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Show The Drank I'raaliy, A little lliing eouirtiuiea roaull In ' death. Tbu a aier acralcb, linignl- ficaiit cuia or puny Inula have paid the death penally. It i wiae to have Huck-leu' Huck-leu' Aruica Salve aver bandy. It' lit : beat aalve on earth and will prevent la- tality, wheu I'.iirne, Horee, Ulcer aud I'ilea threaten. Only 2.V at Buyden' I drugalore. j Subscribe forTHE TIMES. 1 . 1 End al IIIKer I'lgUl. "Two phytlciant had a long and ttub -born fight wltb an ehceet on my right lung" wrltetJ F.llugliM of Dul'ont. lia. "and gave m up. Everybody thongatmy lima had come. Aa a ImI retort 1 tried lr. King' New Ilarovery for Coainmp-tlon. Coainmp-tlon. The Iwneflt 1 received wat ttrking and I wat on my fret in a few dart Now l'e entirely regained mv htaltb." It conquer! all Cought, Cold and Throat and Lang TrflnHe. Guaranteed by John Bnyden A Ron, draggiat. Trice fiOe, and II. Trial bottlea Ire. e i All cuttle lieurlng the uKive brnnd anil ear mark are owned by William McMkhael, weat aide Weber river, lluyUville, Summit County, I'tah. TO fl-HB A COLO IN ONB DAT Take Uautlve Promo Quinine Tablete. All drugiri'ia relund the money if it failt to core. W, tirove'a signature i oo each boa. lino. Tho llrrald. Th Halt Uke Iaily Herald la the uioal reaiiable .a r in the iutel mountain moun-tain country. Every day In th aeet R5 cnla month. The Huuday Herald with ila luagaziueeeetioii thouiil le rrad by everyone, I'J per jear, 1 form month. The 8emi weekly llera!d vTuda ami Friday) only 1 1 .60 per year, with Oianue JuHd Farmer (erekly) fl .75. Hlrirtly in advamv. If It happen., If iu tbe Herald. Gcaala (tameeal C C C rJerer aeU la txO. ewara i tea aealer who trie ate) avartaitaj katt aa g,- Katroy Ktlr0. r-TT or I'tam, 1 ,, Oakley pr Coi att or bcaaiT.l tmct of Hid county. I have In my poteretioo th following detcribed anirnala vihicb if not claimed and taken away enld at public auction to the higbwt rath bidder at my torrall In Ojuiley precluct, onThuradav. the X: day of Augnal, 1W)3, at the hour of 1 , 'clock p. m. : On light red cow and call, latter about nine mouiht tk), tluicb brand on lelt rib of cow. Jtaaru Hobtin, Poundkeetwr for Oakley precinct. A FREE PATTERN LMAGHEW I A LAUltS' MAOAilNt. t.V.Z: u. 1 t"-' '" tt,',' ""'""V. er,.'"l'ro ..v::;:,:tp;;;'', I " e-fwraralt-wtaa. I I THE MeCALL CO.. I To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LoXatlVC BrORlO Quinine TaMets. JC (VJs vy U Sevwa Mmioa Koee eoM h 12 aaontht. Xhi tlgnataTC, WtVUe- lOI. 23C. I i R I P A N S Tabiile. I Doctors find A good pescription I For mankind. Til,, a-re'il rarkaee l.rar.uf h fur o.n.1 orrailnn. I I a. (aailv Unt M r-rtj rnnuirit a aut..ly hr a '. All Aruaai.H u u.m V.A4,0 BO VtAeta tXPgeJIgNC HT' Tnaot Mart a ''rrlvl CowvamxTaAe. Anvnn wnillne e tkHrh .nd d mplnei met flnlrkif wwIkim .ir ncini.'ti frM .Mhe en ti.rfiiirilrr.iiinmiid. llMdiMa,ii rtruu MI't !' ifl-IrM if.tiry f, Knrili. Ml.ntB. I'M.nia team n.r...n M.nn luTtvcMve teffaW ii hoet ch.r. a, ie Ute Wresc Uieca. Ot T at. WMkiaaiMi, Ihl E. H. RHEAD, Cointj Surrejor of Sommlt Count j. ' I familiar with aeet ion and townahlp cornel In Kiiuiiiilt rounly. Hoftiy Public and Conftncr. I COALVILLE - - CTA11 00 TO THE . Palace Barker Shop For a Stylish Hair Cat and Clean Sbaie. x Razors Honed, 25cts. W. S. JOUKSTOR, Prop.. Dr. W VISICK, Office HODisifom8;111- Until Further Notice. O. W. FRENCH, M- D., PhyeirLaa aad Margeaa, . OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Cealville. Otfiu hour Irom 2 fe 4 p. n. All whocanahonldobeervelheeehoar ae aearaa poealbJ BEST SERVICE, EQUIPMENT TRACK. TU The Union Pacific FOB ALL Eastern Points. THREE TRA1HS DilLT v TBROUCB CABS tl Oilugi, lusu City, St. Piol, IIom-kpollt IIom-kpollt ; . : WITB - Dlrttt Connection! (cr Ibt Eul ud Soatbusi. ' : Detailed inforiimtlon cheerfully fur-Dlahed fur-Dlahed on application. 0,1. WHEADON, Agent, (Valvule. Utah A DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE I i k SAFE STIMULANT. I A GOOD MEDICINE. j ft Ul m Cfltillt ay I 1 J. I-I. B-rVX.T.. B if'' Coalville Coop BIG SHOE SALE! We have about 100 Pairs Of Women's, Misses' and Boys' Shoes, Which are being Sold at HALF PRICE. Some Good Bargains. All Styles. All Prices. 1 " eOAbVlbLE eo-op, , I have a line of SUMMER GOODS Which you can buy during the coming week at your own price. M. R. Salmon. h 1 : ! !: Watch this space for next week i ! l ! . ' ! I . i t |