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Show I i ! SWEDISH CITIZENS OF CHICAGO j j J ERECT MONUMENT TO ERICSSON i iTo John F.rlcaann and Abraham IJn-cola IJn-cola iu glvci the greatest meed of pralae fur the success of the tmion cause In (tin civil war at a banquet at Chicago In celebration of F.ilraeon'a hnndicdlh birthday annlvcranry The Vwcdlsh Inventor wan lauded an the greatest engineer who ever lived and fila nantn wo. applauded every lime II vai uttered. The dinner, which wan given by the Hcandlnavlaa Technical Tech-nical society, ended In a Hwedlsh-American Hwedlsh-American kive feast, the American and Bwoillxh apoasora toaatlng oech athar an.l one another'a country. (Ion William Hiary Kmllh declared Ithat Ericsson's success waa largely due to his lark of trulnlriK In a tech- j Blral Institution and till consequent 1 thoneht acquired by too cloa attention atten-tion lo the rulea laid dowa by unpractical unprac-tical mlnila. he m'!e hla ay hy ei-perleni ei-perleni e anil tha ileepeat poatlble per-aonal per-aonal alu.ly of the auhjei t In all Ita practical apct to Ihe greateat fame. "You may laud to Ihe akli-a the ad-vantaca ad-vantaca lo the youth of America of tha purely and lnolutcly theoretical atuily In the li Initi al ai hoola of tha land, but tha beat technical education, coupled wllh aclentinc ttii'ly. will not make an mutineer. "You timet coiiihlnii wllh dally practice prac-tice the theorlea ami the achmce or only half an engineer will reault. I havn an ndinlrntlon that amonnia al-moat al-moat lo worahlp for lh to'iilua of Krlraaon, and he wna au entirely prai- Ireodom from tha authority of opln-toaa opln-toaa of thuorlata. Tha Inventor hlnv elf waa quoted to aubatantlala thla tuaertlon. and aa (Ion. Hnilth knew tint poraonally bit rumarke 'ie.ac-Caipled 'ie.ac-Caipled aa autliorltatlvo. "Krieaaim waa onco ronimlaeraled poa tha fart that ho bail not bad tho dvanlanea of a achool training." aald Un. Hmilh. "He replied that ho re-lard re-lard oil hlmaelf fortunate lu not buliig Jaamperml wllh auch an eduratkm. ' Free front the autliorlly ot thuorlata, 'Uiitraimuoled by Ilia roatr'.rllona ot Ileal genlna. Me had lha ability to porealva what wero tho reipilnitneuta of Ihe ago. tho greater ability to dla-enter dla-enter and develop what would meet thoaa ruqutrvmetita. and then, greiiteat of all, aftor planning ho provided tho niviina of appllu hla dlaroverlea. "The ronfedi rato fleet at llamitou lloada were put to flight, tho 1'nlon army aaved from dealructlon. tho At-lanile At-lanile roaat freed from tho danger of confederate gun a. the federal rauao aavod and all the world made lo know that we could preaervs our Inatltu- tlona, IhroiiKh Ihe gniilua f im, aor of a Hweillah mine forem,n the buy who uo.-l lo lie at the top f , nniilric ahalt an I watch tho machinery th.it he might Lain tho principle, of me chantea. The a.morlcnn navy waa cluniay. weak and unwieldy before Knc-on came. The airew propeller, the revolving re-volving turret, tho moat W,f',.,t nuna and many other Invention, an- the proiliict of hla gonlua. In . ,r,,a.ler aenao he wna a humanitarian, for he innilo war morn daiigeroua aid tiicre-fore tiicre-fore mori likely to be avoi,i,, In the ace" that follow him, "To KrlcBHon, who waa lamhnl at by tho naval eiperta who aat In office elialra In Washington, and to Alirulmm III I.lmviln, who broiight hla mighty flat down and anl.l Krlraaon'a Invention ahould ho tried In aplto of Ihe bureau cxiTla, la due, nioro than to any olhera, the enlratlon of tho l.'nloo." Tho monument shown nlicno wna preaeeted lo Cblcago by the Htnllah roalileiita of that rlty, |