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Show HURRICANE AT MARTINIQUE. Hundreds of Housea Unroofed and Mueh Damag Don. The Island of Martlnln.ii was swept by a hurricane of groat vlolonc on Sunday night. Ita duration was ten hour, and It was especially sever during two hours at Fort de Franc, where It cnusod much destruction. Hundreds of houses wor unroofed and aeveral sating vessels were badly damaged. No families, however, have been reported. The streets ar en-cumheied en-cumheied with debris from the tiled roofa and tho roads are Impassable on ' account of fallen trees, which were lit. i orally torn up by tho roots. Bovornl towns on the Island suffered. St. Ma- I rle. Cnrbct. St. Joipeh and Francois. Tho storm moved In a northwesterly J direction. |