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Show SETTLING UP SOUTH AFRICA. Members of British Aristocracy to Lay Out Great Estatea. Tho first of whnt Is b.'Nevod will be a number of great oalutea owned by tho members of tho llrltlah nobility, will bo eatnhllsheil bih.ii n South Africa Af-rica by tho Duke of Westminster. Ills draco baa purchased a number of farms, aggregating K.nou morgen of Iniid lu the Thalinnchu district of the Orai'go lllver Colony, on uhlch he proposes pro-poses to aetllo a number of families from hla estate In Kiiglnnd. The ea-late ea-late will be run on the English plan. It will be woll stocked with gamo. Treoa will 'be planted and Kngllah methnda of agriculture will be Introduced. Intro-duced. It la aald that other wealthy noblemen and enmmonera propuee to follow the example sot by tho Duke of Westminster. Tha llrltlah government govern-ment heartily approves the Idea, and will give It all possible encournge-monL encournge-monL It sees In Ita movement a prao-tical prao-tical method of Increasing llrltlah Influence In-fluence In tho conquered colonlua. arid at tho same time the potent cfl."tre toward the building up and development develop-ment of tbelr material resources. |