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Show nave vol' miaoor TBI LION'S BIOt'TBI t The OKI Tealllee la.a M Adapt. kr a frogreaal A tearl'aa V.waiNieer u Meet Mad.ra K.aiauameau. Collier' Weekly I roadncilng a very novel acd Interettlnj coapetition for It readeraearh month. Tt enter th coo-teat coo-teat all en ha to do It to review th Irene of Coll'er' lot ibtcnrrent anootb and anawer lha tee prlhre qoetllont which ar printed la ettb lu. giving arb oplnien and lock inggettion a will aid la Improv'ig p paper. Collier' Col-lier' aim la Ihi en Jtcnr th aa liatanc of r oa af It reader lo making the paper mort to their liking. Every reader, lo fact, becomes on of lb editor and eat hit tele In building th greatett Illustrated Jcnrnal of th The trat prii etch ponlh, awarded lor th moat helpful atigcrtt ion, I 150 in eaab, with a terond priwot lift la rath, and eighteen otbtr priiea ol t ol booka, ranaiag in valnt from 132 sown to .'i, waking in all (.121 of valu givn in price each month. There ar, in addition, cumulative aih prliee, lor thoaewho iu prize In torreniv month, and a big raak priie ol 11,000 for th moat valuallcaurgetlion during 103. For th conrenitnre of intending eon-teatant eon-teatant ho ran colli promptly un-pllJ un-pllJ by neweilealtrt, all thcopleof Collier' for th current month will I tent pottpaid, together with a hand-fom hand-fom proof of a drawing by Charlea I'ana Uibeon, upon receipt ol 0 rent In tamp addreteed lo Tb Lion' Montb, ColUr'a Weekly, a Wett 13th ttreel, New Yoik. |