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Show Dsmanted Men Killed. Another fatality ha resulted It the pursuit of tho convict who escaped from th Folsom prison. An unknown man was killed near Davlsvlllo, Cal., Friday night. Whllo his Identltjr has net been established. It aeema almost certnln that bo waa not ono of Hie convlrts. The man wna seen srllng ) qiiccrly near a farm house, and when j culled upon by officers to surrender, atirted to run. Tho offlrera flicil n' , him. killing him limtantty. Hlnca hl I denth tho man has been lihutlilnl a j one who has hi-cn In the vicinity lev J etal days bunting woik. He win con-sblered con-sblered ilernH-.ed nientully. Thu of fleer" who killed I1I111 have boon stun-eiated. |