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Show j A SAD SONG. j I.ove Is the light of ths world, mr dear, t H.lsMi... but the world Is ,lm.,y; C?s- The II. ht hss fellr.l sii.l the lamp dowa ' r hurled. , 5 Leave, only dnrkness to me. j. f f I-ove Is the llsht of the world, my dear. ' Ah me. but 11,.. world Is dreary if ! The nlslil Is down nod my curtain rurled, II V Hut I con not sleep, thousll wesry. I ' 1 " Love I- the Until of the world, my dear, 7T . j Ales tor I. hopele.s pl,. i W hen Iho fl ,me went out In the brecas f i - that aelrled. r . . And a eoul went blindly groplof. f Paul lurence Liuntiar. , : . . i . i . i j . i |