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Show Mr. Kr.iifr-S M.rrew Kscspw, Paul Kretiper, of Houtb. lluud, Ind, ' retiring township trustee, upon casting ' up his accounts found himself $r,,000 abort, and, without waiting fur a reexamination, re-examination, nnd Hourly crazy with ei-cltonlent, ei-cltonlent, he notified some of bis bonds-nion, bonds-nion, and there wbh tle mlechlef to pity. The deputy county auditor found Kreuper toying with a revolver and well nigh dlHlrn.i d, nnd tlio deputy sent I, lin home und rolled. n an expert. A re cxnmlnntlno, demonHlrntod that not only waa tncre no adoring, but that a balance was due to Mr. Kroiipor. |