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Show K00T V 1 LL JMn hi; LeAVIS CABINET ABOUT FIRST OF NEXT JANUARY. II I Clalmsd That the Nent Secretary of War Will Be Judge Tft, Now Oovamor of th Philippines. Tho news nimm fiom Oyiter Hay, Ia I., that Kllhii Hoot will reelirn secretary of war, tho roHlmmtlon to take effort about tho first of noxt January. Jan-uary. Ho will bo ftiiei ceded, unless prosnnt plana nilnrarry, by Judco William Wil-liam H. Taft, now governor of the Philippines. tt 1 not espected that the secretary will present his resignation to the president before) he loatcs for England to tako up thn Work of th Alaikan bnundary commission, lie has not presented pre-sented his resignation yet, and haa not Informed th president when b will present It. It can be said that the prealdonl ipeeta that the country will have the benefit of Pocrniary Hoot'a aonrlres yet for several months, certainly until tho beglnulng of tho not your. That Governor Taft will be Mr. Ttotit'a aiii-eessor aa aerretary of war there ran he llttlo or no doubt. Ho la familiar with many of th problem which the secretary or war will have to meet and solve; ho la a warm personal per-sonal friend of th prn-ildent, who baa tn abiding confidence In bla ability and patriotism, and tt la understood that he would wvlconie the rbang Involved. |