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Show Watwri.w Weber River, The lollovi,,, extract ol a letter received re-ceived ibi week by W.tr Commit-lloner Commit-lloner T. 1. All.-n Irom Bute Engineer rioreiuot it tlit How ol water In the Welier rlvwior n,t week ending Aug. It: "Thete u (, mtrk tBiinf Thnrtday.lAug. Cth, a tnttl average daily flow 1u ih. ,w (,f 076.U7 cutiir: feet ter ti owiil, Including hO.tll tecond- ' feet that t .,! from the Canyon Creek reeervnir. Thit total flow wat all diverted di-verted and tw, hy the teveral ranalt of of the yii" andai between the teveral countiei WMppor,ionf) (oiiowi: nminltcoilitv si (ill 2nd feet Moreen oi miy 3.53 " i lavit ecwnu, Inclodmt tnpply I'mreteivoir.. WV.07 " Weber cooaty.; 1W 78 ' Total. 7.A? 2nd feet C(.mmlti'r Allen fnrniihed ut the following tN ibowing the tilled acreage acre-age In the Mowing countlra and the amount of witir owl daily per lOOacret: i Summit eot.ttv, 2.10:'.4 a. rei; 1.M leet. Morgan coui'.v, 8 I0 acrea; l.Wt feet. , I I'avia count?, Xma aeree; .VI feet. Welr unit, I7.3t acret; .61 feet. |