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Show I i x..'X I j ''""...ii.fc,..i" I Har Inexpanilve Hat Jie wanted a daablng bat for t j Mountain reaort lo which aba waa 4 (olnc, and her money waa all but , apeoL Ho alia botirfot a picture ahape of a tawny lara atraw, rather an odd InoklnR thing lif reanon of Ita color. Ehe trimmed It with amall flame-cul-orad oatrlrh Upi, and tha reaull waa picturesque, daahlnt chapeau. Tha featheta cninulotr-ljr eurlrrled lha low crown, and there waa no othar trimming. trim-ming. It waa novel and Individual, and atriklnRlr topiied uB whlla, black, and lluen color gowna. ' Red Linen Gown. Oown of red linen, trimmed with tltrhed banda and atrapa of tha material ma-terial and with llnrn covered buttona. Tha blouae la jf trimmed around tha ann-a!za bo (V lr0 faahlon with T (V7i u-'"''. f rotn 'Ao 'V "hlch "l,'"1 it '' alrapa faatoned at "(X'j Hb but- I tona. Tb aland- If VK. '"" follr l of If I Iilh lara. fl I I J Tl" 0,ld "leere Jl ' ' ,B ,wo Parta; a y'-vf' ehort upper part, ' J ' JJ lurked on tha out-Mi?.'. out-Mi?.'. Xlr ,,, tnij trimmed wllb tha banda, and tha unrieraleev ttirked all round, tba tm ka openli g out tu form a puir I whlrh la nrr-M with lined tuka end leathered Into a rult of Irlfh lure, like the collar, lha aklrl la trimmed at tha bottom In an odd ny with the atltched band. The pintle la of tlia maturlal. Wiener Mode Album. ' Pretty Scroll Pattarna. Very pretty nrti Hie m acrnll rat-tenia rat-tenia In lilai k and wh'te. 1 hi'se make j tin rlinruilimly llh tho plnln anottrd ' nniflln or lace flclm. The aklrta ol I aura frork look well rut with flvo t frllla round the hrm and only Jtial j' long enough to touch tho ground. The aleevee inuat tie vory boul'aut and If you gi-t a I' od pattern thor are out , dlfllcult to niake. 1 Pretty White Silk Walat Biotia of white toiitalne. The . j Pr part 1 of the fS blouaa la tucked, Vij forming a aort of X , p bolero, bordored W( with four rowa of - 'TJv black Tolvet rlb-T rlb-T ' ' ' '- Min ornamented K J..V. w1"' "ltl" uul' V' ' '"j'VX ,un' Tl1 blouaa j. j. J ) ,. foliar and aleore Jf1 ' , j . ' ; puffa are of gul- V ' !y,JS'-, The collar la fv J tared with black i ( srj '. ', J clvol rlbhoo laat- ; 'J torn with buttona and penilanta. The . bottom of tha alocve la trimmed wllb i black velvet, aa are alao the rulta of the allk. The draped (Irdle la of black jflvet. Wiener Cblc. ', Llrjt.t and Dark Color. 4 Thore la alwnya a cerlt'ln amount f of d.miter when pita colore are Wfirn on thu bend, auch a pale green, riaiive, eic. They nmy be bountiful In tlieuuelvea, tint they are trying eveu to pretty facea and good com- i plevlnna. Do, tailing It all. round. '' onrki-r lirluia ahould be unlvuraally da ' r. uour. To erv with meat: . Com-'d beef. nnitard. lUi&tl duck, orancit anlnd. Knrtled beef, lioueradl- h. ; I.cliter cutlet, t aut-o tnrlare. ; H'mt picriiilj-nn, Itreud mre. 1'ork en uneites, toiuiio rtuc. Coll IoIImI ri. rnue plmitnte. Bueolhrcad (tlllrt. I' m Ihuim-I aur. 1 HecJ birds, Irh J liomltiy, with ecl- .! try. I'nrk rnnnpi, tnrl app!o aauce or frl.d hj"'. ) iit'.i-iiv t' nniio aauro, grated ' Tn i- c ivi i' e'. 1 f. Id li'i l' I I..V io. enure torture or ' olnc at.n':e.l with p'"it";a. . ; Clmrn-lt-g Ctlrrrrrr CutMt. A t!:l Mm' of el,. -colored ullk ' nil tin l ciii!'iclii.Ti-d wllb irrcrnhr- ) ly pUi.'d ilolH if n'-nclrm red, each ;' d-d no r itri!e. liv a rlrclo of wlille. j Thh ih t '; tin' elTo.-t of lmvli'R i teen rrii'i.cncd on tlie iMiii'.iu. Tlio '.' full lil.l:! con-l-u of Unci Uritn, ' hl:rcd pura ) li o-l ! r-.iin.r liv banllnrs i f anllrjiie lne Vn e. lor of the n-. T!:' re a n. iu'C tlnMioil ! by a il' 'ii Inci M I. the pointa of the l:uo tlirio'd uottiiril and the tic fitm 'f t!i" ii' li t la fio c.l with a lou d of ' '. yer.1l ji red velvet rllibon. Tim hnd- e. V.M h f 'l I r In til" ti".-!., (,:,.., tie i--al pl.in if lie n'lit ami ci n-'Hh n-'Hh two tiM' re I fill, -mil two tons of t! o In. h,,.. I', n. Tho r'i- nr.- 'lv f.-.'. The niuv lm Ii ' 'y k. Iin l ov.-r t'io sluul- v . dera and the upper part of the aleere. Ilelow thla fall two dee-p, pointed ruf-flea ruf-flea of allk mualln rlouliled. Huyernl knota of red velvet connect the aleetea and the rulTloa, whlrh fall only to the elbow, and thera la a touch of rod alao on the collar. A charming hat of red atraw and pop-plea pop-plea goea with thla gown. Eit.'BrtfASSEd fimart while voile coatumea Bra Diada entirely white. Kcru mualln gowna trimmed In black lara and black velvet are very faahlonahle. The rollarleaa bodice, with elbow eleerra, la fanbliin'B favorite for both afternoon and evening tollettoa for aunimer. Woolen fabrlra, far leaa than for aenaona pait, are not being uned for country and aeaalde frock a. I.lnrna and niualltia are much mora popular. In white tailored coatumea and aep-arata aep-arata aklrta butcher'a linen la moat favored. Tha aulta are made with a blouae or a coat In the atjlo of a cor-aot cor-aot mat. The now aklrt flare preaenta the qnratlon of a allff faring. The new atuffa fur thla pnrpoae are yery dlffe ent from the old crinoline, rraah or duck: they are both elaatlc and llgbt, yut product admirably the no flare. Lateat Auto Coat One of the newest automobllo coata for the aummer girl who wanta to ho prepared for any emergency In whlla linen, three-quarter Inngth, and belted with red leather. The belt la run thrniiKh little atrapa of whlta rib bon which are anwed to the coal on tha outalda. Wllb thla there la a neat little white llnon hat with a hood Juat large enough to lnrloe tha hair. A while aalln ribbon Hot under the chin, giving the hat a piquancy moat decerning. Of courao, a whit linen dual coat baa on drawback In that It aolla In a day, but thla la a thing for which on muat be prepared In thla aummer of whit good. t-ngllau walnuta and polatoea make a mvory aprlng aalad. llreak each Intoploi ea the alieofa pea. then cover cov-er with any good aalad druaalng. A dnlnty aaluii la made by abred-dlng abred-dlng frtHh pineapple on lettuce hearta and aervlng with mayounalae drea-lug. drea-lug. burvt with cbveaeatrawa or wafer. wa-fer. A lour tltud allver fork la a convenient conven-ient uteunll for chopping tender vi'i-utahli'B, vi'i-utahli'B, mixing potuioea and meat or root oil iu with Hour lu making griddle grid-dle cakea, etc, Vlncj-Ar In uno of tho wnrat dietetic artldea to be found o.i tho everyday tntiUt. It hltute-a tho illi'.entlv clianrea that taku place lu the upper pait of the InlOitltie. I'lecea if old Velveteen ahould he wutihpj and tiaeil (or pollahlng. They are an cM-ellunt auhntitule (nr chain-nia chain-nia leniher and may ba ued aa vaally aa au ordinary tin ntir. Water for boiling fiah ahould al-waya al-waya be at the bulling point when the flat la put In. Fait and a few table apoontulii of vlrc ar ahiitild alio have been added. Tho latter la aald lo keep tbo fleih Aim and wbltu. Arranging a Salad. In arruiiKli K a tulrid iiinalder that It muHt bo a pli'iisliij; talilo decora tion aa well aa a palatable dlah. An artlMtlc and dellcloua aalad, like a good aotip, may redirem an otherwise hopeleaa dinner, aa It pleaaea all th aenaea and leavea an lmpreaon that rounterarta the effoeta of badly cooked mi-ftta and vegetablua. Sewing en Button. When aewlng on buttona with holea through them, lay a pin over th hut-Ion, hut-Ion, ao that the thread with whlrh yon are aewlng will take In tha pin. After paaalng the thread throurh the button a often aa neceaaary pull out the pin and wind th thread around between th button and th cloth. Thla will form a neck for th button, making It at once eaalor to futon and atxongor. Chlld'a Frock. Delightful ellecta In children'! dreaara are produced by the ua of ribbon run beading. bead-ing. In th little frock pictured her V,tsS th body haa two I'VVv narrow box plalta rV' running over th iV' 'fr ahouldor, between i V'It whlrh la th rib- it"'' bon-run beading. YrJ Thla decoration la '! I'?fll alao carried out In (jj) - Jli th front and bark Ti at th top of th J bloua portlona. ' Tbla charming lit-tl lit-tl frrxk la very pretty mad up In tb daintily colored dlmillea, organdlea and lawnt, nalng either blark velvet or colored ribbon In th embroidery beading. II la alao pretty In the whit waab material cblna allk, awlaa or pong. Shoulder Capea of Irlah Laea. Th deep abotildar capa a feature nt ao many aummer frocka thla yoar CLOVK SACHET. V.i,-...f . . n,f-i ,1'r 1 Of yellow allk of the empire abade. The Until denlgn meat rbararterlatlo of the empire la embroidered In fancy braid. Tba Bower and leavea are wrought by aluiund abaped figure and knota of gold, while the heavy cord and taaael effoct lendi a brilliant note. Line the aachot with white aatln and edge It with whfirtyk cord. la made in Irlah lace and la, of courae, detachable,, ao that It can be cleaned eeparately when neceaaary. In front the cape la foatoaed by little butterdy bow of velvet. . Taking Off Precklaa. Imon julc entera Into th cotnpo-alllon cotnpo-alllon of many proparatlODa for th cur of freckle. On part of Jamaica rum to two parta lemon juice la the fuvorlta preacrlption of one beauty, who flnda that Ih rum tonea up her akin while tbo lemon ahltcna It. Kqual part.-t of roae wuter and glycerine, with enough lemon Juice added to make the face feel It, la bcnotlclal for free-klea; free-klea; alao for aunbum. Red Silk Wairt Fancy walat of j red loulalne trim- ofCifl med ovor tbevJH ahouldera w 1 1 h bauda of fancy V '' "-1 black allk faKotlng A WIV ovor white taffeta. Th collar and two JpL aota of rev era ar t. of guipure bo '. S'JifN dered wllb rod vel- Al, r'.AVA ' (!'WIhW Th aleove are -j.Zs;jl U very full al the 'l.f bottom and gatb- ; ' ,7 JfiU ered lulu deep ii. 'pfff j cufta of tbo allk-iK and velvet, tho'r? Td upper port of tlie'lk JS-iJ allk trimmed with y ' VT banda of the fnym- I Y ting uver white. W The girdle la of red velvet.-Wiener Cblc. 1'rltiti and other colored fabric that are lr.cllr.ed to faila when waahed hould bo annked In a't water before being wa-hed lu inuinuda. Tha aalt-ler aalt-ler the water the mine llUoly the ma-teilul ma-teilul la to hold Ita col ir. |