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Show COT THBCLOTHESLINB. : Bat II Took tin y Twenty Years te IM Ills other's Rriwnd. I Twenty yeara In which to do an er- i rand Is a long time, but thnt la the porlod consumed by Charles Wright, a Montlrello (Mini ) farmer, who arrived here with bis wife and three children to-day, aaya a Wllmot, 8. ij. special. i Twenty years wo the Wright family lived at Fox Lake, Wis., and one day , Mrs. Wright, who waa M-. Wright's second wife, ordrred Charles to go to 1 town and get hat a clothesline. Uelng ! offended at something, the boy started In the direction ( the town and then ran away, going ts Minnesota, where ha has since been living, at Montlcello. A search was mads for lilm. but without j success, and finally Mr, and Mrs. Wright removed to this place, where they purchased a farm. Rome time ago Charles Wright, who bad married and had been blesard with children, beard that a man named Wright, who formerly form-erly lived In Fox Uke, wua living here, and on Investigation found that It waa hla father, bringing hla whole fnmlly, he came here so a visit, and before going go-ing to the house purchased a clothesline, clothes-line, as bis mother had told bltn to do I twenty years sgo. walking Into the house be dropped the line at the foot of lira Wright, who Is now an aged worn- ' an, and culmly announced thnt he had j brought the Una. The old couple recognized recog-nized the man at onco. and all dny the j Wrltiht home has been the scone of celebration. |