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Show Chinese Besuty In America. Tho loveliest type of a Chinese woman New York has ever aeen arrived ar-rived there a few daya ago with her husband. I.I Chlng Hsu. a nephew of the late I.I Hung Chang. Shu 1,1. the wife, although only I feet tall, la of a perfect figure. Great manses of coal-black coal-black hair adorn her shapely head and t no lids of her large eyes, with their long laahea, aro roquottlahly marked In the Chinese fashion with black rlrga. Through her hair, confined In a net, aro run two gold plus, tho ends of which open out Into erameted anil bcjewelcd funs. 1.1 Chlng Hau. who apenks excellent English, will vlalt the Chinese minister In Washington before leaving for tbelr own borne via Vancouver. |