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Show Dyeewtery r4 Wlthewi lha Ate era Deeuir- "I am jump Irom a bard inell ol tb flux" (dyaterry) tayt Mr. T. A. Pinair, a well knot! merchant ol Drnmmoad, Tenn. "I nad oneamall bottle ol Cham-berlaiu't Cham-berlaiu't C'aic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, aai waa cored wiibont having a doctor. Irontider It tb beat cholera remedy in I world." Then la no need of employinf a doctor when thli remedy it uted, for no doctor can preacrlbe a better meden for bowel complaint In any form ei'iier lor children or adultt. It never feia aod la pleatant to Uke, For tale byhn Boyden A Bon. |