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Show THE LITTLI ONE'S REASONING. Nataral Deduetien Made by Phyel-elae'a Phyel-elae'a Dauhtar. Dr. W. T. Bull tut. this story about ! a ocvalry eorts nko onca had three J leg aaaiutatloa caaea In a week. Tie unueuaU Boater ef serious and similar I operatloaa sat urall y canard talk In the surgeon's kouMioM and his little daughter was .really Interested. A tew days afier tee last operntlou the surgeon's wife aid dam-hter were rum-I rum-I maglng tn the stile, lu a trunk was found a daguerreotype d.'.l.-llr a girl of about elflit ytars of at. The pnr-1 pnr-1 trait, thrnut-h puliarliy of pose, ' showed only on. I.-b of tne sulijeet, the other belirg dou6d up unner her In a i J manner truly ,'emlnlne. "Whoso pic- I lure Is that, m.imi.i.i?" aiked tha aur-aaoa'a aur-aaoa'a rtaiitbter, "Mine. It waa taken when I was a tlilld not much older than you are so." "Did )uu know papa then T "Ko, dear. Why do you aakT" "t thomht mayue you did. Vans, ysu'n only got one leg." New York Tlniea |