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Show MIm Clam Allen retnrned bom (rum Irovo Wednesday. Mra. Genrve Wllllanit ol Evenrton it litre viilting relatival. Pnpt. E. M. Aliltnn l up Irani Olden Ol-den fnndey l.ir tbort Tliil. Attorney H. R. Townrend ol Paik City u dowo no bailneti Tuetday. Mre. William Allium nod children ol Og den ere ten vititing rellivei. . Onr Wanrbip and Ttocipnrt letteii did Dot reach ne laet week nntil Friday. Tbt Co 00 hat another rontlgnment ol ahovi that are being told at ball price. Mra. W, 0. Patrirk returned to her home Id bait Lake the Bret ol the seek. Jamee Mi I It waa down from Evaaetoa tbie week on baiineaa and vltitintbii relative!. Mm. Minnie Aniline ol Ogden apant tbh put wrel ' here witb herbother, ' Carl Ahlkoo and wile. Mrt. May Iuiihaio cf Salt Lake wat here the Bret ol the week viiltiug ber aitir, Mra. 0. A. Callit. Mrt. John liobineon and children ol Halt Late City bave been vieitiiig rela-Uvee rela-Uvee here lor a seek put. , FOR BALE. Card board, plcUre mountt, fancy atationery, not bookt, paper, envelopee, etc., at tbia effk-e. George Arbuckle ol Bait Laka wat looking up ordert lor the grocery department depart-ment ol the Z. C. M. I. on Tuetday. Mra. Jane IS emeu returned to ber home in Lebi Wednesday, altera pleat-ant pleat-ant vitit here witb ber daughter, Mra. J. H. Lamb. An arnileat man wat giving a tew exhibition! ex-hibition! on tbo alieot yeaterday attei-dood attei-dood with bia feet. II did torn vary clever trickt. LOST. On brown bora colt, lour yeart old, branded witb three quarter circlet on rigbt tblgb. Finder pleaee notify Bamuel Ilennar, Upton, Utah. Mitt Maggie Salmon baa parebaeed from 1. b. balmon lb buildiug the it now occupying lor a nor and will move It acrota to ber lot 00 the oppotite cor-Mr' cor-Mr' When you want a phytic tbat ll mild pj and gentle, eaay to take and certain to Ll act, alwa.it ute Cham berlain'e Stomach and Liver Tablett. For tale by Jooo j Hoyden A Bon. 1 Prett. Motet W. Taylor ha been ap pointed by Gov. Welle at a delegate from Ibli county to the hauonal Irriga-tion Irriga-tion Congreee, wbicb oouvenee in Ogleu next month. Cbarlee Wilton waa convited at Echo yeeteiday ol Healing a pair ol ehoet lioui the ttore. He wat tried brfote Judge flriui and teutenctd to taenly daya in the county Jail. Mien Lilhe Peuiiu eevered bor eon-nectma eon-nectma witb tb Bur restaurant on Wednesday aed baa returned to her konie in Upton. Mra. Walter ol Hoyte-vllle Hoyte-vllle will have charge ol the kitchen in h: the future. 'i J. II. Kaluion baa a gang ol men bury 1 ' at woik cleaning op the ground ready to j commence on the loutidation lor the new court hotie, and lo a ttiort time the il building will bo Heried and pu.hed lo i completion. Tbe conliacl i:a;lt for the i building lo lie completed by March 20, i ll)0. The eomuiltannera are nowad- i veitiring lor bide lr a Heain beating plant and lor plnubing the handing. ' V Thomat Pillingt, an engineer under 8 ate Kngincir iKirewnt , wat here thit week working on tbe mape and platt ol tliecvuntyto etUblitb the water dit- tricti. AH dieratet ttin in the bowele. Keep theiu open or yrni will be tick. CAS-CAKEis CAS-CAKEis tct lite natnre. Keep liver nd boavlt active n hunt a eii'teiiing griping Ireliug. Bix million MMipl take and reronanend 0 A CA KF,T ; try a IUc b x. All druggiitt. In ttat'rg the amoonl ol the bide on tbe new court botiee in our latt Ittu an error made the bid ol tbe Mill company ol Murray to read 12,750, when It thould have been J4,7'iO. Wednnday wat a quiet day in Coalville. Coal-ville. All the tloret were doted to that employeea could go on the excureion to Baltair, aod there wat not many people to be teen around town. Borne si the Drinocrate lutimate that if their parly la lucceielnl tbia fall, C. A. Cailia ol Coaivilie will be atked to ute up bia rendence in Park City aod In consideration thereof will be given tn appointment of city attorney . I'aik Record. d McClel.au and Harry tliiamt, t two piitonrn contlntd In tbe county jail, mau an attempt lo eicap. lam tk by digging out one ol tbe large rocaa over tue cell window. Tbey were caught in tbe act and now have their tweet repot in the tttel cagee. l'Le county coin mmiunera wer in waeion aleiday and approved the bond ol E. J. beggt aod J. h. balmon. They alwawaiUtd the contract lor digging lb drain Iruui the court houie ait to Chalk Creek lollyiuui Bale and Thomat W elth, their bid being BO ceutt a yard. A aubecriber bat written to find out what lath matter witn hi cbickeoa. He tt mat avory dty be Sndt two or three ttretcbed out on Ineir backt, tneir bod let taolien up aud theii coubt wilted. W do not poee at au all-round man on uncooked poultry, but Irom tbe dekcripiiou given wnmd judge that bit cbicktnt ' were Ccad.IUymond Chronicle. Mra. Mellie Allen, ol eontb F.rk, Ky., aaya he bat provaoied alUctt ol onol-era onol-era moibua by utiug ivbamberlaiu'a Blomacb aud Liver lnblut when the lelt au aiUck comiug on. Such k'Uckt are ntualiy cauted by indigteiion, and ItiHae labiclt are jutl what ia needed to cleanae tb atomacb and ward off the approaching alUck. Attack! of biliuua colic may b prevented in lb taui way. For aale by John Boyden 4 Bon. Mita Lottie Lutly broke out witb email pox Sunday and the bat been quite tick with tbe diaeate. Bh It getting get-ting better now, and in tbree weekt tbe quarentlnt can be raited Irom tb telephone tele-phone office, a all tb member! ol tbe lamily have bad tb die:. The other member! ol John Btonet' family have ih diaeaae, but no ntw cawi outtid of tlicnv quarantined bav aa yet developed. Tb quarantine waa raited from Pretl, Taylor'! reaidenc Tuetday. W fear lbreli t- -bl ahead lorn well known Coalville man. Recently It wai oeceavary to employ a girl in tbe family and thli embarrauing tltaation waa brought about alter the young hope-' tul bad kitted every one good night except ex-cept the new girl. "Ain't yon going to kite me good night?" ttld the to the little follow. "Nope" laid be, "I aaw pop try to kua you tbii morning and I dont want yon to ilap me like yon did him." The women who clamor for advice-bow advice-bow to tnrn their time and talenta to account ac-count will receive many valuable binta from the terlti of articlei entitled "Profl'adle InduetrittforWomrn"wbicb it begun in the September number of tbe New Idea Woueo'i Mngaiine un.ler the beading of" Pouitry-railug,"from the pen of Xarah E. Blater. The new de-pan de-pan inent of "Correct Drett for Men," alto beguu In the Rep euiber itaue and ruuiribuled by Hawthorne, a well-known autborily in halwrdaehery, bida lair U be ol paramount iaipurtance In '.hit perl odical, becauee uiauy aouicndo much of the t hopping lor the men ol Ihe'r faiuiliet and are glad to have luggeitioni. Every item in the September number, either technical or SctioinM, ia ol nure than petting luierett. |