAN 4 UAKVIN. Whole- B 11.11. i ...,.h 1 .... la tittn Imeiaallr. arllag El HI.-. .Ir Ih I.I.-...1 slot irnui iu.I.cisoI Ihe H urn'" g1'!'"" "u "i" ""' ''" 1io " Il iiaai'StrauubrPilUaiollia bnl. H To Manufacture Hoop Iron. : Coaaul B. It. Warner wrltea from I Ilptlg. May 10, ltd. that the Hasp I Iron at Hti-el company (located at Haape, Weatpballa) haa completed a plant for the manufacture ot hoop troa. The company la capitalised at t.tfcS,-000 t.tfcS,-000 marks (11,015.070). It was of ganltod In lt. and since that time 1 haa paid Ita aharrholdera per cent j In dividends only 1 per cent, how- I ever. In the last two years. I A Precaution. "What did you do with that tetter that waa on my tableT" asked a man ot the colored boy who dusts his office. of-fice. "I tuck It to do postofflce. sah, and put It In de hole." "What did you do that for? Didn't you aee there waa no address on the envelope T" "I aaw there was no wrltln' on de vol-ope, vol-ope, but I 'lowed yod did dat on pur-poss, pur-poss, so's I couldn't toll who yor waa wrltln' to." I . Has Her Doubts, I "A horso," aald the lover of antmala. "la man' .trueat frlond." "I didn't know that." answered young Mra. Tor-klna. Tor-klna. "Judging from Charley'a expert, enca at the race track, I thought a horse waa the kind of a frlond who borrowa your money and forgeta tor turn IL" Washington Star. '. e Capitulated. A Philadelphia mother spanked bel naughty 4 year old. and aet off a bunch ) ot platol capa In hla hip pocket Tha young patriot was hoist by bis own petard, and Immedlaw-ly acknowledged '. bis dependence on the mother country, Toledo li.ailo. No Personsllty In Eara. After studying and photographing moro than to.tina pairs of ears of per- V sons. Including those of S.UUO Inaant and 8U0 criminals, and those of SUA animals, an Kngllsh crlmlnologlat Is forced to conclude that tho car gives no clew to perFi-piil traits. , Ruaala Buys Walsh Coal, The Hussiun government contracta carly for Ki.m'io tons of Welsh coal to be delivered at Port Arthur nu-fura July 1. li r |