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Show DEVICE FOR WOOING SLEEP J Most of tho mental devices for wooing sleep have failed bet ause they have nearly alwaya tried to resort to "local treatment;" In olhor worda, they have niulo a homeopathic attempt at-tempt to stop thlul.lug hy thinking about aomcthliiK cNe-a procers which might also he called "elimination "elimina-tion by siilislltulon." Dm all thinking, think-ing, spontaneous or forced, draws moro or less blood to the brain, pre-venta pre-venta deep In'iniiitloiis ami bars the pile to the kingdom of dreams. Any device, en the other hand, which will make one take deep, long breaths spontaneously (the Invariable forerunner fore-runner of Bleep) may be counted upim as a genuine remedy for Insomnia. Even deep breathing which Is forced Is better than any purely mental attempt at-tempt to win sleep, says (loud Housekeeping, House-keeping, llut If the deep breathing ran bo produced Involuntarily one le sure of a passport U Nod laud. After several nights of experiments to this end the present writer decided to np-I np-I ply the principal adopted by the masseurs, mas-seurs, who begin their manipulation "at the point farthest from the Beat of difficulty," which. In the case ot Insomnia, would be the foot Lying on the right side, with tho knees together, to-gether, ,and considerably flexed, the victim of liinoinnla stmuld begin to pedal both bis feet slowly up and down, with the movement entirely In tho ankles. The pedaling should keop time with the natural rhythm of ros-plnttlon ros-plnttlon and bo eontlnumd until It Is followed by deep and spontaneous , breathing. Heverul people who have tried tills remedy report Uiat Involuntary Invol-untary deep breathing Invariably begins be-gins before they have pedal od up and down a 1k07.cn Mmcw. In obstinate cases of Insomnia the pstloivt may t Deed to keep up the pedaling two or g three minutes, or even more, with la- i termlsslone. It necessary. The treat ment may also be varied by moving j the feet alternately, instead ot slmul- I taneoualy. though the latter method haa proved the more speedily office !' clone In the rases known to the ' writer.' Tbe explanation of the result ' obtained la probably simple. Ttie - ' 1 is J blood Is pumped from tbe bead, aud with the removal of brain tension, a general relaxation follows, with a sequent se-quent deep respiration and Its result- 1 leg sleep, |