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Show SWEPT BY TIDAL WAVES. ' A Number f South Sea Islands Ap-I Ap-I pear Doomed to Destruction. It would loom that the nlnoty Islands Isl-ands known variously an th I) archipelago or Tuamotu group, ar destined to be reclaimed by th Pacific Pa-cific ocean. Last Jauuary they wer swept by ft flood composed of high waves from th ocean and th lesser onus from th enclosed lagnona, and In foiiaeuuenc) nearly COO of tho Inhabitants wer drowned and property tu the value of $500,000 wns detstrojed. And row, sis months Inter, fierce (.-alee from the ' southwest and southeast hnvo again caused grent purging crents lo sweep ovor aome of thn inlands. So far only four persons are hi Ueveil to hav perished, lint the fear In grout thst when all tho Islands aro heard from there may be a distressing list of totalities. to-talities. I Tho steamer Eicelslor suffored ; much damage during the series of ! gales, while she wan on her trip from I Tahiti to the Marquesas group. I Tbre of th Tuamotu Islands were ander waior to such an eitent that the Inhabitants had to cltmb eoeoamit tree for aatoty. Houses and si or ess. copra and finally the ooronnut trees were destroyed, while tho Inhabitant had a close call to death. It 1 thought most of t Islands ot th (roup wor visited by the storm. |