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Show COALVILLE TIMES. HOOT-WI- LL RETIRE , ; ... . ABOUf CABINET LEAVES OF NEXT JANUARY. i riR3T effected his jesiape, and. notwithstanding hia crippled condition, has to far eluded his pursuers. 1 unquestionably on cf the I Meek most desperate mad Ingenious criminals known to this country. While confined In the Jail of Bear Lake county for the bank hold up tn Montpelier, he scaled the walls surrounding ths jail in broad daylight In th presence of fifty people In aod about the court house at Paris. All trace of hla whereabouts was lost foy months until he turned up In th Deer Lodge, Mont.. penitentiary, where he had been sentenced from Butte for one year Jn connection with a minor offense. Upon the expiration of his term in .peer Lodge he was again brought to Bear Lake goijnty and tried for the offense f holding up th bank, in which affair "Butch" Casslday and other of hla associates participated. Meeks was the only one caught by the officers, and Judge Standrod gave him thirty-fiv- e years. While confined In Boise he escaped twice. The second escape wa when be made a headlong leap from the top, of the walla surrounding th prison broken leg and, wherein he suffered notwithstanding the dlfflcultle under which he labored, he managed to keep the entire prison force In a quandary for severel days before being capthe tured. Soon after hla captor broken leg was amputated and after Its amputation be feigned insanity and was removed by the authorities to the asylum. Dsmented Men Killed, Another fatality baa resulted la the pursuit of the convicts who escaped from ths Folsom prison. An anknown man was killed near D&vlsville, Cal.. Friday night While his Identity has not been established. It seems almost certain that he was pot one of the convicts.. The man wa seen acting queerly near a farm house, and when called upon by officer to surrender, started to run. The officers fired at him, killing him instantly. Sine his death the man has been Identified as one who has been In the vicinity lev eral days hunting woik. He was considered deranged mentally. The officers who killed blm have been exon, erated, . r Russia MAY RESULT IN WAR. 4 ' i POPE PIU$ TOM HORNS LATEST - ' - X CROWNED; . v Were Present t Witness Magnificent Rite. , , The ceremony of the coronation of M Mm FnuW to (fcthrUl Mm. Mf 9, . fciwii-UPina X took place Sunday in the basiH and Companion Overpower Jailer It la Claimed That th Next Secretary lica of 8t. Peters it the presence of VUttl OMVMftimOIL and Make Their Escape, Only to f War Will Be Judge Taft, Now th princes, and with all the solemnity rftftM to Alfiio Be Recaptured, Governor of the Philippine. and splendor associated with this, the Tto most magnificent rite in the Roman to-HftttonMM MM MM H WMM Torn condemned murderer tb m Horn, ll church.' Catholic from toM Itototwii come Bay, Caster new Th of Willie Nickel 1, th ranch dad who As Cardinal Maechi. the dean ef the MMM'MMt, U L, that Ellhu Root will resign as waa assassinated two yean ago last cardinal deacons, placed the triple secretary of war, th resignation to month, and Jim McCloud, the Big crown on the head of the venerable Unit of next Janthe about take effect CTAII STATE NEWS. Horn county desperado,' who Is al- pontiff, 'the throng dl seventy thon-- J uary. He will be succeeded, unless Wilto have murdered Ben Minnick, sand persona gathered within the leged present plan miscarry, ny Judge the Big Horn county sheepman, and cathedral burst Into unrestrained acSpringvUl wOl aooa b lighted liam H. Taft, now governor ot the commuted other crimes for the cattle- clamations, the choir Intoned a hymn with electricity. Philippines. men of that section for pay, escaped of triumph, and the bell of. Rom electric It Is not expected that the secretary Ephraim la tb hare light, from th Laramie county, Wyoming, rang out Joyous peal the city, council being empowered to will present his resignation to the Jail at 8130 o'clock Sunday morning, It la fifty-seve-n years since the Remake all arrangements. president before he leave for England were near but the Alaskan mans jail th and recaptured Europe assisted at such a The commiislonora of San Pet to take up the work of within minutes after few nci preHe they ha commission. waa held in SL Peters tons function the tax Jevy boundary eonrjty last week raised reached the outside. - , sented hi resignation yet, and ha not The great basilica, popularly day. from 7.8 mill to 8,1 mill. McCloud was slightly wounded In when be will supposed never to have been quite full, The Salt Lake board of education Informed tha president left thigh; and Horn wa badly was overflowing with humanity. The the lb ha decided to abolish corporal pan present beaten on tha head and neck by the Papal throne, owing to It can be said that the president bewildering ishment In the public school. men that captured him. Under Sher- mixture of gold, red and silver, wa have the will that the country experti There are 15,987 school children In benefit of Secretary Root services iff R. A. proctor was beaten np by erected In front of the high altar. As, Salt Lake City, according to the cenths desperados, but is attending to contrary to custom on these ceremotor several months, certainly until yet sus Just completed, 7,808 boy V and the duty. A general fire alarm was sound nious occasions there were no galler- beginning of the next yeart ' f ? 141 girl. ed, which brought thousands of peo- - j les, the basilica bore more ot its tor-pi-e That Governor Taft will be Mr. of Root' successor as secretary ofwar Thirteen earload of resident into th streets, and the news mal aspect On tha altar, which white, (food th famous alP Butte and other Montana town cam there can be little or no doubb He is that Horn had escaped spread like dressed incandlestick and a magnifiwildfire. Men and boys harried to the cent crucifix. ' Alt the available standinto Salt Lak on Sunday on their famlilar..with many of the problem HURRICANE AT MARTINIQUE. and annual excursion, t Jail with rifles and pistols joined ing space within the cathedral was diwhich the secretary ot war will have by wooden barTh town of Huntsville became an to meet and solve; he Is a warm perHundreds ef Houses Unroofed ana in the pursuit of the outlaws. Horn vided into sections which to a certain extent kepi riers, fheodore was has Aldrich, who at and of th by captured friend sonal last week, presldenb Much Damage Don. Incorporated city - 1 th vast crowd la order. who fired several shots at the murthe election all the official elected an abiding confidence in his ability The Island of Martinique was swept derer. Horn was exhausted, but reand patriotism, and it la understood were Republican. 8WEPT BY TIDAL WAVES. by a hurricane of great violence on ina terrible beating at the bands ceived would welcome the that he change Th dateof the 8tto Teachers aw Its duration was ten of Aldrich. McCloud waa trailed to a A Number ef Ssuth Sea Islands ApSunday night ociation haa been changed from Sep- volved. hours, and It waa especially cover pear Doomed to Destruction. barn and compelled to surrender. tember 30 to October 8 to 8, th place during two hours at Fort de Francs, BOB MEEKB AT LIBERTY. would seem that the ninety islwere to made It the prisget Attempts of meeting being Salt Lak City. where it caused much destruction. deands known variously as the Low a oners but from the officers, away Hundreds of houses were unroofed A. E.'Wakpman a Salt lake' clerk, Idaho .Dssperade Mskss Escape After J termined stand by the latter and the archipelago or Tuamotu group, are r Futile and several sailng vessels were badly Attempts. Many was arrested last week on the charge Influence of the conservative men pre- destined to be reclaimed by the Padamaged. No fatalltea, however, have of embezzlement. He ws caught in Boh Meeks, one of the most notoriocean. . been reported. The streets are en- vented mob violence. Horn has been cific the act through The agency of marked ous criminals in th west, connected over-- j several' Last to for month January they were swept by a planning cumbered a. with debris from the tiled ' coin. with the famous "Hole in the WU" flood of high waves from time at Proctor Jailer composed feeding roofs and the reads are Impassable on power While following the dreu parade gang In Wyoming, who wa convicted In the morning, and Sunday morning Jbe ocean and the lesser ones from the account of fallen trees, which were litla Salt Lake City. RobjrtHowells several years age and sentenced to tha long waited opportunity arrived, enclosed lagoons, and in consequence In five Idaho, erally torn up by the roots. Several the Boise, thirty years wheel th one o'ooe foot under were got towns on the island suffered, St Ma- Horn asked Proctor to bring a cup of nearly 600 of the Inhabitant ' member penitentiary for robbing the bank of of the mount&r cag-,bvalue of to drowned and aa the the and officer the property water, opened rie, Carbet, St. Jospeh and Francois. Montpelier, after two sensational esbeing badly crushed. 'And six waa now, of in 1500,000 of door the corridor the destroyed, cage storm In The moved a northwesterly from the jail ot Bear Lake Salt Lake officer are atill hunting capes before months later, fierce gales from the which Horn and McCloud were conto th direction. transferred county being for an accomplice for; Mr. Hodge, and southeast have again 'southwest threw fined, their they weight against and who waa 'recently not believing that she murdered Ped- penitentiary, caused the It and surging crests to sweep great door, Irv open Colorado pushed sprang Miners Secured Havq Insane and removed to the some over the of islands, So far only. dler Ryan without assistance, although adjudged out upon the jailor and bore him to Junction. tat Insane asylum at Blackfoot, has 'tour persons are believed to have . j , ah declare she did, floor. the A Georgetown, Colo., special says perished, but the fear is great that After a terrible etrugge' with Proc- when all the islands are heard from Edward Anthony, employed by the Judge Frank Owers has Issued an in which McCloud was shot in there may be a distressing list of faSalt Lake street car company, met s Injunction against every member of tor, bethe on death thigh, the two men escaped from talities. Sunday, being crushed the Citizens' Protective league, resuffered The steamer Excelsior V-1' the tween two cars while engaged In hi Injail only to bo recaptured. straining them in any way from much damage during the series of duties as a car cleaner. terfering with tbs eighteen members gales, while she was on her trip from HUMBERTS-GTRIAL.- Tahiti to the Marquesas group. Idaho of An-lMiners'' the Los Springs was received from union, Word Three of the Tuamotu islands were-who were driven out of th town just week that th contract water to such an extent that , under Much Parisians Wrought Very After the blowing up ot the compressor the inhabitants had to clttab cocoanut i i hi ,,1 ij, Sftittd ItofvTEa ConitfaWoft Over Swindlers. Noted ot the Sun and Moon mine... Immetrees for safety. Houses and store, of th Salt Lake rout between CelThe notorious Humbert family on eopra and finally th oocoanut trees i diately after the lasuance of the temle ntes and Daggett, Cal, the Inhabitants Saturday faced a judge and jury to were destroyed, while porary restraining t order , attorney It is The board of directors ofth Rio to death. call a close had representing th eighteen miners sod meet the charge of having perpetrat- thought most ef ths Islands 'of th Grande Western ha .authorized th Waldeck-Rous-seaths Western Federation of Miners of- ed what group were visited by the storm. extension of the Marysval branch to as described "the fered criminal greatest swincomplaints against tha the iron deposit of Iron county. Pre! ROOSEVELT ON FINANCE. members of , the Citizens Protective dle of th century," Investigating liminary work was begun last week. league of Idaho Springs. Warrants Magistrate Leydet In May decided to Tells Senator Millard and Heyhur ton of Mr. and Tb each of them were Issued, commit Theresa Humbert, her husagaloat ! Mra. John K. Madsen of Mb pleasant, Money Measure la Needed. and the sheriff was , Instructed to band, Frederick, and ber brothers, set .Its while playing with matches To Senators Millard and Heybnre start at once to Georgetown to appear Roman and Emil DAurignac, for trial declothing on fire and waa 0 severely on the charges' ot forgery, the use of Presided Roosevelt has stated hi before Judge Owers. at financial burned that death resulted in a few sire legislation respecting forged documents and swindling. He Sensational Case In Northern Montana dismissed the cases hours. of session congress. , the , approaching against Era HumSenator Millard agreed with the Bortha Sorenson of 'Mb Pleasant Judge Hiram Knowles, ofthe federal bert (Theresas daughter) and Mario waa thrown from a buggy last week court has cited United State Com- Dulgnac (her sister). president as to the deslrabUty of a missioner H. J, Melll of Havre, Mont., while driving along rough road, her Public curiosity which has followed mors elastic system of currency tha to show cause before tb court Aug. the fortunes of the family since the th present one, but he wa positive Collar and breast boues being broken, to 18 why 'his appolstment as a United while she sustained other $rbre In- . v days of it social brilliancy is again that the government itself ought leof recommissioner should dollar States not be currency juries. intensely wrought up, the chief Inter- be behind every voked, and the hearing of the case est centering In "La Grande Theresa," aned, srf that no question of its value There were a number of people in promises to Jfe one of the most sen- who has promised to produce at this ever would be raised. Mb Pleasant last week who came from sational affair in recent years. .The trial, the mysterious American mil- r He expressed the belief that govthe louthern counties la Utah, J and case la a peculiar one, in view of th lionaires, the brothers Crawford, on ernment bonds in sufficient quantity even from Arisons, a distance of 300 fact that Melll's acts, not as a United whom the based her story of an In- now are outstanding to afford a basis sol of purpose seeing miles, tor th for currency Issues. He said he wonkl 'i1 States commissioior, but as a justice heritance of 320,000,000, which she put favor the circus. the right kind of a measure" t , t of ths peace of Havre township, are to forward as the to the greater elasticity of the for loans the looking .. security B. Charles Markland, manager ot V be Investigated. It Is alleged Meili acIjjj but was sure some of the currency, he obtained, amounting to about waa Conklin the sampling work, measures recently proposed would not cepted mosey for dismissal of celesfound In his room la Salt Lai! City II-Is-be acceptable to the country. M&tch-f- or DcaJ tial charged with forgery. one day last week hoverlug'between King Peter Is Terrorized. Carolina Race War. life and death a the result of a dose One Hundred Victims cT.Parls Rail- - train were carrying them bom from Whltecapper in Washington. Peter of Servla Is being openly King troubles between negroe Serious a t f ff ot morjhlne .taken," with suicidal lo- -' A man named Ray came to Walla terrorized by his entouragp, it Is said. their work. Althongh the accident . .I way Jtomr u-Its threatened at Henrietta, and whites HI busthealth' and at 8 o'clock p. fifths cfflclals Wall a. Wash, on Monday from Hadley Most of the present court officials who lent, because of Eighty-fou- r bodies have been reot one ot the largest cotness troubles, lie will recover. location the and firemen were unable to descend station' to swear cut warrants for actually proceeded In or were party to The police are In search of a wo- covered, and the death list will prob- Into the tunnel the following morning, some harvesters who, h stated, had the murder of King Alexander and ton mills In North Carolina. Two ne man who ha been plying peculiar ably exceed one hundred tn the un- owing to the blinding cloud of smoke "whllecappedrhlm. According to hla Queen free were cut on Friday night and Drags appear to have strongly one ocof them will die. The cause of avocation tn Salt Lake City. She derground railway disaster which from the burning train. Frequent at- story, Ray was accused by the thresh- objected to the appointment of Colonel trouble-wa- s the alleged disturbing the would call upon a woman and tell her curred In Paris Monday night crew with were a made by heroic volunhaving attempted ing tempts Leschjanln, the Servian attache at ' ; The accident,' S hirk 'Occurred on the she could repair bt-- "switch" at teers, whom It was necessary to res- criminal assault on the cook, who is Constantinople, to the post of court of a colored meeting by whites and low pride, LSh would ' se- Metropolitan electric railway, 'hat as- cue. half suffocated, and an elderly woman. The crew.tled him, marshaL The official Gazette con- tb cursing of a white boy by a negro. canj away cure the victim's back hair and fail sumed the proportions of one of the to the hospital. he alleges, to a header wagon, at night, tained the appointment, but shortly An armed crowd of negroes was die ' to return lb A number of women most horrible catastrophes which ever the publication all copies of the parsed by the extra force of policemen taking turn about, horsewhipped him. after were thus victimised, f , - t visited th French capital. Th disasGazette were called In by the police. on duty, but more trouble is expected . New York Pool Rooms. him naked a In rolled tar Raiding then weed, ! Philip Cassidy, a stranger In Salt ter was occasioned by two trains The alleged pool room conducted by and finally ran him out of the camp. Woman Makes a Long Jump Without Windstorm In Kansaa. Lake City, was picked up by a 'po- catebtng fire In the big tunnel. The "The" Allen In Sixth avenue,. Nsue , Serious Consequences. In Murder, : Feud Results A heavy wind and rainstorm passed and York, was raided liceman and sentenced to tern days passengers became for Tuesday 25 years old, has tried over Pittsburg, Kans., and vlclnty, Kate a night of feud. Aa result Walsh, a neighboring in their endeavors to escape many the eighty eighth time, for drunkenness. It now appear the according to William Cooper and bis sou, James to end ber life by jumping from ths Saturday, wrecking many small minton and were went la the wrong-direc- t ' man waa dcMrioua from-- iilaesa-an- d the Tcmrrt-k- ppt by the pottrtj, Abcqt Cocper, are dead,- - and Sam Barrett sixth floer of an apartment- in - West ers houses, killing oats person- - and . bl chance of recovery are very suffocated. The officials seem to have 300 men, whites and were blark, were Sixteenth street. New York City. injuring several others. At min 31 The wounded. parties small, k , lost their heads and were unable to caught In th place, but only four were farmers living bear Oleta, Woodward There t cistern at the bottom of of the Central Coal & Coke company emL. succor unfortunate a the Fred Thomas, passengers placed under arrest. The place was pharmacist and bad blcod has the alr,shaft, and the woman plunged twenty-thre- e small houses were d county, Oklahoma, were was In firemen a The hours several for Springvllle drugstore, ployed heavily fortified with Iron hart at 11 existed for over a year. The parties through the boards which covered it, mollshed and about thirty others were found dead in bed one morning last unable to enter the station or the the doors and w In dow but a s, squad cf met at a public well, and la the al and into the water. The police car- blown from thrlr foundations or rolled dense smoke detectives succeeded , week. ' It appears fce had taken some tunnel, owing tgth over on their sidoa. At mine 37 of the la catching the tercatlon young Cccpe- - shot Barrett ried h!r to tne hospital and there It same company, a number of other medicine to reHeve pxla, which had which poured out In black clouda "lookouts" eff their guard and dashed in the face with a lead of fine shot was found that the Injuries were not hour were daiw'qed. In both camps . affected . his heart and caused . hi 4 Most of th Victim are from the through the front door when It was Barrbtt then seized a shotgun and serious despite the great distance sue perhaps twenty five or thirty person ; death. middle and working classes, as the WW a trifle open. were injured slightly. killed both the Coopers. The murderer had dropped. Mrs. Gilbert McClurg la the win... ' Woodward. ; Is In JalLRusal - - Many Injured at Balt Game. Lead. x ner of the 1 50 prize for th! beet ode Grand Chief Arthurs Successor, Striklng Russians Paralyze Business. to Wed. Old Toe Never London disTimes The s Four persons are dead, at least on Irrigation offered by the board of jjtfntaa W, E. Stone ef Eldon. IsJ division ' Firm In London have received mail It Is announced that former Gov- patch from Shanghai which says that twelve are thought to be fatally Incontrol of the irrigation congress. J. 181, has been elected to fill the unex- - advices from Kteff. Russ's, which say ernor l.ubteck of Texas was married the anniversary of the capture of jured and fully 150 others are hurt, T. Goodwin of Salt Lake and Miss plred term a gtfnd chjef englcfer ctjHad the strikers have ! completely par-th- e on Wednesday, to Miss Lou Scott of New Jean Macmillan of Ogden wcreV.os Chwang was celebrated last some seriously as the result ot aa business Brotherhood of Locomotive Engl-- ' alyxed and will not allow 111 be the third second a and that M. Crosse, the Rus- accident which occurred Saturday at Abilene, Texas. This leers, made vacant by the death of j finished machinery to be-- delivered time Governor Lubbs k has married. Tuesday sian A crook was arretted la Salt Lake P. M. Issued formal Inv- the Philadelphia National League administrator, Arthur and A- - B. Vohrgson. j frotn manufactories Tha men. tarred HU last wife died ore year ago this itations for the Inauguration ot ,the baseball park. A board walk which City last week who had hi pockets After the election tha executive com- - girls out of dressmaking and ether month: Governor' Lubbeck Is In bl Russian civil administration building, overhung the left fold bleachers fell full of bogus I1W) biH. but owing to ralttoe. cf th! brotherhood said that workshrps under threat to the st-- st of death. The ; spectators, 90th year, tale and hesriy, and the and this was Interpreted .if equivalent the denomination theres not man no fear need be felt of any radical streets are full of soldiers, Nearly ICO perrons reived fractures b Is fcnde'i to He j raid accord!.! ycurv. , to u the representv of the lmbs, De atlons of the bead, people in tbl secllpu that are hkes charges fn the policy of the brother-'t- o thee advices, and sheeting occurs weaoby IT was tberotfederat vcv livestheofdeclaration the Other powers that they broken noso, enrtiiFlons of the bead to have been "taken In" by th? coxa' trod, that the new grand ch'ef will (dally. The price cf bread vas vltb cf captured Texas; rrrr has could not claim n footeg of equality and 1 but their cord.tljn 1 no t i terf alter. out the conservative policy 9d-- l H11 fer cent, and la st'R gcHg n rion jpjfrt.ym Davis and Jrhn ti. Reavau or rights In this Chinese treaty port er!onbody, Tit between ear of the the are clore rotated by the late phief Arthur. t the tioeps working the waterworks ft. ft. JOltfS, tutor Mr. sad ftntMM 4 ll 'j V Demands Punishment of Mur- derer of ConsuL J Th czar haa demanded the exemplary punishment not only of tha murderer of the Russian consul at Mon-astiwho wa killed last week by Turkish gens darmes. but of all ths military and civil official In any way responsible for the crime. The assassination of the Russian Consul at Monastlr, M. RoatkovoakL la the second murder ot a Russian consul In Macedonia Within a few months, and ha created Intense Indigestion in St. Petersburg. According to the report mad by th official now tn charge of the Russian consulate at Monastlr, ths murderer Is a Th consul asked his name because, in defiance of Ine structions, the did not salute him. The thereupon fired several shots, mortally wounding th consul In the head and hip. The horse drawing the carriage In which the consul wa riding received two bullets and shot were also fired at the coachman. Russians are very much Incensed over the affair, and unless full reparation 1 made, trouble la sure to Thousand MAKES DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO " BREAK JAIL.' th r, -- , gen-darm- gen-d'arm- gen-d'arm- e vAr-gol- d v- - WHERE THE LITTLE JAP SLIPS fj rt r,' fr n three-year-ol- -- fj 0. the WilyRusslan No U radio-nlousl- y . panic-stricke- -- ' CR-- rv itates. V |