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Show A JACK NUM'JCR - The MrBt ar,d Egg Diet. Eta.rvU.K uV patlxut whu baS a alrk etoniu :U, la an out ot dale treutiurut and no loan tieciwsary with tho pre-dli;et.'d pre-dli;et.'d anl Bourlnhlng food Urape-Nuta. Urape-Nuta. that tie wmikuai stuuiach caa handle aud row etong upon. There la sl.taly ot proof of thla: "1 had Buffered front stomach louble lor alx yean and for most of the last two years end boea counned to my hod. the trouble having become ( brook- In P- of the vory beat niedl-cuj niedl-cuj attntitlno. I hivrt alwaya been a coffee drlnktr, but ft r the puat year I could not irlnk It at till bocausa It made me so nervous I could not sleep and my aySKtlto waa almoat outwyoly gone. "Then s" frlonds advlaod me to try the presnt nited food Grape Nuts iud about tt io monibf r.ro 1 did so and stiito that time my Improvement has been o rsuia thut my customers and fitcr.ds sro antoiilphsd au.l every dsy someone remarks upon my cbunj.'d condltlcb. 1 Lave gained 16 pounds, siren well, my appetite Is rocd and aiy Uln.'t:oo Is purfoct. Where I llvrnl on milk and lii;ht diet for Juirs I row cat must- anything any-thing I wast and duu't auff ir any In-cnrvonlci:. In-cnrvonlci:. either. Tha way Crape-Nuts Crape-Nuts food baa built up my stomach and ti-'i.'tr."red my nervous ayateni particularly IS Just wonderful. "I drink four ford drink. Tostum. too, and no hint. r -foul tho want ol oofla. There -la absolutely no doubt that testing ail coCce and nalng Orape Nut. P1 Poatum haa hn urM j me out of my bed. from an Invalid back to f.ne health." Name irlveu by Posnim Co., Uattlg Creak. Mich. "Th-m s a roaaoo," and that reason ta plain to snyone who will apuud a few nil nut en I'lveallcallng la the Id torniit of hcslth. Jf oml to t;-. Co. frr pirilrulara by ml of evenlon i t time on tbe 7,iii .cwi4iyLUiiJ, for money prUea. T -ir. f |