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Show ! ROOSEVELT ON FINANCE. Toll Senators Millard and Hoyburn ! Money Measure Is Needed. To Senators Millard and Hoyburn PrealdvLt Roosevelt bus stated hi de- sir respecting financial legislation at the approaching session of congress. Senator Millard agreed with th president aa to th deslrahllty of mor elnatlc ajstom of currency thou) th present one. but be was poelUvt that tho government Itnelf ought to . b bohlnd every dollar of currency la-sued, la-sued, so that no question of Its vahl vr would b raised. He expressed thn belief that gov. rnment bonds In aufllrlent quantity now are outHlandliig to afford a bust for currency Issues, lie aald he would favor "fie right kind of a measure' looking lo the greater elasticity of th currency, but was sure aom of tb measures recently proposed would Dot I b acceplablo to tho country. |