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Show I HINGES OX TOW'S JAIFj RUSTY SI .WE rXCOHiniTIOrV (International Notts Sorvlco) Hammond, Ind., April 5. Since prohibition went into effect hinges oo the Valparaiso jail are bfe wing-rusty wing-rusty from lack of use and tho tor. n is so free from prisoners that ono-armod ono-armod policemen are being empljyod as patrolmen. Louis Kulp. forme 1 Chlcagoan, is the second to be ap-I ap-I pointed. In the firs time In twenty five years the county has no depmy sheriffs. Sheriff W. 13. Fornojj says that the county is so dead that he win sorvc tho rest of his term of office without a deputy.. |